kiryogi said:
I laughed when Yuri said "Ow Karol...". :lol
kiryogi said:
Rpgmonkey said:I laughed when Yuri said "Ow Karol...". :lol
kiryogi said:One of my personal faves that I've experienced myself is @ 4:26, when Estelle fails to get Repede to high five her. (Through out the entire game thus far, Repede doesn't really like her! But no problems with Judy or Rita :lol)
Jonnyram said:Damn. Thought I was being quite thorough but it seems I missed a lot of side events already![]()
Darkman M said:If IU really ships on the 29th im not sure if i want to play through tov first or Iu, or even both at the same time :lol both are day 1 though.
Jonnyram said:Damn. Thought I was being quite thorough but it seems I missed a lot of side events already![]()
140.85 said:This ever coming to PS3?
I was just going to say this. What's up with this? I mean, it's a week away, and I have seen one one-page advertisement in EGM....that directs you to a non-existent website. What the hell? Not to get off-topic, but IU doesn't have that much either -- I have seen a few more one-page ads, but, again, two weeks away and not much seen.Firestorm said:Yeah, marketing is still horrible for this game. Ugh.
There's a fewkiryogi said:Haha, yeah, just like abyss. Not sure how many missables there are yet though..
Did you unlock the full map yet?Though, I mainly just want the outfits! Noticed my gamerscore on it is the highest out of NeoGaf so far too.
Actually, I killed two of the Gigant monsters before getting the side quest for Karol, so I won't be able to get that title this run through :/ All things said and done, I went back and scouted around last night and I think I've only missed about 3 or 4 time limited side events now. I just gotMissing a few secret missions? Didn't take on the Gigant monster? Clock time currently is 43 hours or so.
Jonnyram said:There's a few
Did you unlock the full map yet?
Actually, I killed two of the Gigant monsters before getting the side quest for Karol, so I won't be able to get that title this run through :/ All things said and done, I went back and scouted around last night and I think I've only missed about 3 or 4 time limited side events now. I just got.Baul
Namco's MO with the Tales series in North America has always been "no advertising, huge print runs, befuddlement when it doesn't become a Final Fantasy killer, and finally, the decision that this means North American gamers don't want Tales games"clashfan said:Why is there no marketing for this game? Does Namco want this to bomb?
Blackjack said:Namco's MO with the Tales series in North America has always been "no advertising, huge print runs, befuddlement when it doesn't become a Final Fantasy killer, and finally, the decision that this means North American gamers don't want Tales games"
clashfan said:I'm surprise they are not marketing this to kids. The graphics seem very kid friendly.
But the colors, Duke! The colors!kiryogi said:Heh, Vesperia's story is not for kids.
Don't forget releasing their title on the same system in the same month of the biggest RPG release of the generation. All this after the previous title did close to a million on the other system still starved for RPGs.Blackjack said:Namco's MO with the Tales series in North America has always been "no advertising, huge print runs, befuddlement when it doesn't become a Final Fantasy killer, and finally, the decision that this means North American gamers don't want Tales games"
Ermac said:Just noticed that Amazon says the CE comes with a "52 - 72 page manual with art"
This definitely makes the CE seem worth even now, just the soundtrack seemed a bit lacking.
It's probably a rather flimsy art section though. Regardless, cancelled my preorder @ gamestop and moved it to Amazon. For the collection!Hcoregamer00 said:Wow, Collectors edition for me.
kiryogi said:It's probably a rather flimsy art section though. Regardless, cancelled my preorder @ gamestop and moved it to Amazon. For the collection!
Jonnyram said:There's a few
Did you unlock the full map yet?
Actually, I killed two of the Gigant monsters before getting the side quest for Karol, so I won't be able to get that title this run through :/ All things said and done, I went back and scouted around last night and I think I've only missed about 3 or 4 time limited side events now. I just got.Baul
Case said:is Estelle a must have in your party for healing?
Papercuts said:
The Kotaku comments are a bit ridiculous. XDPapercuts said:
:lolPapercuts said:
RPGCrazied said:Any reviews out? it comes out less then a week..
Its the longest tales story right? I should get 80hours out of this puppy if it is.