Malio said:I'm over 50 hours into this biatch and have just now beat down. I better hurry before ToV2 comes 'round.Alexei![]()
No word on it.Foffy said:I hate to ask what is an overly done question but, what is the current stance on an international release of Tales of Vesperia for the PS3?
I'm a MAJOR sucker for enhanced ports, and I don't want to be bitten again as I was with Star Ocean: The Last Hope. I bought it and beat it 2 weeks before they announced the PS3 version :X
Isnt PS3 region free? why not just importSeda said:Im still waiting for a Vesperia PS3 western release....
kai3345 said:Isnt PS3 region free? why not just import
Theres a European version isnt there?xero273 said:The user probably can't read japanese.
on the 360! :lolkai3345 said:Theres a European version isnt there?
I can see how someone would get confused though. The EU release was released closer to the PS3 version release than the 360 =Pgrandjedi6 said:on the 360! :lol
And I'm not sure I'd call it a "European version" as, despite being for Europe, it only had English, French and German, with english voices
Kagari said:
Vesperia sequel in consideration.
That's the only really unbalanced boss in the game, I had to level up a bit before I could beat him. I can't really give any strategy for it, but If you already haven't done so, make sure to set the item use in the strategy menu to "do not use" for all characters. Healing is much easier when you manage it yourself. Estelle also have the item thrower ability, which can quickly heal any character with items.Aru said:The game is great but Gattuso is a real pain in the butt.
Can't beat him now, the AI is kinda stupid so that won't help :/
I can confirm that Tales of vesperia (PS3) has been localized fully in english, I had a chat with Troy Baker who voiced Yuri Lowell today at the London Expo. Told me he and the rest of the crew had to do additional voice overs due to the addition of Patty Fluer and the fully voiced skits.
Dead said:Some guy talked to Yuri's English VA at a London Expo and he had this to say (apparently, take with a grain of salt I guess)
JCX said:I would really like Vesperia PS3. I want to play a good console RPG.
Dead said:Some guy talked to Yuri's English VA at a London Expo and he had this to say (apparently, take with a grain of salt I guess)
According to a vgchartzzz member who's attended the show
Lost Fragment said:
Dead said:Some guy talked to Yuri's English VA at a London Expo and he had this to say (apparently, take with a grain of salt I guess)
Dead said:Some guy talked to Yuri's English VA at a London Expo and he had this to say (apparently, take with a grain of salt I guess)
cress2000 said:I remember having the game lock up on me twice while using a magic lens on an enemy right when they died.
Some guy talked to Yuri's English VA at a London Expo and he had this to say (apparently, take with a grain of salt I guess)
What's been added exactly? 19 hours of extra content seems pretty extensive.rykomatsu said:finally finished ToV (ps3)
Patty's addition was interesting, but too many details, imho, were left out. Really fun character to play, but I still prefer Judith by a long shot. The whole gambling concept/theme is fun at first, but when you're doing damage to yourself/party due to a bad draw or what not, it gets a little annoying. Probably going to start my 2nd run through this week to try to get most of the trophies eventually.
Overall a pretty solid port. The amount of additional content is really quite something. For reference, it took me about 60hrs to finish my first run through on the 360 including the Fel Arms. ToVPS3 took 79hrs with approximately the same amount of skits as well as collecting the Fel Arms.
While there might be some bitching about ToVPS3 being the same price as the 360 version when it was first released, there's quite a bit of additional content which, imho, is definitely worth it.
Unfortunately, I couldn't get the female cast's swim attire![]()
I should be doing hw said:What's been added exactly? 19 hours of extra content seems pretty extensive.
JonStark said:God please be true![]()
kinda like the website he posted it onlucablight said:From reading around it seems like the guy who claims to have spoken to Troy is a liar.
Linkage?lucablight said:From reading around it seems like the guy who claims to have spoken to Troy is a liar.
Erscheint Tales of Vesperia für Wii?
07.11.09 - Bandai Namcos Rollenspiel Tales of Vesperia (PS3, Xbox 360) könnte vielleicht auch für Wii erscheinen. Das lässt sich einem Kommentar des japanischen Synchronsprechers und Schauspielers Rikiya Koyama entnehmen.
Koyama schreit in seinem Blog, dass das Spiel nach Xbox 360 und PS3 jetzt auch für Wii auf den Markt kommen soll; der Schauspieler hatte in dem RPG die Rolle des Duke gesprochen.
Bandai Namco hat sich zu Koyamas Kommentar nicht geäußert und Tales of Vesperia auch noch nicht für Wii angekündigt.
Guess which site gamefront undoubtably heard this fromNotorious_Roy said:According to Gamefront Rikiya Koyama said (on his blog: ) that Tales of Vesperia could come to Wii...
:lolgrandjedi6 said:Guess which site gamefront undoubtably heard this from
ds version confirmedisamu said:360, PS3, and rumors for the wii. Any indication of a PC version?