Lana at least gave Phoenix two critical piece of evidence that would lead Phoenix to naturally think Ema did the murder years ago. The first one was the entire SL-9 case material. My first question would be why would Lana even bother bringing that up to Phoenix for this trial ? It almost felt to me that Lana gave Phoenix this case because she has doubts to the truth behind that case as far as she knows. However, that can't be the case because Lana truely believes Ema killed the prosecutor and I see no point of her bringing that SL-9 case to Phoenix. All she wanted at that point is to be convicted of the murder of Goodmen. In fact, I have no idea why she hired Phoenix in the first place as her defense attorney

Remember, she only learned of the possibility that Ema is framed near the very end of the game, which is after she gave Phoenix all her evidences. If I recall, she also gave Phoenix that evidence law book with a picture of the murder scene inside it. Now why the hell would she do that if she is convinced Ema is the murderer ? That photo alone is almost proof that Ema did the murdering... yet, at that point, Lana claims Ema is fully innocent in court. It's just extremely weird why she would want Phoenix to see that photo if she wants everybody to believe Ema is innocent...