GalacticAE said:Sagat's FADC f.rh -> Ultra is so much harder in real life. In my mind I had that shit down. :lol
I was getting some win streaks with Blue Bison though. EX Headstomp is beautiful.
Yea I only got it off trades and AA really. Didn't know you needed to do a duck kick before the Tiger Upper to get it to work. But really, FADCs are pretty tought to get down enough to use them in a match consistently.UC1 said:I'm not 100% sure on this, but heard from a very good player that it only works off low MK / low MP / standing MP > HP DP > FADC > towards+HK > ultra. Haven't tested it myself. There's other towards+HK setups, it should work off a DP trade, or anti air towards+HK (even if it trades).
GalacticAE said:Sagat's FADC f.rh -> Ultra is so much harder in real life. In my mind I had that shit down. :lol
GalacticAE said:Yea I only got it off trades and AA really. Didn't know you needed to do a duck kick before the Tiger Upper to get it to work. But really, FADCs are pretty tought to get down enough to use them in a match consistently.
Darkman M said:SF4 has 3d models but gameplay is pure 2d, Ex was 3d fighting from waht i remember.
edit: looking back on it EX was 2d fighting as well it just sucked![]()
wow that missed roundhouse was sorta painful to watchhaunts said:since we're on topic im going to post this again. I FEEL YOU PAIN GALACTICAE! :lol
haunts said:since we're on topic im going to post this again. I FEEL YOU PAIN GALACTICAE! :lol
UC1 said:Oh man! :lol
Have you got a copy of the game at the moment Haunts? I'd be interested to know if DP>FADC>ultra works at all (without the back dash). And I have a feeling it depends on which DP you use. It should work if you combo the DP off low MK, low MP or standing MP.
you've been calling this game SF EX since they unveiled it... drop it man, its not like the EX games.Barkley's Justice said:i'm as hyped for the game as all of you weaksauce "comp" up in here. but for real, going back and looking at the ex footage i'm like...capcoooooom! yoooou! *shakes finger*
GalacticAE said:Heh, I remember watching that match on youtube last month. Poor Haunts.
Another thing I found hard was getting Balrog's Ultra after a headbutt. The window for that seemed strict or maybe I wasn't doing it right. Looked so easy in videos.
Yea, for some reason, doing this didn't cross my mind. I figured I could juggle it if I held back-down as soon as I could.haunts said:The trick is to charge down, then hit UPBACK to hold the charge during the headbutt, then land and do the ultra. I did it a billion times last night, its not bad once you get it down.
darkressurection said:Since we are talking about Ultra's here, how easy is it to hit Abel's Ultra after that two hit shoulder move he has. I usually see that used to set up for the Ultra.
Nice, I am thinking about learning Abel as a secondary character. I really like the falling sky grab and his command throw.haunts said:If its your very first time playing it may take you a couple tries, but you dont have to FADC to land his Ultra off his elbow or anything so its pretty easy for the most part.
Tenbatsu said:Woodlands Vs Ang Mo Kio, 4 bars each thou.
Caj814 said:Ex wasn't that bad at all.It just that so many people over reacted about the game being in 3d they completely dismissed it.If it was in 2D and all of the gameplay aspects were kept intact it probably would have been considered one of the better SF games by fans.
Now the SF movie game,that was fucking awful,presentation and gameplay wise. :lol
darkressurection said:Nice, I am thinking about learning Abel as a secondary character. I really like the falling sky grab and his command throw.
darkressurection said:Nice, I am thinking about learning Abel as a secondary character. I really like the falling sky grab and his command throw.
the Saturn/Ps1 version of this introduced EX moves to the SF seriesEraldoCoil said:ohh man!!! that game sucked
here's a review of the game so you can see how shitty it is, it's also a pretty funny review![]()
Ken, I am still a bit of a scrub so a shoto is easier to wrap my head around at the moment.GalacticAE said:Who's your main? I think I've taken a liking to blue Bison so I think he'll be my main.
