They should make the movie in first person, and have a little box in the bottom center of the screen with The Rock's face in it, reflecting his current condition and mood.
They should make the movie in first person, and have a little box in the bottom center of the screen with The Rock's face in it, reflecting his current condition and mood.
That would be too difficult for them to pull off without making the movie suck (the face idea wouldn't work at all, imo) Maybe if they shot a lot of shots from the first person or directly behind view
actually...I guess a helmet-cam view could work :b
the entire movie should be in one direct camera cuts...just use darkness to mask between them
I think it would be cool with the rock, with those crazy eyebrow looks he could imitate the guy from Doom perfectly. I sure hope they let this actually be somewhat relevant to the game for once, at least MK quality.
There's been talks of a DOOM movie for how many years now? Oh well, chances are pretty high that it'll suck if it ever actually makes its way out, so I say let The Rock (TM) ham it up. Ron Perlman could star as the Cyberdemon!