Starfish Hero
I feel like the controversy and harassment only further proves her point
Keep your campaign clean and think before you post shit. There's no way this "joke" can be anything but offensive and to out it in social media? Stupidity.
Pretty shitty to celebrate the death of a cop or imply that they deserved it. It's like the fuckwits that kept bringing up the fact that Trayvon Martin smoked weed. Like, wtf?
Twitter outrage brigade knows no political ideology.
Pretty shitty to celebrate the death of a cop or imply that they deserved it. It's like the fuckwits that kept bringing up the fact that Trayvon Martin smoked weed. Like, wtf?
If this was a tea party member or a right wing nut they would have been dragged over got coals too.
Keep your campaign clean and think before you post shit. There's no way this "joke" can be anything but offensive and to out it in social media? Stupidity.
But to Foy, it was an observation she was making privately she had maybe 20 Twitter followers at the time, and about half of those were family. I never would write anything like that on Facebook, which is why I have a Twitter account, she said. I wrote it there because I knew that no one would see it. Thats something that I knew that morning. There was no hashtag, I did not mention the deputy by name, I did not say Houston, I did not say anything specific at all.
Remember how there were tons of Tweets about how Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, or any other innocent black person that was murdered "had it coming", were a " thug", "were no saint", " deserved it ", and other things of that nature? Why do all those people get away with that yet this blows up that way?If this was a tea party member or a right wing nut they would have been dragged over got coals too.
Keep your campaign clean and think before you post shit. There's no way this "joke" can be anything but offensive and to out it in social media? Stupidity.
That's definitely the point, she is using the same logic and character assassination the public uses during any of the many killings of unarmed black men. The "they must have done something to deserve it, so it's OK they're dead!" logic. It's supposed to highlight the disgusting-ness of it.
If this was a tea party member or a right wing nut they would have been dragged over got coals too.
Keep your campaign clean and think before you post shit. There's no way this "joke" can be anything but offensive and to out it in social media? Stupidity.
Serious question, do you both know what satire is?Twitter outrage brigade knows no political ideology.
Pretty shitty to celebrate the death of a cop or imply that they deserved it. It's like the fuckwits that kept bringing up the fact that Trayvon Martin smoked weed. Like, wtf?
I don't really mean in a predict it leading to a shitstorm sense as much as a "this was a bad idea" kind of sense. She could have ended up pissing someone off that she'd rather prefer not to piss off even without the shitstorm or damaged future opportunities if someone Googled her. Self-filtering and common sense basically. Maybe it's just me, but every time I post something with my real name attached I do it with the assumption that it will be visible to the entire world for eternity and can be twisted in every way possible to work against me. I know most people don't self-censor to that extent (but I really think at least some people should self-censor a lot more)
Maybe this is the wrong thread for asking about this sort of thing, but her fearing for her life made me curious...
Has anyone ever actually been killed or hurt after becoming infamous online, due to a tweet and getting mobbed? Anyone ever been attacked in the street by someone who was so offended over something like that?
I know people have had their lives destroyed due to losing their job, having loved ones getting nasty phone messages constantly, that sort of thing, which could be way worse. But I don't know if I've heard of actual violence ever taking place. Seems to me that the person would immediately become a symbol of how far things can go, and would be held up as an example all the time, might even be a breaking point for someone to take action. But I haven't heard of that happening before.
Serious question, do you both know what satire is?
Wasn't really a joke and more of commentary on how when black people are killed there's always some reason they deserved it. She was simply applying the same bullshit to the cop who was killed.
Amazing how horrible one is and how acceptable the other is.
The victim blaming is hilarious though.
You act as if this is the first time people get outraged over satire. Stop it.
Internet mobs are fucked up regardless of who is targeted and why, is there any real way of stopping it though?
Internet mobs are fucked up regardless of who is targeted and why, is there any real way of stopping it though?
No, but that doesn't mean it's OK to act like this. Doesn't matter if it's the first time or #35.You act as if this is the first time people get outraged over satire. Stop it.
That poster's viewpoint lies at an interesting intersection. He's more interested in talking about the reactions he predicts gaffers will have than provide constructive insight into why this woman had a target painted on her back by a vindictive Brietbart contributor with an angle to discredit everything anybody in support of Black Lives Matter ever says. He's also perfectly willing to paint the entire incident as her own fault, as if to completely miss the entire point of the original Twitter post, which was a clumsy joke about victim blaming.
