Hes a national treasure, but that logo is terribad and you know it.
I really loved seeing the suit again in "God's Not Dead"YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH
Your face was designed to wear a mask most of the time
wutSorastitch said:I really loved seeing the suit again in "God's Not Dead"
The look on his face, he most be seeing his post Smallville career
What does Ulteraman's symbol mean?
What does Ulteraman's symbol mean?
The U stands for "ur mom".What does Ulteraman's symbol mean?
Something about cocaine, probably.
I'm torn on what I think the best S Shield is. Routh's and Cavill's are both really good IMO.
The shape of Routh's? Sure.. the size of it? Nah... it was comically small.
The House of El or a symbol for hope, either or both are perfectly fine by me. MoS has the best S logo though.
I still want to know what the deal was with Superman throwing the shield at people in Superman II.
EFFECTS: Quickly, in a dazzling display, Superman puts his hand to his chest. Magically,
the "S SHIELD" emblazoned there becomes a literal object in his hand while its "original"
remains on the costume. It shimmers and shines with an energy force that clearly connotes
immense power .
Superman flings it like a discus.
394 The effect on Non as the "S SHIELD" hits him and wraps around him.
395 ON ZOD -- He looks worried. He is beginning to realize that Superman, on his home turf, has powers and devices at his command beyond their comprehension.
Why did they design Routh's costume to look like plain ol' underarmor. I'll never get that. Dude looked like he was wearing superman jammies with that neckline.
Why did they design Routh's costume to look like plain ol' underarmor. I'll never get that. Dude looked like he was wearing superman jammies with that neckline.
10 mil for a "return to krypton" scene they ended up cutting and replacing with a single title card.
Why did they grow a whole cornfield for that movie?
You start questiong Superman Returns and you will never stop
10 mil for a "return to krypton" scene they ended up cutting and replacing with a single title card.
Question, everything!
Returns is good, sure the neckline and the way the cape is tucked in does bother me and stuff but I still manage to like the movie, fruit roll up cape and all.
Returns is good, sure the neckline and the way the cape is tucked in does bother me and stuff but I still manage to like the movie, fruit roll up cape and all.
Especially hilarious how they changed him for the video game, making him suddenly a giant beefcake superman
Yeah, if I were and actor and game-me looked like that, I'd probably end up with some kind of inadequacy issue.
Why did they grow a whole cornfield for that movie?
You start questiong Superman Returns and you will never stop
Because Superman Returns should have just been Kingdom Come.
reaching a bit with that last one but fair enough.
Bryan Singer's never accurately adapted anything in his life outside of "Apt Pupil"
No way he would have been able to get Kingdom Come down. No way Warners would have given him the budget to do it right, either.
As it was, he still botched the relatively smaller-scale Superman movie he did get to make.
MOS is GOAT. Looks like an S but also looks like something alien-like.
How much longer until the rage of Power Girl "fans" (aka. creepy pervs who just want to look at 2D tits) manage to get this reversed like the last time they tried to get rid of the boob window?
*Sensible chuckle* it always come back , the banana suit couldn't kill it, and I am sure Johns is a fqn.How much longer until the rage of Power Girl "fans" (aka. creepy pervs who just want to look at 2D tits) manage to get this reversed like the last time they tried to get rid of the boob window?
I bet marvel is building a cornfield for the end of Infinity Wars 2You know what would've justified growing a cornfield? A superman living in isolation in his fortress of solitude cornfield like Kingdom Come.
Because Superman Returns should have just been Kingdom Come.
I mean no matter what the "canon truth" or whatever bullshit is, it's an 'S'.
I also hate when they try to redesign it. It's one of the most well known symbols ever for a reason.
Yeah Hot Toys Routh and Microman Routh look pretty dainty compared to other Supermans
omg routh why r u so skinny