It's like Scooby Doo where they rip off the dude's mask and are all like "WOW IT WAS RADICAL ISLAM ALL ALONG"Does...
Does this "can't even name the enemy" bullshit ACTUALLY have traction with anyone?
Didnt Republicans START these wars we're in??
Oh fuck, Joni ernst is coming up. She's Bachmann levels of annoying.
What I've learned tonight:
That's what they want, essentially.What I've learned tonight:
WTF is Obamatrade?
[pauses for no applause]
Starting pretty damn reasonable..........
Obama's response to this entire line of thinking was pure ether.Does...
Does this "can't even name the enemy" bullshit ACTUALLY have traction with anyone?
Putting Obama in front of anything makes it invalidWTF is Obamatrade?
WTF is Obamatrade?
Putting Obama in front of anything makes it invalid
Obamacare, Obamatrade, obamagaf