Alligator F*ck House
Ken >>>>> Ken
Sagat -> Sagat -> Sagat -> SagatBotoxAgent said:Hey guys, just curious, how many characters did you cycle through when SFIV first came out until you found your main?
Me it was Ryu-->Dhalsim-->Rog-->Chun Li
secondary: Dictator-->Rufus-->Cammy
BotoxAgent said:Hey guys, just curious, how many characters did you cycle through when SFIV first came out until you found your main?
Me it was Ryu-->Dhalsim-->Rog-->Chun Li
secondary: Dictator-->Rufus-->Cammy
FindMyFarms said:you'd only have 4 frames to cancel into the shoryuken
Timedog said:ken's cr. fp has 22 frame hitstun. SRK startup is 3 frames startup. Leaving a 19 frame window to react + input the SRK motion (if i'm understanding how frame data works). This is 316.67 milliseconds. Human reaction time is around 200ms, but let's say he's really good and has 180ms reaction time. Leaving him 136.67ms to input the dragon punch motion, not accounting for display lag with the monitor. That's a rate of about 7.5 SRK's per second. I'm thinking he's probably not hit confirming it, but I don't know, how fast do the pros input commands?
How do you guys score on this online reaction time test?
Soneet said:PC.
Main: Cammy
Secondary: Sakura > Rose >>> Chun Li > Viper > Claw > Boxer > Dan > Guile > Gouken > Abel > El Fuerte
Top tier scrubs.
Edit: Wait, how does the arrow work? In my case it means I play it more ">".
UC1 said:Cancel windows are usually a bit bigger than the amount of active frames (unless it's totally different for SF4). They're generally not listed in the frame data tho. AFAIK they are usually active + a few frames of recovery. It might even be active + hit pause, but you never see that listed anywhere either.
Oh okay. Then it would be...black_vegeta said:Example: I mained Ryu first->then Sagat->then Bison->then Sim (currently maining)
I'm not great with that match-up either, but it might be reasonably even in the end if both players know what to do unless I got the wrong impression. I think it might help if you fight him a little more patiently than most characters (but not as bad as against Zangief of course) and pay attention to his EX meter if you aren't doing that already. Renta already covered everything else, so I'll leave it at that.AZ Greg said:GGs.
Yeah, I still need to work on my Dhalsim close game. Just picked him up recently and am still ironing out a lot of things. I really need to use his back dash more, but that's something I rarely if ever use when I play as Vega or some of my other secondaries. Also need to figure out a way to deal with Balrog as he's a pain in the ass for my Dhalsim. Not sure if I'm approaching the match wrong of it's just one of his bad match-ups. The Vega matches were frustrating since you have a style that really hurts my play. I tend to be pretty offensive with him, probably to a fault, and you were playing against him pretty defensively which generally leads to me eventually eating a stray headbutt, Rufus target combo to ultra, etc... Really need to learn to sit on life leads (and not throw out ex sky high claws when you have ultra with Abel :lol).
I'm probably gonna hit up EVO this year too. No excuse with it only being about a 4-5 hour drive from where I live. GO GO GAF meet-up!
Yoga Flame also works at mid-range and some dash punches can go straight through a Yoga Tower, but the latter approach is more a show-off gimmick than anything else. EX Yoga Fire is naturally also one of Dhalsim's options if he has meter to spare.Rentahamster said:3) Counter EX dash punches with a throw.
Random fun fact: El Fuerte can't 'leap' over Dhalsim with his Guacamole airthrow if he's using Yoga Tower. Comes in handy from time to time, such as when a Fuerte is trying to get away from your Ultra on wake-up.AZ Greg said:Also getting more comfortable with the Chun match-up, well, at least against some of the random ones I've played over the last couple of days. Yoga Tower works wonders when you have her zoned to that area where your opponent wants to use hazanshou/cr.RH. You generally get a free punish if she uses the hazanshou or can reset your spacing if she whiffs the cr.RH. I've also found that rather than trying to AA her with b.RH or b.MP using st.RH right before she hits you will beat her j.HK and trade in Sim's favor if she uses and times j.HP right.
BotoxAgent said:AZ Greg - I wanna play your dhalsim again tonight if you're free, hit me up!I want to experiment a few new things that will hopefully give me more tools in this matchup.
