This dude should've introduced Trump.
Dude is easily the best speaker here.
Dude is easily the best speaker here.
Where can I stream this online? want to see how badly The Don flubs his speech.
I've read some questionable quotes by him, but I'm not aware that he ever said women's voting rights ruined democracy. When did he say that?
Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women — two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians — have rendered the notion of “capitalist democracy” into an oxymoron.
Thank you for making america great again.
Where can I stream this online? want to see how badly The Don flubs his speech.
Very humanizing story about a normal dude taking his helicopter to a Tyson fight. some sweet jazz tunes behind this guy.
lol I had the same thought.Very humanizing story about a normal dude taking his helicopter to a Tyson fight.
Seriously though this guy is pretty great.
Very humanizing story about a normal dude taking his helicopter to a Tyson fight.
Seriously though this guy is pretty great.
This better have a good punchline.
This better have a good punchline.
Amazing that he's doing this without a teleprompter
Very humanizing story about a normal dude taking his helicopter to a Tyson fight.
Seriously though this guy is pretty great.
is there a moral to this story?
is there a moral to this story?