Given that it cost me about $5CAD to ship a sheet of paper to Canada today (no exaggeration!), definitely wouldn't be worth the cost. Hope you can find another one closer by!![]()
No worries, and thanks.
Given that it cost me about $5CAD to ship a sheet of paper to Canada today (no exaggeration!), definitely wouldn't be worth the cost. Hope you can find another one closer by!![]()
Yep. Was the deal of the day on Oct. 16.
Regular price is $70, don't know about the $100.
Wonder if I'll have problems getting a copy without a pre-order.
Getting a copy of a Starter Pack probably won't be a problem.
Getting a specific fig may be a problem depending on who ends up being popular.
Personally, I've settled on Chill as my character of choice. Her basic attacks make a great combo as the ice wall can both damage an enemy or be used as a makeshift piece of cover.
She's a little slow to start out with, but after running some heroics you can get her speed up.
Plus, the toy just looks really cool.
We already have a portal thing so I just need the...Portal Owner's Pack or whatever. Not really sure about the figure thing since the game's not for me.
So some of the new figures aren't giants? Just the same size as the ones from the first game?
Was disappointed when I found out the Lightcores for the first series wouldn't work on the regular game, but my wallet is a little happier, as I'm not planning on replacing any of my figures.
Shame this means that most of the accolades won't happen this time around. The game blatantly wants people to re-purchase the figures and I just can't do that.
On the upside, both of my games came this morning, and I had my £10 Sainsbury's discount so all is right with the world.
What do you say that the "game blatantly wants people to re-purchase the figures?" I mean, there's obviously the collector side to things, especially with the poses of Series 2 figs and the Giants LightCores, but all of the figs from the first game work in Giants.
If you already have a large collection of figures from Spyro's Adventure you're good to go.
Do we know exactly which figures should be available tomorrow for wave 1?
Thanks for the heads up brah, might just be enough for me to cross over to the dark side.Also, looks like TRU is going to have B1G1 40% off on all Skylanders stuff tomorrow through Saturday.
Does anyone know if the adventure pack figures unlock anything in the 3DS game? I know for console versions it unlocks the same levels from the first game.
I mean it in the sense that if you put your Series 1 figures on the game, they don't count towards your total of Skylanders - I put all 37 of my original characters on the portal this morning, and it still says I only have seven Skylanders registered.
As I also mentioned, you cannot get all the Accolades without having all of the Series 2 characters, and they even make a point of telling you that you have Series 1 characters when you put them on the portal.
That answers that question then, although every time I put the pieces on my Portal, it didn't do anything for me.
I will try on the 3DS tomorrow and get back to you if I'm not beaten to the punch!
I mean it in the sense that if you put your Series 1 figures on the game, they don't count towards your total of Skylanders - I put all 37 of my original characters on the portal this morning, and it still says I only have seven Skylanders registered.
As I also mentioned, you cannot get all the Accolades without having all of the Series 2 characters, and they even make a point of telling you that you have Series 1 characters when you put them on the portal.
Speaking of repurchasing, I should have really researched this game better as both Pop Fizz and Chill have Lightcore versionsI've only played a couple of levels each of the console and handheld versions, but I'm having a good time.
If it's the same as the UK, new characters I was able to pick up were:
Swarm (Air Type)
Crusher (Rock Type)
Bouncer (Tech Type)
Pop Fizz (Magic Type, non-Lightcore)
Chill (Water type, non-Lightcore)
Fright Rider (Undead Type)
They also had a triple pack with Shroomboom and Series 2 Chop Chop (and a cannon piece which I think opens a battle arena).
For Lightcores, they had Prism Break, Drobot and Eruptor (none of which will work with the first game). Series 2 reposes had Slam Bam and Trigger Happy.
Triple pack-wise, there was Series 2 Whirlwind and Trigger Happy, along with Pop Fizz, and one with Series 2 Ignitor and Zook alongside Chill.
Lightcores don't work with the old game? Dammit so I have to get a reposed non-LC Eruptor if I wanted it then for my old game. That kind of sucks.
File this under "undetermined."
Officially, updated LightCores do not work with SA.
However, Dan Amrich (official Activision blogger) said that they do, it's just not marked as such on the box because the LightCore attacks don't work in SA.
I can't say for certain as I have Giants, but don't have SA. So, no way to test.
File this under "undetermined."
Officially, updated LightCores do not work with SA.
However, Dan Amrich (official Activision blogger) said that they do, it's just not marked as such on the box because the LightCore attacks don't work in SA.
I can't say for certain as I have Giants, but don't have SA. So, no way to test.
All I want to know is whether you can skip cutscenes now. I haven't seen any reviews mention this and it was incredibly tedious that you couldn't in the original game.
Day 1 haul so far. All of Wave 1 (minus the 3DS Punch Pop Fizz and regular Cynder, picking up later) and some of Wave 2:
Glow in the dark Cynder (Walmar exclusive) to the left, Flashwing (Wave 2) to the right.
Started playing this with my son on friday.
We beat Chaos today.
He's a bit sad that it's already over (it did feel shorter than the first game, but I'm not sure) and that he "only" had time to pick up eight of the new characters (we have all the original characters) before we reached the end of this game.
Aren't there different difficulty levels now? I know my wife and I played the first one completely several times.
Lightcore versions of original series one figures do work on the original game. This has been verified for me by Mike Stout at Activision. The packaging says otherwise, probably to avoid confusion as they appear in game as the original series one character and the new character lightcores don't work at all.