Ding ding ding we have a winner. There was zero wrong with what she said or how she said it.
Internet mobs are fucked up regardless of who is targeted and why, is there any real way of stopping it though?
Would you maybe even say a "dehumanizing" stare?Where's the joke? I see touchdown dancing. But hey, he had "creepy eyes."
When you try for clever satire, the failure mode is looking like an asshole. At best she teeters on the edge of that here. It's not clear at first glance that she's going for satire rather than just being a cruel person. The point is a solid one, but the execution is low effort and not very successful.
Note that this probably wasn't a problem for her ten followers or whatever, who know her personally and would know that she didn't mean this the way it sounds.
One good way would be if people with large internet megaphones didn't directly and intentionally fire up internet mobs with the intent of ruining people's lives:
we will never see eye to eye due to their sheer hypocrisy or bending of facts to suit their agenda.
Jokes are great things, and I'm sure that's what she intended it to be, but let's not be hypocritical here.
Everything to do with the right wing. It's Breitbard - pieces of shit are gonna do what comes naturally.Little to do with the right wing, and more to do with Internet mob justice
"don't judge me based on what I said!" come on son, you got got.I don't know whether to feel sorry for you or be proud of myself that I've managed to have such an effect on you that you feel the need to bring up a post from around a month ago.
When you try for clever satire, the failure mode is looking like an asshole. At best she teeters on the edge of that here. It's not clear at first glance that she's going for satire rather than just being a cruel person. The point is a solid one, but the execution is low effort and not very successful.
Note that this probably wasn't a problem for her ten followers or whatever, who know her personally and would know that she didn't mean this the way it sounds.
The key point here is she should emailed or texted this to her friends. When you post something on Twitter you are talking to everyone.
My general rule of thumb is before you tweet your "funny quip" think about going to a public place and saying your tweet over a megaphone. If you predict a bad reaction in that circumstance then don't Tweet it. Just be smart.
Again disagree it was super obvious what she was doing. Like reading that never do I think she actually was celebrating his death. It was blatantly clear that she was applying the he's no angel standard to the cop to point out the vast difference between reactions for a dead cop and a dead unarmed black person.
Pervy eyes = grasping at some sort of ridiculous reasons to say it was his fault, which is exactly what happens like every single time some innocent black person is murdered by the police.
Also big difference cop killers go to jail, murderous cops get a paid vacation and sometimes a promotion.
Seems like she needs to be educated on Twitter... or perhaps this event educated her. Twitter isn't a private forum. Doesn't matter if you have 10,000 or 0 followers. If you wouldn't say that dumb shit in public, then don't post it on Twitter either.
Evidently not.
Isn't this more about some asshole instigator who directed a hateful mob her way in an attempt to discredit BLM? Come on guys.
People reacted badly to someone celebrating the death of a cop
Wow that's strange
but waitMeanwhile, we already have articles (such as in the OP) condeming this bout of internet harassment because the harassers are predominantly right-wing. It smells of hypocrisy.
there we goIsn't this more about some asshole instigator who directed a hateful mob her way in an attempt to discredit BLM? Come on guys.
Doesn't the blame of this harassment campaign from 40000 comments towards her, fall in the hands of Breitbart?As for me saying this is her fault, well, is it her Twitter account? Yes. Did she make the tweet? Yes. Therefore she is indeed accountable.
Jokes are great things, and I'm sure that's what she intended it to be, but let's not be hypocritical here. If a white person on Twitter made jokes about a black person being shot and killed there would be the same, albeit possibly different people involved, Internet witch hunt going on, pitchforks and all. It doesn't make it right though.
So TLDR, it was a poor joke which backfired where both parties are wrong, however people should really know better re Twitter.
Nope, but he was probably quite capable of writing a bitter message to Foy, I bet.Can you not read
What the fuck is this trash?
Not until/unless laws regarding harassment online exist/change.
Justine's harassment was started by Gawker, and zero people batted an eye (at the time) because the harassers were predominantly left-wing. Ditto Troy and Walter's harassment, come to think of it.
You can tell how much BLM is getting done by everyone wanting to put their names in their mouths.
And alot with the tone of "Negros have it so good, why they mad?"
They're a hate group man, just destroying racial relations in America. God what the hell is it with you people!?!
If you repeat hat speech word for word it at a the GOP convention, they would clap their hands bloody.
And the "What the hell is wrong with you "look on Olivia's face is gold.