EraldoCoil said:chun-li is usually my main, and i've yet to find this info but is her FADC into her ultra difficult to pull off due to her being a charge character? or is there some type of trick to make it easier?
Alivor said:Just got my fight I need the game. I really hope Gamestop does a midnight launch...
rikichi said:so if i bought the JP game at shopncsx tonight, with over night shipping, will i receive the game by Saturday the latest?
i want it now! :lol
EraldoCoil said:chun-li is usually my main, and i've yet to find this info but is her FADC into her ultra difficult to pull off due to her being a charge character? or is there some type of trick to make it easier?
darkressurection said:Since we are talking about Ultra's here, how easy is it to hit Abel's Ultra after that two hit shoulder move he has. I usually see that used to set up for the Ultra.
Thanks to lil shoto![]()
darkressurection said:Ken, I am still a bit of a scrub so a shoto is easier to wrap my head around at the moment.
@haunts: Yeah, it seems like a lot of Abel's game is crossing people up and getting them confused.
Thankfully I will be getting my Driver's license here pretty soon (even though I am 18 and just now getting itGalacticAE said:Ken is solid. My friend Pat is the best shoto here so I'm sure you can learn something from his Ken if you play him.
Speaking of shotos, I got a few wins with Dan. I managed to land a few psychic ultras FTW. It was glorious.
darkressurection said:Thankfully I will be getting my Driver's license here pretty soon (even though I am 18 and just now getting it) so hopefully I can meetup with you guys soon.
BTW, any chance you know if the Paseo GS is supposed to have SF 4 on the 17th? I know a bunch of people are saying Gamestop won't have theirs till the 18th.
Same reason I don't have mine yet.:lolGalacticAE said:Haha, I didn't get mine until I was 18 too. I don't like driving much. Not sure about SF4 on the 17th. I'm curious about that myself.
got mine when i was 19, i winGalacticAE said:Haha, I didn't get mine until I was 18 too. I don't like driving much. Not sure about SF4 on the 17th. I'm curious about that myself.
Teknopathetic said:
Teknopathetic said:
darkressurection said:Same reason I don't have mine yet.:lol
But I imagine if other stores are getting their copies on Monday or Tues. there should be no reason that GS wouldn't have it then.
-COOLIO- said:got mine when i was 19, i win
Nah, I thought about asking them about a Midnight release but I figured they probably wouldn't have one.GalacticAE said:LEt's hope so. Did you hear anything about a midnight release? I haven't asked them. If other stores are getting theirs in then ours will too because it's the most popular in the city. Last time I heard, it was #1 in the whole state too in sales and business. I say it's a safe bet that they'll have it by Tuesday afternoon.
GalacticAE said:LEt's hope so. Did you hear anything about a midnight release? I haven't asked them. If other stores are getting theirs in then ours will too because it's the most popular in the city. Last time I heard, it was #1 in the whole state too in sales and business. I say it's a safe bet that they'll have it by Tuesday afternoon.
Yes you do. But do I get extra points if my little brother got his before me?
xabre said:I was going to buy this game but now I don't think I will because I'm just shit at SF2HD. Blame the 360 controller, I can do the special moves but with absolutely no consistency whatsoever, so when playing online I just get shit on time and time again. Even if I got another controller or arcade stick I have no confidence this situation would dramatically improve anyway because I don't even know the basic fundamentals of it. If I get SFIV I'll just end up getting frustrated and angry and poor.
xabre said:I was going to buy this game but now I don't think I will because I'm just shit at SF2HD. Blame the 360 controller, I can do the special moves but with absolutely no consistency whatsoever, so when playing online I just get shit on time and time again. Even if I got another controller or arcade stick I have no confidence this situation would dramatically improve anyway because I don't even know the basic fundamentals of it. If I get SFIV I'll just end up getting frustrated and angry and poor.