Can I get a hug from my SF4 bros & sisters; I just finished all the hard trials. Abel was the last one I completed, now I can take a little mini-break until SSF4 drops...
with tactile buttons, yeahYoshichan said:Hey if it's possible on console pads...
It's goukens get out of dodge move. Speaking of this matchup, I played possibly the best fuerte I've ever played on psn last night named whooisodis or something like that. Guy was RSFing like no tomorrow, normally it's a hard ass match up for gouken since he has such shitty options on wake up, but I went about 1-1 with him.MIMIC said:So apparently Gouken's EX air flip thingy goes right through Fuerte's EX leg throw.
Balls -_-
You do realize there is a multiple page thread about the iPhone version already.DIRTY-D said:Posted this in the other sf4 thread... but,
It looks like Street fighter 4 is hitting the iphone and itouch this March.....interesting that this will be the first portable handheld version.
robut said:Is the online for xbl borked right now? I don't get my little icon in the middle of the screen when going to arcade and I can't make an online lobby.
*hug*the_log_ride said:Can I get a hug from my SF4 bros & sisters; I just finished all the hard trials. Abel was the last one I completed, now I can take a little mini-break until SSF4 drops...
Yoshichan said:Oh my god what is UP with Akumas randomness?
I'm trying to reset my opponent after light tatsu with mp but it only works 20% of the times and I'm not noticing any difference in my timing when I succeed. Wtf is going on.
Cr.lp works?! Thanks man!FindMyFarms said:It's just a tight link, no randomness. You're using CR. mp right? If you wanna forgo some damage, you can just use cr. lp. It's a lot easier.
Yoshichan said:Cr.lp works?! Thanks man!![]()
UC1 said:It's -2 for all version except HK which is -3. Generally you can't punish it, you have to interrupt it with an anti-air, or FA absorb it (only on the way down! EX is 2 hit, block the first hit, watch out for reversals). Claw has good dashes, so if you FA, absorb, dash cancel, then throw or some other high priority attack, you should hit him. Otherwise you might be able to let the FA go and hit or crumple. Maybe FA backdash and MK as the safest option? Or try flipping the last hit, that might work...
Ronabo said:I ran into this one Vega player that used the back flip move to avoid a headbutt attempt and then would throw immediately afterwards. I could never tech the throw and it worked everytime. It drove me crazy. I couldn't beat him during the half dozen matches we did.
the_log_ride said:Can I get a hug from my SF4 bros & sisters; I just finished all the hard trials. Abel was the last one I completed, now I can take a little mini-break until SSF4 drops...
_dementia said:Chris Hu pic
Quick matches work just fine for me, but I get faster connects by creating a match.Kimosabae said:Is it always difficult to find a Quick Match in Championship Mode?
And where does one find the replays?
seb of FADC is selling them to support his siteFindMyFarms said:Holy shit! I want one! haha
dragonballjoseph said:Quick matches work just fine for me, but I get faster connects by creating a match.
And you can find replays in the leaderboards tab.
MIMIC said:*HUG*
Which trial did you think was the hardest? Out of them all, Ken's #5 was killing me cuz I could never get that air hurricane kick to connect.
Kimosabae said:Meant to post this here:
Who's considered best Ken right now?
Kimosabae said:Meant to post this here:
Who's considered best Ken right now?
I play honda and I have alot of trouble with vega actually. You can punish his mp/hp headbutt on block with slide, or all sorts of other shit. Also, either vega's jumping fierce or roundhouse beat out all of hondas headbutts with the exception of ex I believe. Many Hondas don't know this but belly flop beats out Barcelona dive, so throw out a couple of those at him and see how he reacts. Backflip to avoid hb and splash is a good idea, but don't abuse it too much, a smart honda will delay his hb and punish you with that shit.AZ Greg said:I need your help GAF Honda players. As a Vega player, I'm trying to figure out if I'm approaching this match wrong or if it is just a horrible matchup for Vega. What, if anything, do Vega players do to give you trouble?
