_dementia said:Sabin putting fools on blast
AZ Greg said:GGs earlier MIMIC!
Sorry about the "ragequit" in the middle of a match. I had just remembered it was my day to go pick up my little brother from school. I was already late so I had to bail right then.
the_log_ride said:Funny how several people are posting about gettin' smacked down by Seth. Oddly enough, I have the worst win rate against him, according to my play stats :lol Something between 35 and 40% -_-
Arpharmd B said:Yeah me too. 40% vs. Seth. 55% versus Sagat. Everyone else is 70% and above.
What scares me is that with Ultra damage reduced across the board, the top tier coming down, Seth is going to be even scarier in Super. Possibly S-Tier by himself.
Timedog said:I WANT TO PLAY YOU RICE EATER. I need to play someone hard to pull my head out of my ass.
Rice-Eater said:His health will still be 750 and if they nerfed Ryu's ability to cancel into Super with a fireball still on screen I see no reason why the same wouldn't happen with Seth's Super and Ultra. If that's the case then I'd say he got worse in SSF4. But nothing is confirmed yet, I really hope that's the case though. If they get rid of Ryu's BS super trap, then do the same with Seth's BS Super and Ultra trap.
MarkMan said:I've slept with every gaf member I've met. We're still going strong.
Whatever helps you 'sleep' at night ^.^ !
Yo real talk. I'm going to be at GAMME. I'm actually going to MLG Orlando too.
My work schedule is nutzo. That's why I brought my lil' girl to West Coast Warzone (did anyone see her on the stream?!)
She's the best.
Oh yea, for those who wondered about the Hori FC3. Here's a pic of it...
IMO, not as comfortable as the Mad Catz fightpad. But I do PREFER SNES/cross style dpads. I've tested it with Super SF4 and TEKKEN 6 and it works very well. It should be noted that thumbs style is easy as the buttons are bigger (a lot bigger than the X360 EX2 pad).. the buttons are actually the same size as the Mad Catz fightpads lol.
This is officially licensed by Sony but I have not checked if it works with PS2 games in BC mode yet. I will check tonight.
I was able to do 360s, srk fadc ultra with Ryu, Vipes sjc shit np on this thing. Charge motions weren't too bad and I could consistently jump in combo into buffalo xx ultra with Rog...
That's my mini review so far. Good job Hori.
maj, I met with magnetro at WCWZ and we had a good chat about some upcoming product. So I may be chattin with you more soon. <3
Kadey said:
http://www.gamingnow.netdragonballjoseph said:So I'll just replace all of them since my a button is a bit weird too. So where's a good place to order Sanwa parts?
Rice-Eater said:How long have you been at it? Did it take a while just to be comfortable doing simple things like moving around and pressing the right buttons?
Thank you very much my good man.ExMachina said:http://www.gamingnow.net
There's really no shortage of good online stores for arcade parts nowadays, so you can take your pick.
Dat lag!gutabo said:Hey if you don't mind some lag, add me! GFW: Gutabo3
PD: Don't do jokes about it, threi!
XenoRaven said:Sorry Greg, was playing with my other friend who is coincidentally also named Greg. Hopefully I can play you soon. Just when I decided I was going to practice every day, I got a new job that does not allow me to do that. =\
Anyway, I've probably said this before in here, but I need to make better use of Chun's situational anti-airs. I know she has them. I'm just still struggling to apply them. You could blame it on online play I guess, I'm not really satisfied with that. Lag or not, I have to stop letting my friend's Balrog jump in on me for free all day. Also, fuck his jumping fierce.
I also need to relax more when I play. It's a bit of a catch 22 because if I relax I don't pay attention and just fall into dumb habits. If I get into it, I get very easily frustrated and I'm not sure why. I know I'm not good, but I still go in wanting really bad to win, and get annoyed when all someone has to do is spend one EX bar to do a crazy rush punch through one of my pokes, or just headbutt when I try to apply pressure and then all of a sudden I get Ultra'd. I know it's not just that simple, and I know there's ways around that, and one day that won't be an issue for me. But I will bitch every step of the way there. >_>
Actually I probably bitch too much on here, but this has become my haven for venting after I play like shit. Sorry about that.
Threi said:sry about the ragequit mimic, my net got disconnected :lol
ggs though, it was a bit laggy but I had fun.
My fuerte is a bit more random than yours lol, you obviously know the character better.
congrats man! i still remember my first rage quit.KuroNeeko said:Got my first ragequit today as Claw.
It was close but he tried to jump in during my backflip and ate a Bloody High Claw.
I think ragequits are really rare in Japan, so I took a picture to commemorate the event.
Never thought I'd see the day... *sniff*
Well, despite the rape you gave me I had a lot of fun. We should play again sometime, I have next to no experience playing against characters that can actually mixup, I'm too used to trying to mixup people myself as Abel then actually trying to defend against one.Lost Fragment said:Also, in honor of my new computer, I guess I'll join the Kadey GIF Makin' Club®*
*this is the first time I've ever made a gif, so I could probably do a lot better.
Man, it's great to have a computer that can actually do shit.
Rentahamster said:There's no sound test in SF4, right? I felt compelled to put on some of Gief's Guiles' and Sakura's themes as background music for a while, but was disappointed to not find any BGM test option.
(I was creating and recreating online matches for a while to see if I could luck out but that turned stupid real quick)
lolKadey said:
XenoRaven said:When I go in with this attitude it just makes me mad when I lose. >_>
Ysiadmihi said:Anyone for some GFW matches tonight? GFW: KakThInfected