The Order 1886 is still and will always be among the best looking games

I loved this game ever since they announced it so I may be biased a bit, but this is honestly what I think.


I was playing FF7 Rebirth recently and I was quite amazed by its graphics, it’s finally starting to look like that the developers are getting results out of these consoles nearing to their fourth years. Anyway…

I have this arbitrary idea in mind that once open world games start to look better than the previous gen’s best looking corridor games is when we can say that “nextgen has arrived”. It’s just a silly idea of mine, I know, but still. And I wanted to test how does The Order look close to 10 years after release. And it still looks unbelievable, it’s a relative early PS4 game but if it released today no one would complain about its visuals, that’s for sure.

It still looks like you are playing a pre-rendered CG movie, of which I was always dreaming of in my childhood when between gameplay segments you had these kind of cutscenes. I don’t know how it achieves this feeling exactly, but I think it’s about the coherent mix of incredibly realistic lighting (and remember, no ray-tracing here), animations, mocap, textures, shaders, incredible motion blur and other post-process effects and an artstyle that all serve the developers’ vision which was to create a playable CG movie and they realized it in such a way that I don’t think anyone replicated since then. For my great sadness, I might add, because I am still dreaming of playing games that look like this, even though we have incredibly looking ones generally, but not in the same way.

If you look closely you can spot things that show its age and the tricks they use to achieve what they meant but sitting on a couch in normal viewing distance you get exactly what they wanted you to get, which is a playable CG movie, that still looks like that, even after 10 years. Simply incredible.

This shows that a coherent vision and talent powering a developer team with their own engine which they know from A to Z can produce much more unique and longer-lasting results than using for example Unreal and bruteforcing things. There is no 4K, ray-tracing or any other fancy modern shit but you can put this game next to anything and it will still not be ashamed by any game (even if many look or I rather say technically are better in certain ways).

Here is a short video I found, recorded on PS4 and uploaded to youtube in 720p so you can imagine that when you play it it looks quite a bit better, yet on this video it still looks amazing.

So is there anyone else who share these feelings?

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Al Pachinko, Konami President
10 fuckin years

dumb and dumber time GIF

Codes 208

the game had a ton of potential. If they had bothered to give it an honest to god multiplayer mode, it easily couldve been their direct answer to gears of war.

As it stands, the hyper linear levels and focus on QTE’s (man i really dont miss that era in gaming) really pushes it to mid for me

Pretty graphics dont mean much when the gameplay is shit
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That time of year again where I wish we got a sequel. The story was actually very engaging and the controls/gunplay were fantastic. They just needed to build upon much more of it for the all out war breaking out (cliffhanger ending) with a sequel.
This was the beginning of safe Sony: no more bets. Disband studios. Abandon IPs. Shortly after it was time for Evolution. And they were selling like gangbusters.


Totally agree, the Tesla lab scene is insane

Its such a shame that a sequel never happened, keep (or even improve) those visuals, improve the gameplay, make it longer.
At the very least, I truly wish that this game got a Pro patch back in the day. If they had unlocked the framerate and bumped up the resolution for PS4 Pro, it would probably get talked about even more because it would be a looker even on 4K TVs.


Gold Member
One of the more prominent games with a girl boss in it from that time, RLM mocked that character by calling her "tough lady" all the time. :messenger_winking_tongue:
She was nothing like the modern Mary sue girl bosses, however. And did get her ass handed to her when she pushed too far in her "Knights of the Round" ego.
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This was the beginning of safe Sony: no more bets. Disband studios. Abandon IPs. Shortly after it was time for Evolution. And they were selling like gangbusters.
All of this had already happened in the PS2 and PS3 eras.
I agree that they were maybe too harsh on Evolution, but then again Driveclub had one of the worst launches for a big budget Sony game ever, and it wasn't exactly selling ""gangbusters"".
Also, no The Order: 1886 sequel means that Sony started to be safe? The same company that released Death Stranding years later?
NeoGAF beating the worst take record each and each time.
I remember being super hyped about this one.

It was such a disappointment, it actually felt like when things were starting to get interesting and you thought you were around near the middle of the storyline and the game was about to explode with all kinds of action/gunplay sections, full on werewolves and vampires war (gears of war but in Victorian era) it just ends abruptly.

Basically it was just a bunch of encounters with human enemies, a couple of werewolves inside a fucking garage or something and then some random QTE fighting scenes and that was it.

It was pretty looking but a very empty game. And it only let you use the cool guns for like 5 minutes.
Yes, it’s a flawed game that could be much more but I still loved it the way it was. But a sequel would have surely amazed even the naysayers because as others said, there was so much potential there that I don’t think any new IP from the last 10-15 years came close to. It’s a real shame they didn’t get a second chance, thanks to games “journalists” and console warriors mostly.


Tag, you're it.
I think it's because it's paired with an amazing art direction that the game hold up this well.

By the way poodaddy poodaddy did you play this one? It has great werewolves scenes even if yet again they are not the main focus 😔


It looks good but there's this interesting thing where we sort of soft agree to hold these games to a different standard. It's almost like there's this sense the game design got limited around the super ambitious graphics. No way to prove that's true, but I feel it and it doesn't seem like I'm the only one.
Yes, it’s a flawed game that could be much more but I still loved it the way it was. But a sequel would have surely amazed even the naysayers because as others said, there was so much potential there that I don’t think any new IP from the last 10-15 years came close to. It’s a real shame they didn’t get a second chance, thanks to games “journalists” and console warriors mostly.
I played the order 1880 before I read the negative comments and I enjoyed it. The graphics and atmosphere were amazing, but the gameplay and combat were also excellent. The game could be a little bit longer though (it took me about 8 hours to complete it).

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
I said it before and I'll say it again :
The game had some good foundations, the ONLY things it needed to succeed were :

- A longer campaign by a good 3-4 hours
- Less of those idiotic QTE bosses
- A MP horde mode

That's it, it's only 3 things for fucks sake and yet...

The few battle encounters that it had were fantastic due to some really nice and cool weapons and their actual feedback, general direction (shame about the AI) and sound production.
People usually joke when the term "cinematic" is thrown around but God damn, this game really felt like playing a movie, the brilliant art direction, voice acting and graphics all came together in the end.

The game/franchise had so much potential and that cliffhanger of an ending doesn't make things better for us that enjoyed it.

JFC Sony, how hard is it to remaster this at 60fps and actually put some extra work and include a horde mode ? People love their co-op shit, always did, always will, just look at the sales of Helldivers 2 and the recent WH40K Space marine 2 ffs.

Yes, it didn't sell well but, that's what sequels are for, to actually improve on things and - again - the only things a sequel would need is not to be 6 hours long and have a co-op mode, that's it.

We have Alien Isolation 2 coming so that's 1 wish granted, what I wouldn't give for a sequel of the order...
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