I'm getting owned by Hondas who just spam headbutt and then spam that rising butt smash move once they are in close. I can punish the Honda headbutt with standing MK on block, but the chip damage from the headbutt almost does the same damage as my punish. I can also punish a non-ex headbutt with ex barcelona attack but the damage isn't much against Honda and because I have to be careful approaching him I don't build meter like I do against most other characters. I'm even more lost against the rising butt smash move. Does anyone know the frame numbers for Honda when that move is blocked both on the way up and the way down? It feels like I can't punish it at all as they'll immediately do another one or an ex version once they land. There's probably a general way to approach dealing with this move but I don't know it.
This matchup makes me love the Shoto/Sagat players as they seem to keep the Honda population in check.![]()
UC1 said:So many good combovids out lately, look at this one~ I didn't know Seth could post-dizzy combo his ultra (pretty rare for SF4...)
Yes, I remember a local Gameworks or something got a cab. Woot Sea Town!Timedog said:I decided today that I'm moving from Spokane to Seattle. Any SF4 arcade machines in Sea Town?
You only bought it for the Chun-Li/Mai pic didn't you.GalacticAE said:Ordered a copy of SF20: Art of Street Fighter today. I'm pretty excited for it to come. I was pretty happy with Eternal Cahllenge, Capcom Design Works, and Udon's Art of Capcom. I go through them every once in a while and get inspired to draw some SF or something. I only wish I could've gotten a hold of a hard cover print like my other Udon books. There's supposed to be a Street Fighter history book coming out next month too. I'll probably pick that up as well.
Trick_GSF said:I got this game yesterday and have been playing it tonight. I am really terrible, no really terrible.
I'd tell you my online stats, but you wouldn't even find it funny, you'd find it pathetic.
XenoRaven said:You only bought it for the Chun-Li/Mai pic didn't you.
the_log_ride said:I watched this vid and part 2 as well. There're some pretty damn interesting setups. The Dan combos are hilarious... EX-Gadouken x4, Ultra on E. Honda :lol
Timedog said:I decided today that I'm moving from Spokane to Seattle. Any SF4 arcade machines in Sea Town?
chriskun said:I play honda and I have alot of trouble with vega actually. You can punish his mp/hp headbutt on block with slide, or all sorts of other shit. Also, either vega's jumping fierce or roundhouse beat out all of hondas headbutts with the exception of ex I believe. Many Hondas don't know this but belly flop beats out Barcelona dive, so throw out a couple of those at him and see how he reacts. Backflip to avoid hb and splash is a good idea, but don't abuse it too much, a smart honda will delay his hb and punish you with that shit.
XenoRaven said:You only bought it for the Chun-Li/Mai pic didn't you.
I think it might depend on the angle when you try to anti-air it. Sometimes I got it to work (can't remember if it traded or not), but a lot of the time she will beat it clean anyways. Think you might have an easier time countering Chun-Li's kick with Dhalsim's medium punch anti-air, but it's been a long while since I've last played so don't be surprised if I'm wrong.AZ Greg said:GGs.
The hazanshu rushdown was getting me pretty good there in the end. It was good practice though. I really need to be in the air and teleport more. And the arms actually work pretty good against her. The only time you would really punish them is when I was getting predictable and always hitting fierce after I'd knock you back with Dhalsim's knee AA.
The one thing that was making me mad was that you were able to jump around as much much as you wanted almost for free. Does Chun's jumping HK always trade with Dhalsim's knee AA? Or was it just always trading due to our connection? Early on you had a pretty predictable pattern where you'd focus, dash forward, and then jump in. Even knowing it was coming at best I would get a trade.![]()
Yoshichan said:What's the point of going to standing lp in a combo with Ken?
For example:
cr. lp xx standing lp xx cr lp
instead of just
cr. lp xx cr.lp xx cr.lp
Edit - Needed to ask this after have seen tons of Maximillian videos![]()
UC1 said:Not sure about the combos you listed, but standing LP gives an extra 2 frame window to link into something else, usually crouching MK.