Tamanon said:He reversed the buttons to make it like the PS2 Tales games. You do the arte, and then in the midst of the arte going off you press and hold whichever button is for artes.
Awesome, thanks for the clarification!
Tamanon said:He reversed the buttons to make it like the PS2 Tales games. You do the arte, and then in the midst of the arte going off you press and hold whichever button is for artes.
Tamanon said:He reversed the buttons to make it like the PS2 Tales games. You do the arte, and then in the midst of the arte going off you press and hold whichever button is for artes.
Oh crap, sorry. I honestly think I've never done a burst arte in that case :lolkiryogi said:Like the US tales games maybe.
Jonnyram: You're thinking of Hiougi/mystic arte. Burst Arte is done via the waza button, hiougi is done via the attack button.
Tamanon said:Aight, since the battle system is so fun, I decided to go ahead and restart the game so I can get all the Secret Missions my first playthrough. Plus those chests I've missed all over the place.
Himuro said:Why the fuck does Yeager have the worst voice ever? The voice acting in this game is good, but Yeager's is awful.
Princess Skittles said:Just passed "Part 1," yay.
The achievements for this game are all over the place, some of them bordering on ridiculous (getting all skits), they could have done a lot more interesting things than the twenty something "Secret Missions," for instance. I think Lost Odyssey has had the best JRPG achievements so far, a good mix of stuff you'll come across always and more hardcore ones, with only one insane one. Most importantly YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO BEAT THE GAME TWO OR THREE TIMES TO GET THEM. If I recall, not a one was permanently missbale. Eternal Sonata and Tales, ah, seems to be a Namco thing, not surprising.
I missed using Magic Lens on one monster so far, one of the black guild guys that you probably fight once (and I guess I skipped it since there were two of them that looked identical except their weapon in the fight).
The secret mission for that boss is a pain because it's really finicky.Firestorm said:Ok so the demo boss in the real game who's a sonuvabitch bullshit motherfukcing f;adsjdsf. Finally beat him. Went back to town, stocked up on everything, upgraded my weapons through synthesis (was gonna do it beforehand but), Yuri learned some awesome skill becaused I grinded to lv14.those idiots attacked us and they wouldn't let me
BUT I missed the secret mission even though I could've sworn I did it twice that battle and since I kept trying to get that "Great" Yuri and Repede died at the end so they didn't get exp. Guess I gotta do this again![]()
ShockingAlberto said:The secret mission for that boss is a pain because it's really finicky.
You (or I think a team member) needs to deliver the hit to the flower that makes it spit out paralysis powder on the boss. If he makes a sweeping attack that does it, even if it still hits him, it doesn't count for you.
Ugh maybe that's why. I'll try again. I just beat him again and now am restarting once again. The stupidest part is, I got it like 3 times before but never finished the fight.ShockingAlberto said:The secret mission for that boss is a pain because it's really finicky.
You (or I think a team member) needs to deliver the hit to the flower that makes it spit out paralysis powder on the boss. If he makes a sweeping attack that does it, even if it still hits him, it doesn't count for you.
You can set it as a shortcut on the right stick and use it manually. You don't have to play as himPapercuts said:6 -Use Serpent with Raven when the boss tries to heal itself. I know what to do, but do I have to play as Raven for it or would Great! show up even if the AI did it? I've only used Yuri and the boss was tough, so I doubt I could fight the whole thing as Raven.
Oh shit, I had no idea that you could map another character's arts to the right stick.Jonnyram said:You can set it as a shortcut on the right stick and use it manually. You don't have to play as him![]()
I find it pretty much essential to set Repede's steal move on there, esp. for boss/gigant fights as you'll need to use it a lot to get the more unique items.Beezy said:Oh shit, I had no idea that you could map another character's arts to the right stick.![]()
Himuro said:Dammit Estelle.
I tell her deliberately NOT to use any TP at all and this pink haired loli continuously keeps draining her TP.
Himuro said:Dammit Estelle.
I tell her deliberately NOT to use any TP at all and this pink haired loli continuously keeps draining her TP.
Jonnyram said:I find it pretty much essential to set Repede's steal move on there, esp. for boss/gigant fights as you'll need to use it a lot to get the more unique items.
Firestorm said:That didn't even make sense. Tried two more battles, didn't get it even though I tried my hardest. Next time, I did get it even though I was no where near him and the battle turned out to be a lot harder too. Oi.
Tamanon said:And watch out, you actually might be saddened when you see why Estelle loses some of her naivete![]()
Llyranor said:Can't you guys just set all of Estelle's spells to OFF if you don't want her casting any?