Lost Fragment said:BTW, I'll mirror what LakeEarth said about your Sim. You use throws too much when you're at close distance. That's something you'll pay for, especially if you're fighting Viper who Sim has a lot of trouble with anyway.
You're starting to get really good with Sim though. I feel kinda douchey picking Viper sometimes when you pick Sim since it's just a downright terrible match for him :lol
MicVlaD said:Random fun fact: El Fuerte can't 'leap' over Dhalsim with his Guacamole airthrow if he's using Yoga Tower. Comes in handy from time to time, such as when a Fuerte is trying to get away from your Ultra on wake-up.
Timedog said:What exactly is an input buffer and how does it work? I'm probably going to try to make a shitty fighting game a/o a PC arcade stick trainer sometime in the future after I take more programming classes.
the_log_ride said:Really now, though. How much of a close-up game does Sim have?
Whenever someone closes the gap on me, or gets in my face, I'm doing my best to more space between us again.
AZ Greg said:When I mention improving my Dhalsim close game I'm not necessarily talking offensively, but rather being able to handle your opponent's offensive onslaught and getting yourself back to good spacing without getting hurt too badly.
ptown said:I want to play more gaf people. I am kid-tested,I owned Farms! I also touched Ono's side boob! (Okay, maybe not...)
PSN: familymanup
Youuuuu don't play Guile. I haven't seen one Guile match on your u2b channel!Kadey said:Guile
Grifter said:What about kara-throws? Ken's seems to get a longer window than say...Akuma's s.HP.
Majestros said:Youse guyses cancelability frame data is off. You have the entirety of impact freeze to cancel a normal move. In SF4 you also have the entirety of startup to do it, since SF4 only has one-frame karas (with some random exceptions like Sagat's F+LK). That's why you can do post-KO cancels btw.
I wrote an article about this in case anyone wants to get into the details: Impact Freeze (aka hitstop)
But if you're just wondering about the latest you can cancel, SF4 impact freeze for hard attacks is around 12 frames which is a fifth of a second so 200ms. It can be done (especially by a 3S player who's used to hit-confirming everything) but there's probably better/safer ways to play the game.
Youuuuu don't play Guile. I haven't seen one Guile match on your u2b channel!
How are you holding your stick?dragonballjoseph said:So I'm practicing my stick work with Ryu and I can't even SRk super cancel.
I'm getting the hang of the focuses, but I can't grab worth a crap.![]()
I could be wrong about this, but I believe there are a few recovery frames when you land. He might be attacking in that window. That's of course unless I imagined this whole thing and he's hitting you while you're still slightly in the air, or you're blocking low and he's using his overhead.TheExodu5 said:I'm not understanding this game at all. Finally having someone to play against, I'm playing again. I'm maining Cammy.
Okay, now my friend uses Balrog, and I use Cammy. All of his regular punches beat out my kicks (in both range and priority). When he specials and I'm about to land, I hold back and it doesn't block it. When I special and he's in the air, he holds back and it blocks it just fine. What's up with that? Other than that, he plays fairly defensively and I have no good initiating moves from what I can tell. If I go at him from the air he'll do the headbutt. If I go at him from the ground his punches beat out my kicks. How do I beat him?
Other than that, are there any decent videos showing me the basics of what I need to know?
dragonballjoseph said:So I'm practicing my stick work with Ryu and I can't even SRk super cancel.
I'm getting the hang of the focuses, but I can't grab worth a crap.![]()
Procarbine said:Got my stick two weeks ago, I feel you man. The best advice I can give you is the hell with all the fancy holding techniques, finger placement, w/e. Sit down and start playing, however you naturally did it will work fine for you. All you have to do is practice and try to contain the rage.
Majestros said:Youse guyses cancelability frame data is off. You have the entirety of impact freeze to cancel a normal move. In SF4 you also have the entirety of startup to do it, since SF4 only has one-frame karas (with some random exceptions like Sagat's F+LK). That's why you can do post-KO cancels btw.
I wrote an article about this in case anyone wants to get into the details: Impact Freeze (aka hitstop)
But if you're just wondering about the latest you can cancel, SF4 impact freeze for hard attacks is around 12 frames which is a fifth of a second so 200ms. It can be done (especially by a 3S player who's used to hit-confirming everything) but there's probably better/safer ways to play the game.
Youuuuu don't play Guile. I haven't seen one Guile match on your u2b channel!