Lock her up chants?
What a fucking circus.
What a fucking circus.
its normal for the room to fill up/empty depending on who is speaking... kind of unusual for a primetime slot I guess. but thats what happens when your primetime lineup looks like this
Antonio Sabato Jr. went on ABC and said that he believes that Obama is "absolutely a Muslim".
is this the real life
Either he's about to turn up or cash his change at the coinstar
Lock her up chants?
What a fucking circus.
This guy was one of the finalists for Trump's VP
there you go again with that fuzzy mathlol Bush sends thousands of men to die for nothing and yet Hillary is the criminal.
Osama Bin Laden who was caught under Obama's administration, you want to omit that last part mister?
like 99% of these people there don't even know what an email server is
Either he's about to turn up or cash his change at the coinstar