:OLlyranor said:Can't you guys just set all of Estelle's spells to OFF if you don't want her casting any?
Tripled or Quadrupled for the week in Japan. Might've been more if it didn't sell out there. Probably didn't make a blip here. I mean, I had a few friends who were looking at a 360 for Vesperia (then went out and purchased it when Star Ocean joined it too), but I don't think that's what happened across the continent here.Aras said:is that true that xbox360's sales rose just because of tales of vesperia???
how much ? :0 I dont believe it
Firestorm said:Tripled or Quadrupled for the week in Japan. Might've been more if it didn't sell out there. Probably didn't make a blip here. I mean, I had a few friends who were looking at a 360 for Vesperia (then went out and purchased it when Star Ocean joined it too), but I don't think that's what happened across the continent here.
I'm guessing you've unlocked them right?Farore said:Could someone explain me this Burst Arte/Fatal strike thing?
The game is in really short supply everywhere. Like I said earlier, my store sold out by 2:30 the day of release. I blame Namco's shipment habits more than anything, but I guess this means we beat their expectations? Although knowing Namco, they shipped 20k but expected to sell 100k so they'll call it a failure.Spruchy said:Hey I got a guy harassing me about not preordering and tried to guilt trip me into doing so for craponia 2. But he was most likely doing it only because he works at gamestop not because of the hype for the game ;[
Oh shit, I had no idea what they were for. Thanks! The rate of depletion is based on number of hits, rather than amount of damage, right? I mean, if you use the 1 damage skill, you still take the FS bars down at the same rate, I think.kiryogi said:You can see these gauges as 3 colored arrows when you target an enemy with RB.
Jonnyram said:Oh shit, I had no idea what they were for. Thanks! The rate of depletion is based on number of hits, rather than amount of damage, right? I mean, if you use the 1 damage skill, you still take the FS bars down at the same rate, I think.
Ah, so assuming you turn off the other chars using FS, you should be able to get massive FS chains going in really simple fights, and get insane grade points. I'll have to try it. I think I read somewhere that higher grades also result in better drops? Might be useful for those damned superstars!kiryogi said:Bingo, basically one of the reasons why you want to use damage modifier skills. That's why sometimes right from the beginning you'll already have a FS opportunity, as usually Rita or Estelle will cast something that'll completely drain it.
Jonnyram said:Ah, so assuming you turn off the other chars using FS, you should be able to get massive FS chains going in really simple fights, and get insane grade points. I'll have to try it. I think I read somewhere that higher grades also result in better drops? Might be useful for those damned superstars!
Firestorm said:There isn't achievement for getting all the secret missions or something is there? Because since I died after getting the achievement, I did the boss again but didn't get it this time. I have the achievement on my profile, but is there some sort of achievement for completing all the secret missions on one playthrough?
Ok. Even though I just know I won't get all the titles. Now I'm gonna have to beat this boss again and again until I complete it again. This game hates me. Thank god it's only like 10 seconds of cutscene.kiryogi said:Yeah, a costume title for Yuri.
Firestorm said:Ok. Even though I just know I won't get all the titles. Now I'm gonna have to beat this boss again and again until I complete it again. This game hates me. Thank god it's only like 10 seconds of cutscene.
edit: ugh give up for the night. I can either beat him and not get it or get it but die.
But you guys are at acceptable levels. I avoid battles when I can! Although I'm LV14 now which I think is actually around what I should be at. It's weird. He's pretty easy if I don't pay attention to the flowers. But as soon as he gets stunned once, it's like he goes into overdrive.kiryogi said:Cmon! I've been trekking thru out this entire game doing the secret missions on HARD. If you're failing on normal I don't know what to say!
Lv18 is a typical level for that fight. I don't know what you're trying to achieve at 14Firestorm said:But you guys are at acceptable levels. I avoid battles when I can! Although I'm LV14 now which I think is actually around what I should be at. It's weird. He's pretty easy if I don't pay attention to the flowers. But as soon as he gets stunned once, it's like he goes into overdrive.
kiryogi said:Ok. I might have to step down to normal for this guy. Or study an unknown video.He keeps healing himself! and hiougi's me to no end. Oh the pain
My Arms Your Hearse said:Flynn? That fight took FOREVER. Once he got to half health he did nothing but heal like a little bitch. The casted heal isn't so bad... but i never play with Yuri and he didn't seem to have any options for knocking him out of his Guardian Field type move (Azure Edge and its variations never interrupted it). BTW, you don't have to beat him. though you do miss out on two pretty decent items (though I think they're both craftable and you get one of them earlier).
kiryogi said:I"m watching an unknown video for it right now. Blowing my mind how insane the battle is on both sides.Alexei