Datschge said:No, it has been sold out for a very long time now and Bandai Namco seems not to be eager to make more shipments.
Yep, it has actually disappeared from some websites
Datschge said:No, it has been sold out for a very long time now and Bandai Namco seems not to be eager to make more shipments.
EVERY JRPG fan must purchase ToV at this price.Firestorm said:EB Games in Canada is slowly restocking this. Mostly only copies in Ontario right now but shipments should make their way across the country. $19.99.
Buy it now people!Firestorm said:EB Games in Canada is slowly restocking this. Mostly only copies in Ontario right now but shipments should make their way across the country. $19.99.
FSLink said:Is there a list of all the PS3 extras anywhere?
I know of the new characters, titles/costumes, artes, skills, etc.
But is there a specific list of all the newly added artes and stuff? Like there was for Symphonia PS2 on GameFAQs?
Yeah, I heard about that too, I was just curious if there's an indepth changelist anywhere.Patryn said:I'm also fairly certain they went from partially voiced to fully voiced.
FSLink said:Is there a list of all the PS3 extras anywhere?
I know of the new characters, titles/costumes, artes, skills, etc.
But is there a specific list of all the newly added artes and stuff? Like there was for Symphonia PS2 on GameFAQs?
Nope.ZZMitch said:Will I miss out on anything (story, items, achievements etc) by playing on easy instead of normal?
Seda said:IIRC.....no.
But there are a lot of other things (items, achievements, titles, side quests) you WILL miss if you don't use a guide.
kai3345 said:I'm really regretting selling this now that its become rare
kai3345 said:I'm really regretting selling this now that its become rare
Not so much "rare" as "out of print" and "highly desirable." But it's easy to find online if you're willing to pay.kai3345 said:I'm really regretting selling this now that its become rare
I finally gave up hope on the PS3 version and got a 360 on boxing day (mostly) for this game. :lolFirestorm said:At this point if you saved like 50 cents a day since Vesperia PS3 was announced you'd have enough for a 360 + game.
I know this is so random, but I can't help but notice that you ALWAYS misspell "quite" as "quiet" :lolDrkirby said:Quiet a fun game, last major console jRPG I have completed.
Kagari said:ToV PS3 still runs $75-$85 almost anywhere I've seen. This game will never drop in priceIs it worth just biting the bullet and getting it? I just recently received Tales of Graces F and figured I might as well get this since I'm getting Tales of Xillia whenever that comes out.
Kagari said:ToV PS3 still runs $75-$85 almost anywhere I've seen. This game will never drop in priceIs it worth just biting the bullet and getting it?
This is normal.shintoki said:So I recently started to play it again, and I was already an hour or two in... basically I'm on the wolf boss in the forest and can't pass. Help me before I break shit.
Firestorm said:This is normal.
Break something. Grind. Try again.
It's the hardest point of the game.
Found my post when I beat him: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=12616773&postcount=1426
LV14 I would say is min. LV18 is typical.
Hits my Yuri for 200-300 damage min.Firestorm said:I found him easy in the demo.
Main game was bullshit.
Shut off the spells you don't want to use and set her AI to cast spells.shintoki said:Hits my Yuri for 200-300 damage min.
Also, how the fuck do I get AI to just attack? As much as I love Rita, I WANT HER TO USE SPELLS NOT MELEE
You could always slap the spell you want her to use on the right analog stick and spam it. I usually do that with AoE healing spells.shintoki said:Hits my Yuri for 200-300 damage min.
Also, how the fuck do I get AI to just attack? As much as I love Rita, I WANT HER TO USE SPELLS NOT MELEE
shintoki said:So how do I set skills on other parties for me to control.
2nd, how do I make AI not retard? I just found out they went through my entire supply of Gel during party mobs >_>
Am I always supposed to have a bit of trouble with bosses too? Large ones specifically, so far every small one has been easy, but the big ones. I seem to just eat a lot of blows too much.
Feorax said:Thought I might pick this up and give it a go.
Checked amazon and play.com, and new/used copies are between £90 and £100.
Fuck. That.
Some times I'm happy I live in NAFeorax said:Thought I might pick this up and give it a go.
Checked amazon and play.com, and new/used copies are between £90 and £100.
Fuck. That.
Ouch. I would just import it, I think its region free. Game is $25 (~£16) on Amazon US.'Feorax said:Thought I might pick this up and give it a go.
Checked amazon and play.com, and new/used copies are between £90 and £100.
Fuck. That.