It just occurred to me that Ibuki is probably going to rape Gouken.FindMyFarms said:Just know that if the other person knows what they're doing, you'll die when they get in, so keep them out at all costs.
nothing is better than gigaton punchThrei
Zangitroll cannot be topped.
Mr. Mastersare better.and GIGATON PUNCH
Hitokage said:It just occurred to me that Ibuki is probably going to rape Gouken.
his wake options suck, but some character have it worse. Basically you want to either backdash, block, or ex demon flip, ex tatsu(but if you whiff or are blocked then your opponent has all the time in the world to punish you while gouken goes sight seeing). Ex demonflip can seem shitty in that it tracks the enemy, but with it you can mount an offensive with it granted that you land a dive kick and go into bnb. you can turn the tide very quickly if you guess right the invincibility frames are great against characters with dp, because they'll get hit on the way down with sweep if they try to dp(this does not work on cammy however, possibly his worst matchup). Gouken is very susceptible to throws, I'm not 100% certain, but I don't think crouch tech works for him(someone correct me if I'm wrong), so its best to just tech on reaction. With gouken, he doesn't have any decent links outside of his bnb, just blockstrings. If you want to be competitive, I would suggest not maining gouken, I main him, he sucks. If the other guy gets in on you, you're fucked. so you gotta zone the fuck out of them. If you're really good at reading your opponent that's cool, but counter isn't safe, it has more recovery frames than active.Sir Garbageman said:Starting to use Gouken more and his wakeup options blow. Are my only options basically backdashing, jumping away, and / or blocking and hoping for the best? Same thing goes for crossups? I've eaten waaaay too many tick throws recently, tough transition from Ryu / Sagat and the noobish mashing of SRK![]()
I know ex demon flip has some invincibility frames and is a decent move to create space if you're getting pressured. Anyone have any tips? Thx
Spiderjericho said:Find, how you do TK cannon thingie? I was trying yesterday and kept getting the ground cannon drill.
Ysiadmihi said:TKCS? qcb,uf+k
If you do EX TKCS, you just have to do down to up back+k.
FindMyFarms said:OH yeah for sure, she'll probably kill him for the same reason akuma does, meaty tk'd air fireball eliminates counter reversals and setups you up for mixups.
Yup. Everyone (except Akuma and Zangief I believe) can use their ultra when someone's in a state like that.Nose Master said:Whaaat?:!v=cZ8xsbFUcM8&feature=fvw
Does the combo to Ryu at 1:57 actually work? I've never seen Dan's ultra catch someone off a juggle, even a focus.
KuroNeeko said:What's a TK'd air fireball?
Should I start playing Gouki to get some practice for Ibuki? I wanna use her so bad but looks like she's going to need skillz to play. ;.;
KKKfresquito said:I can't seem to combo Balrog's Buffalo head into Ultra for full damage. My ultra don't seem to fully connect and I don't know why. I've tried different timings, heading with the three different punches, doing the ultra with kicks and punches, but no matter what, only the first punch will connect.
What's the trick to combo the full ultra?
Kadey said:Who wants to see my scrub ass using a stick with Viper?
When I finally get Viper's stuff down with a pad, I decide to do this and some of it will probably be useless in Super but whatever.
At least it only took me a few minutes to get SJC BK down instead of months that I did with a pad. :lol
I can't do the feints stuff at all with a stick yet. I barely scratched the surface with them on a pad.
Practice makes perfect.![]()
Imm0rt4l said:his wake options suck, but some character have it worse. Basically you want to either backdash, block, or ex demon flip, ex tatsu(but if you whiff or are blocked then your opponent has all the time in the world to punish you while gouken goes sight seeing). Ex demonflip can seem shitty in that it tracks the enemy, but with it you can mount an offensive with it granted that you land a dive kick and go into bnb. you can turn the tide very quickly if you guess right the invincibility frames are great against characters with dp, because they'll get hit on the way down with sweep if they try to dp(this does not work on cammy however, possibly his worst matchup). Gouken is very susceptible to throws, I'm not 100% certain, but I don't think crouch tech works for him(someone correct me if I'm wrong), so its best to just tech on reaction. With gouken, he doesn't have any decent links outside of his bnb, just blockstrings. If you want to be competitive, I would suggest not maining gouken, I main him, he sucks. If the other guy gets in on you, you're fucked. so you gotta zone the fuck out of them. If you're really good at reading your opponent that's cool, but counter isn't safe, it has more recovery frames than active.
fresquito said:I can't seem to combo Balrog's Buffalo head into Ultra for full damage. My ultra don't seem to fully connect and I don't know why. I've tried different timings, heading with the three different punches, doing the ultra with kicks and punches, but no matter what, only the first punch will connect.
