Leadership isn't lines on a resume...
...it's a record of accomplishments
lady, what
Nobody ever gave them anything*Rich children usually grow up to believe they've earned everything they got.
Musicians gotta get a paycheck. Dude is probably getting paid a lot of money to do this too.Kind of surprised this is G.E. Smith's second time leading the RNC house band. The guy was Bowie's guitarist and now he's playing for Trump.
Snoop selling out, it's like e3 all over again
Oh hey, it's the worst governor in the country.
Have fun being introduced, GAF.
Trumpets 2016.
Easy, and treat yourself to an hour of detour.When does he go on? Do I have time to drive home (~30min)?
She's the reason why aliens haven't made first contact with Earth yet.As an Oklahoman I AM SORRY. This woman...
especially talkin bout black achievementsShe's about to lose the crowd
Exactly. People tend to believe the way they grew up is how everyone else did. That's why some people can't possibly fathom how white privilege exists.Rich children usually grow up to believe they've earned everything they got.