You wake up from a fever this a speech or a fever dream
You wake up from a fever this a speech or a fever dream
From Brian May's webpage:Unless something changed, Brian May said they didn't have permission to use "We Are The Champions"
America is the last stand on Earth? WTF does that mean?
As an Englishman its hard not to watch this and think of facist speeches of the past, this is absolutely absurd that a major political party has this cult like following of people who believe not only are they exceptional but their list of enemies is a mile wide and their justification for hatred has almost no bearing on reality. Not only this but they have completely lost the irony that what they are proclaiming is contrary to what the country was founded on and how they plan to approach it is profoundly undemocratic.
This is honestly how I imagine people like Hitler come to rise, and im watching it on live tv, in the year 2016.
America is the last stand on Earth? WTF does that mean?
America is the last stand on Earth? WTF does that mean?
Crush our enemies and our soldiers!
Tonight has been a revolving door of shitheads and somehow this guy is the worst speaker yet.