These Final Round matches are on point, so much talent over there.
Come on PR Rawg!
Come on PR Rawg!
black_vegeta said:These Final Round matches are on point, so much talent over there.
Come on PR Rawg!
dankir said:Let this be a lesson learned..... If you ever see this on SFIV
Rentahamster said:Hah, they're arm wrasslin'
I think the meter management and super combos of 2d fighters adds a lot to the games, it's something I'm kind of surprised 3d fighters have never tried to implement. (As far as I know anyway...)DarkoMaledictus said:Watching that final round feed... somehow I lost all interest once tekken started! Matches end too fast and are not that interesting strat wise...
dankir said:Let this be a lesson learned..... If you ever see this on SFIV
Then time to call for a coffin
I'm going to buy an Elite right now.
Spiderjericho said:Lyte Edge, just take your time. One step at a time.
1) Buy the SE stick preferably the 360.
2) When you have a little bit of money buy the sanwa or seimitsu buttons to replace the stock.
3) Buy a JLF or LS stick to replace the stock.
4) If and only if you're going to local meetings or tourneys, either dual-mod it yourself (there are instructions on SRK) or have someone do it for you (if you provide the parts, in this case a Chimp), you just have to pay for the services. Again, only if you have to.
Like Bistro, I went to Akuma001 on these boards to mod my TE. Great job and support/communication.
And yeah, I'm a little disappointed LI Joe, Sanford, Andre didn't show up nor did the West Coast deem Final Round as a preview for Evo. But then again, we're using a new SF title for Evo, so it doesn't even matter. We're basically in the last hurrah of SFIV.
SnowWolf said:Ugh, this Tekken tournament is taking forever. Now I know what it feels like to be a girl waiting for her boyfriend to finish up at the arcades :lol
Top 8 sfiv is:
Winners - Justin vs Flash, Marn vs PR Balrog
Losers - Vegita-X vs Damdai, Rico Suave vs Jan Del Rio.
SnowWolf said:Ugh, this Tekken tournament is taking forever. Now I know what it feels like to be a girl waiting for her boyfriend to finish up at the arcades :lol
Top 8 sfiv is:
Winners - Justin vs Flash, Marn vs PR Balrog
Losers - Vegita-X vs Damdai, Rico Suave vs Jan Del Rio.
DarkoMaledictus said:Watching that final round feed... somehow I lost all interest once tekken started! Matches end too fast and are not that interesting strat wise...
FindMyFarms said:ugh, stop talking
Saying matches don't look appealing to you is one thing, saying they're not interesting strat wise when you don't know what you're talking about is just ignorant.
DarkoMaledictus said:Chill guy, its an opinion and last time I checked the SS are out of style. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, take or leave but dont talk shit!
Btw I did play my share of Tekken, including the last itteration... just stating my opinion thats all!
FindMyFarms said:That's not an opinion, you're just straight up sayin something wrong like you know what you're talkin about.
Also, say what you want, but you sound like someone that saw tekken for the first time *OMG JUGGLES WHAT* My opinion is you're clueless about tekken. And btw Playing "your fair share of tekken" =/= being anywhere near knowledgeable.
If you gonna post dumb pics and call out tekken, then don't be surprised when you get put on blast!
DarkoMaledictus said:Lol ok so the pic did throw you bad! Anyway lets stop waving our e-dicks around and continu on with the plaisantries
FindMyFarms said:Uh, I'm pretty sure it was your ignorance that prompted the response. Anyways, agree to disagree.
I don't agree with Spidey; there are plenty of TE stick deals throughout the year and oftentimes end up below the price of the SE (as was the case last year).Lyte Edge said:All right, thanks. Definitely something to think about. I may just wait until Super comes out and see what is released with it.
CO_Andy said:I don't agree with Spidey; there are plenty of TE stick deals throughout the year and oftentimes end up below the price of the SE (as was the case last year).
If you can hold off a bit then you shouldn't have any trouble finding such.
Spiderjericho said:CO Andy,
I agree with the recent Amazon and Gamestop sales, it would be foolish to purchase to buy the SE.
However, Lyte said money was an issue. So, I gave him an alternative.
I'm looking at Amazon right now (now I'm not sure where Lyte Edge is) but here in the U.S., I can purchase the SE for $45:
Just sayin'. Out of the box, the SE is decent and gives him a taste of Sanwa like controls. If he's serious about using it, he can purchase the buttons ($2 - $3 X 8 buttons) and a Sanwa JLF ($25). This brings the SE to the same price as a discounted TE (not regular price). The TE prices on Big River are $120 and up.
It;s all about options.
And the Tekken 6BR finals were great. I found them entertaining. I also liked the KOF 2002UM finals.
Final Round definitely showed a variety of games.
Lyte Edge said:Yes, I'm back in the States. The Amazon SE price is why I have finally decided to get myself a stick. That's just $5 more than the fightpads, which have worked well for me, but I feel like I have finally hit that wall and if I want to get better, I need to start using sticks again. There are matches I have where I will fuck up and a move won't come out like I want it to, costing me the match in some cases. Had enough of that!
Can you easily mod the Nyko SF 15th anniversary stick the same way as the SE? I've still got one of those in perfect shape packed up in the attic.
Spiderjericho said:Sagat.
What a safe counterpick. That sucks. The standing roundhouse is ridiculous (almost as bad as Seth's jumping fierce).
Jan should've counterpicked the counter. Poor Jan. B.S.
FindMyFarms said:Wong reminiscing about the beat down from earlier, if this doesn't work out jan has a really good Abel as well.