Secret Missions are just special conditions to fulfill during boss fights. What I'm doing right now is going to gamefaqs every boss battle and going ctrl+f for 'secret mission #' in the cheats section. Yeah it's one-chance-only unless you do another playthrough I guess as they're only on boss fights.Farore said:Q: Are the secrets missions easy to miss [and are they one-chance-only]?
That's an awfully random thing to spoiler.Threi said:Yeah i think this will be my first 360 game
if i have money left over from budget-priced crackdown and dead rising
CcrooK said:Titles. What do they do as a whole?
dont they change stats growth?Tamanon said:Generally nothing in this game from I can see, some of them change your costume though.
Case said:dont they change stats growth?
grandjedi6 said:Ah the traditional Tales big breast joke. Where would the series be without it?
2DMention said:Nobody but Gamestop seems to have this game. I'll tried Wal*Mart, Circuit City, Best Buy.
I'd like to use a coupon at the last two places, but I'd also like to have this game for Labor Day weekend. I guess I'll have to pay full price @ gamestop.
That's funny - Best Buy has it on their website too.
I didn't think this game was niche enough to be sold @ GS only.
grandjedi6 said:Ah the traditional Tales big breast joke. Where would the series be without it?
Tamanon said:Out of curiousity, is there any penalty for playing the game on Easy or Normal?
Big-E said:Gattuso worked me like no tomorrow. Was finally able to beat him though it took many tries. Did anyone have an easy time with him?
kiryogi said:Well, Team Destiny didn't really have any well-endowed characters. Inomata usually had some rather proper looking designs, until Hearts. So yeah, it's definitely more of a Fujishima/Team Symphonia thing.
Princess Skittles said:Indeed. We should see how many of the clichés I joked about in the Tales of Hearts thread are in Vesperia.
Threi said:yo dudes.
So how is the game's learning curve? I have played many a RPG in my time but this will (might) be my first Tales game.
Can someone explain the combat system?
Me tooSatelliteOfLove said:I've been fed-the-fuck-up with snarky holier-than-thou little shit protagonists
Beezy said:Man, voiced skits makes this game so much more enjoyable. There better be voiced skits in every Tales game that gets released over here from now on. They always seemed like a chore before.
Warnen said:Agreed any word if the Wii Tales(Symphonia 2) game will have them?
Firestorm said:Oh wow., the boss in the area right after meetingGoliathis kicking my ass.Rita
Hm. I'm level 9. I don't think I have that yet.KingJ2002 said:if you're in the underground area in the ruins... use yuri's wolf strike (i think that's what it's called... it's an arte that knock's down your emeny... it's automatically set to forward + a button) if you run behind him and use it... it's a garunteed knockdown... once done.. rita's magic along with everyone attacking like crazy should finish him off pretty easily. I was at level 15 when i faught him.
Firestorm said:Shit. You guys are right. Ehmead Hill is a lot harder this time around. I still got to the boss within like 1 minute, but damn. I never died in the demo but he ripped my ass to shreds. I'm level 12 =/ I keep targetting the flowers by mistake instead of his henchmen. This overlimit as soon as the match starts thing is bullshit.
Yeah, I hate to recommend it, but you're probably a bit under leveled at the moment and grinding might be your best bet.Firestorm said:Shit. You guys are right. Ehmead Hill is a lot harder this time around. I still got to the boss within like 1 minute, but damn. I never died in the demo but he ripped my ass to shreds. I'm level 12 =/ I keep targetting the flowers by mistake instead of his henchmen. This overlimit as soon as the match starts thing is bullshit.
MrHicks said:is the asia version compatible with PAL?
play asia has a question mark sooo seems its not tested yet
anyone know?
kobashi100 said:I seriously doubt it mate. The Asian (Japanese language) version is locked and so is the US version. Can't see the Asian (English Language) version being any different.
MrHicks said:aw shit
is this even coming to euroland?