I'm really liking some of the new skill points. There's a mission that's basically."Satellite Cannon: the tutorial"
Oh yeah, there was that map too. That was amusing as hell. They also buffed the area for that attack too, very sweet.
Now that I think of it, you could alsowear them way down, attack, kill the support defender, support attack, kill the main target? but why bother if the moon's out.
Also it's really awkward when I go to complain about being stuck with the useless shota but he's actually -the- useless Shota. I guess if I focused on him he'd be better, but supers are so much better when you throw one into the front lines and watch it Lock On/morale-roll and I'd far rather use Mazinger or Zanbot for that.
You mean the useless Shoutaro!
He's not bad though actually. A little EN heavy but having a frontline healer that can soak up some damage is really nice. He'd probably be really nice if I sunk some money into it.
Anyway, the character interactions in this are so good like I said in the my previous post. There was one that I laughed at around the map you are onI laughed at this. There's a slight continuation of it later too that really amused.Garroad goes off to find a job to make money for him and Tifa so he joins Takeo General Company. He gets asked why doesn't he sell his Gundam because someone heard from Rand that he did it before. He says he tried to but no one would buy it because it's a Gundam.
Was there any SRW that had Gaogaigar it it?
For all that shit gets really broken really fast, I'm liking the balance. Wiping the floor with regular enemies isn't all that damaging when every wave comes with ten aces who -will- have 50% hit on your reals and leave them under half HP in one shot.
The boss stats are positively Winky-tastic too. Stage 8, the boss is chilling out with 27k HP and a 4100-power attack he can spam at will.
My units are a bit more forgiving at around 6k/1500 armor instead of 4500/1100, but I'm still actually having to heal, support defend, and keep as much mitigation up as I can.
I just hit 17 and the general level is pretty speedy for an SRW game. Hakai-hen started kinda slow but this has already hit full drive in terms of stages full of enemies and the like. The grunts are pretty buff too, some of the one-step up grunts even survive the attacks from my powered units at lower Morale levels. SP Regen has been a life saver in that regard because it allows my weaker units to fight and survive still.
So on story, I can see why they added Wing TV to the mix for Z2. Some nice stuff with the series mixing streams. Wing and Geass in particular in the stage I just finished.
So... does this use save data from the first part?
Need to finish that up lol.
Yes it does. You get money, PP, Kills and Items depending on whether you have a Clear Save, the number of times you completed the game (up to 10 rounds), and whether you completed all scenarios.
So... does this use save data from the first part?
Need to finish that up lol.
And it kinda makes sense that your dudes are 'broken'. 2nd half of most of these shows tend to have pretty OP mechas no?
To be fair Gainer is almost as girly as Loran.That's King Gainer piloted by Gainer Sanga, a guy.
It's one of Tomino's more happy series.
Yeah, but at least Loran looks good in a dress.To be fair Gainer is almost as girly as Loran.
First impressions
-some of the SR skill points are really well thought out, others are not. Protecting allies I cannot control? nor heal? nor obstruct to limit their suicidal tendecies? SOO NOT COOL!
Now the bigger question for that stage: Did she blow up? Reports indicate that most people, when completing that stage, she dies/blows up. Apparently, a few people (me included), managed to just make her run away.
The protection one, you took the Super route? That one wasnt that hard, just don't attack anything near that mech that would put the target in a "one shot kill" status. If you cant kill a target next to that mech on your turn, don't try attacking it, or she'll take the target when she moves (or the enemy target will derp and just try attacking her).
Now the bigger question for that stage: Did she blow up? Reports indicate that most people, when completing that stage, she dies/blows up. Apparently, a few people (me included), managed to just make her run away.
I think the secret to that involves Tetsujin.
1. Difficulty on par w/ SRWz2.1, its not too hard, as long as you're not stupid with your tactics. The hard parts, at least up to where I am, are fulfilling the Skill Point objectives, which again, not too hard as long as you're not stupid (like wasting all your seishins before attempting a skill point). Make sure you know who can support attack, because it appears to be vital to at least two skill points in the early levels.
Wow... I just managed to activate Chirico's uber super human solider ability two stages in a row. Since I've only managed to activate it only once in SRWZ2.1, I have officially broken my record.![]()
The proper way to use Chirico is to start every map with a Macross Cannon memento mori.
... Assuming I have about 2/3rds of Z1 to go, and all of Z2-1, how long would it take me to get caught up here?
pretty damn long if you want the bonuses from Z2.1
at least 2 playthroughs for Z1 since there are 2 originals.
at least 3 playthroughs for Z2-1 if you want all carry over bonuses
first playthroughs are always the longest, i took me like 50 hours to finish Z1, i think it's shorter for Z2-1.
Up to mission 13, where youI'm really enjoying this "reset and go back to intermission" thing.get Setsuko and fight a boss who's impossible to kill unless you've pumped serious money into a super.
Doesn't require that much pumping, just kill him w/ some unit getting attack support from a strong unit (I used Mazinger Z (30% weapons) supported by Baldios (50% weapons), using strongest attacks. You should also have someone w/ Morale Down, so use it on the target, and make sure you use the "All Out Attack" command that Zero has to pump up the damage a bit.
EDIT: Wait, either Mazinger Z or Godmars, and Baldios was the support. One of them had 50% weapons, the other had 30%![]()
The protection one, you took the Super route? That one wasnt that hard, just don't attack anything near that mech that would put the target in a "one shot kill" status.
Wow... I just managed to activate Chirico's uber super human solider ability two stages in a row. Since I've only managed to activate it only once in SRWZ2.1, I have officially broken my record.![]()
Eh, I still say I prefer Z animation over PSP (a bit too much relying on anime cutscenes, framerate's pretty slow too), but I guess I can fault it not on the game but on the system.
Voice acting... you'd be surprised how a lot of them are actually reused.
Enemies have been tougher now... at least certain enemy groups, like say, Vajra and the terrorist group, have great accuracy and evasion.