What's the trick to combo the full ultra?
Thank you. I didn't notice you could hold your kicks for different results. I'm going to try some shoto characters now that I have a fight stick, and since I'm watching Hajime no Ippo these days I thought Balrog would be a great starting pointFindMyFarms said:NOtice how Balrog punches 5 times in his ultra? For the first four punches, you can determine if he punches straight, or does an uppercut (hold a kick button for him to do the uppercut.)
So ideally, you want to hold down kick for the first punch, let go so balrog does a straight punch on the second punch, then hold down kicks for the rest of them. That is, KPKKK. For some fat characters, you want to do PPKKK.
Dudley is even better, complete with Corkscrew Blow and Dempsey Roll.fresquito said:Thank you. I didn't notice you could hold your kicks for different results. I'm going to try some shoto characters now that I have a fight stick, and since I'm watching Hajime no Ippo these days I thought Balrog would be a great starting point![]()
Awesome!Hitokage said:Dudley is even better, complete with Corkscrew Blow and Dempsey Roll.
MarkMan said:Love the way you hold my stick.
Kadey said:I love the way your stick moves when I have a firm grip on it.
Kadey said:I love the way your stick moves when I have a firm grip on it.
Leunam said:Just bang already.
_dementia said:invite me to the wedding pls
or run a live stream
she's full of reversalsFindMyFarms said:Rush that shit down mark
Kadey said:I love the way your stick moves when I have a firm grip on it.
FindMyFarms said:Rush that shit down mark
~Devil Trigger~ said:she's full of reversals
_dementia said:invite me to the wedding pls
or run a live stream
Leunam said:Just bang already.
the_log_ride said:Jesus Christ you two :lol
So you're saying it's less than 2.5inches long, is super thin at the base, and moves in a manner restricted by a square gate? NICE
FindMyFarms said:I thought Sagat was his worst matchupOn the ex demon flip thing, you can't do that against cammy with bar, or rufus. I never did it to you online, but offline cammy or rufus can jump back to the flip on reaction then divekick into a fat combo. I say Cammy with bar because she can only do ex dive kick while jumping back. Cammy/Gouken and Rufus/Gouken are almost the exact same matchup anyhows.
Outside of those two characters though, ex demon flip is a legit wake up option, especially against shotos, I've never seen the gouken/gief matchup though, so I can't comment on that.
Also yeah, Gouken can throw tech. To dude trying to master Gouken, just make sure you really get his zoning game down. The one thing Gouken has going for him is a great fireball, so take as much advantage of it as you can.
Imm0rt4l said:yea he can throw tech, but I'm almost certain Gouken can't crouch tech. If ever I try to crouch tech I get something like this.
and lol yea I did believe sagat was his worst matchup, But I've since changed my mind since playing more competent cammy's like yourself and another on my friendslist, While they are both tough for him I still feel like cammy can be tougher, when she gets in on gouken. With Sagat getting in on gouken, I just have to worry about his tiger knee strings which is remedied by countering the normals in between also because of his bigger hitbox tatsu fadc ultra is much more feasible. there's a lot to talk about in that matchup, but against cammys like yours, I'm completely lost in what I'm supposed to do.
We should get some games in sometime though, that's if you don't mind some combo practice :lol
Edit: Valle thinks Gief is goukens worst matchup(or maybe he just said he really didn't like it and it was in giefs favor), I don't believe so personally. I hadn't realized just how rufus is similar to cammy for gouken. Hugo101's rufus handed my ass to me thoroughly the other day.
Imm0rt4l said:so if I'm getting this right, he can crouch tech, but since the start up frames for crouching short are so long (6 or 7 frames I think) that makes it less useful/viable since he can be thrown in that time, or does that mean I just have to do it much later? Seems like a lose lose? Not all crouch techs are created equal or perhaps I just don't understand the mechanics behind crouch tech. Hmm....
fake edit: I'll just go read up on this option select ish
Skullkid said:That Hori FC3 pad is compatible with US Playstation 3 systems, right? I just want to make sure since I don't want to wait for it to come out here before buying.
FindMyFarms said:Gouken can definitely crouch tech, you might just be doing it early, i.e. getting the short out then getting thrown in your start up frames.
Yeah for the most part, Cammy and Rufus are almost identical. Knowing how to deal with Cammy's dive kick options makes the match a lot easier (for any character) though so you can appropriately counter when you make the proper read.. I have to rush, but when I get back I'll detail every single option she has that I'm aware of.