Scott Baio getting destroyed on msnbc right now.
I was watching that. She really got him on the Medicare and Social Security question.
Scott Baio getting destroyed on msnbc right now.
Scott Baio getting destroyed on msnbc right now.
Scott Baio getting destroyed on msnbc right now.
Alright, I fixed up my gif in honor of Day 2. Here's hoping for more hilarity!
No, he's the guy that retweeted an image of Hilaary being called a c***.Was this the guy who said Obama is a Muslim?
Nah, that is the soap opera star, lol.Was this the guy who said Obama is a Muslim?
Used my first vacation day to mostly watch The Republican Convention day one. The last session was by far the best if the goal was to fire up the core group of Trump voters and attack Hillary Clinton. Heard someone mention (NPR Politics perhaps) that the RNC is way better at attacking than the DNC, and I believe this to be correct. Highlights:
- The blind girl singing
- The Duck Dynasty guy was a pretty good warm up act
- Rudy Giuliani was the best speaker by far. Got the most response on the floor
- The woman who blamed the death of her son in Benghazi on Hillary had the audience in tears
- The two soldiers who fought in Benghazi told a pretty good tale and blamed everything on Clinton. Only their jokes fell flat
- Melania was super boring. Only the copy cat thing made it memorable.
Watching US politics is incredible. I believe Trump is crazy and a menace, but so far the RNC Convention seems to be doing the job
Jam Productions Presents.... weighing in at 243 pounds...
Donaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaald Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump
Ha. Their reactions are great.
Ha. Their reactions are great.
Can't feel any sympathy for her, though.
She's choosing to be a part of that embarrassing party.
It's all about how you look at it, I guess. How about this:
- A pastor opens with an extremely offensive prayer (offensive to moderates at least)
- Exploiting a greiving Benghazi family member for political points
- INITERRUPTING said exploitation with the candidate calling in to Fox News while the woman is speaking (this may be the most unbelievable thing that happened to me)
- Near chaos over what should be a simple vote on the rules
- Delegations walking out in protest
- Someone called the president a muslim
- Charles in Charge defending a sexist meme attacking Clinton
- A speech about how white people have accomplished more for civilization than non-whites
- A speaker leading the mindless sheep in the crowd in a chant of "lock her up"
- The main event of the night tainted by a plagarism scandal
This is the convention equivalent of the movie God's Not Dead. If you agree with everything you hear already, you're probably eating this stuff up. If you're a moderate of a liberal, it's just one offense after another. I don't know what they think they'll accomplish with this shitshow.
What they accomplish is boosting the base to make them ready for the next leg of the election process. If you are moderate or liberal, I don´t think the organizers give a fuck what you and I think. RNC day one is probably quite the success if seen thorugh the eyes of the Trump supporter and the republicans still hanging in there (and it seems to be a healthy portion, looking at poll numbers).
Scott Baio getting destroyed on msnbc right now.
Jam Productions Presents.... weighing in at 243 pounds...
Donaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaald Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump
Clinton camp now naming 5500 Trump suits live on Facebook.
Clinton camp now naming 5500 Trump suits live on Facebook.
Jareen Zupancic Actually, he represents us perfectly. That's what scares you. Can you please just once say what your policies are? Do you have any? All you do is attack Trump.
1,841 · Yesterday at 7:45am
Joel Smith Hillary is the 1%, the ruling elite who thinks she's above the law.
2,030 · Yesterday at 7:36am
Hold up, Arnie was a crazy fucking thing but he worked out in the end, surprisingly. Reagan was horrendous.You are right. I´m from a "communist" country in Scandinavia. I´ll be watching and laughing/crying all the wayIt might be crazy. But the crazy has worked before. Reagan, Schwartzenegger, Trump. Seems like natural progression to me.
My mistake was looking at the comments from a differnt post. Viewing the 'top comments'...
wtf lol.... so glad i don't have a facebook anymore.
"All you do is attack and never say what your policies are".
Not a hint of awareness.
Primarily, the objective of the conventions is to make pitches to voters outside the established base of the candidate. Uniting the base is more of a secondary objective of the conventions, and of yesterday's events, I would say this was actually unsuccessful because of how the rules and voting segment played out.What they accomplish is boosting the base to make them ready for the next leg of the election process. If you are moderate or liberal, I don´t think the organizers give a fuck what you and I think. RNC day one is probably quite the success if seen thorugh the eyes of the Trump supporter and the republicans still hanging in there (and it seems to be a healthy portion, looking at poll numbers).
"“I don’t believe the guy is a Christian. I don’t believe the guy follows the God that I love and the Jesus that I love,” Sabato said. “If you follow his story, if you understand about Obama, I mean, that’s not a Christian name, is it?”
Clinton camp now naming 5500 Trump suits live on Facebook.
Why is Antonio Sabato Jr. even there?
I don't even have words for this level of dumb...
I can't find it, does someone have an image of it?Clinton camp now naming 5500 Trump suits live on Facebook.
I can't find it, does someone have an image of it?
I can't find it, does someone have an image of it?
Looks like he's jerking off, lol
Donaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaald Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump
At least a dozen California GOP staff members at the Republican National Convention have been quarantined in their hotel rooms after becoming ill with what appears to be a highly contagious norovirus, also known as the cruise-ship virus, according to officials from both the California GOP and local health agencies.
His hair silhouette and crooked back lol. Monty Burns.Looks like he's jerking off, lol
Donaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaald Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump
Tonight - Melania Trump
are they serious?
What ? She'll be back on the stage tonight ?
No, this conversation about the pic says it all.That picture says it all. Incredible.