I'm not sure I get this, does this mean the game does it in a subtle way not emphasizing too much in the previous game making it easier for newcomers to understand the story and characters or does it mean that you better have played (and remember) the first one to understand what's going on?Story and characters are thrown at the player without much consideration for whether you've played (or remember) the first game.
Refreshment.01 said:Guess who is roleplaying the sh!t out of the Witcher 2!What a delicious experience. Thanks GoG!
Refreshment.01 said:Guess who is roleplaying the sh!t out of the Witcher 2!What a delicious experience. Thanks GoG!
Dont hate cause I roleplay. Going like this baby, spoilers ahead:Zeliard said:Are you dressed up as Geralt?
Nekrono said:I'm not sure I get this, does this mean the game does it in a subtle way not emphasizing too much in the previous game making it easier for newcomers to understand the story and characters or does it mean that you better have played (and remember) the first one to understand what's going on?
Story and characters are thrown at the player without much consideration for whether you've played (or remember) the first game. In some ways, it's not so much the famous nudity (which is there) that marks The Witcher 2 as a mature game as the way the fast-moving script expects you to keep up
"Looks like I'm gonna need to take out my silver sword"Refreshment.01 said:Guess who is roleplaying the sh!t out of the Witcher 2!What a delicious experience. Thanks GoG!
WaywardScribble said:Hey! So!
I am intensely interested in The Witcher! You guys all seem to KNOW about these GAMES, so I thought I would ask if I should grab the $5 GOG.com of The Witcher even though I own a lowly Mac! Will my purchase "stick around" long enough for me to get an appropriate gaming rig for it?
I would Bootcamp/Wine/ETC but my computer is running with around a GB of internal memory. I plan on upgrading this myself in a month or two manually, but in the meantime that isn't a option at all. Besides, I doubt that any Mac really has the specs to do the game justice.
Tell me how much I should play The Witcher GAF! Just do it!
Minsc said:So it sounds like the latter, the game is unforgiving if you don't know what's going on. You could possibly be forced to make timed decisions on matters you're not familiar with under pressure and with people's lives at stake.
Fox318 said:"Looks like I'm gonna need to take out my silver sword"
There are also multi enemy takedowns.Kyaw said:The group combat encounters seems to be hard. But this may be fixed if you unlock the ability to block attacks from all directions.
Pre-loaded from GoG. Now counting down seconds to 17th.
Vasilisk said:Why so FEW games does this? For me this is more "realistic" than having photorealistic graphics and animations.
thetrin said:There are also multi enemy takedowns.
Group encounters look like they'll force players to use their magic and traps to thin the herd and even the odds.
Did you listen to what the guards say to geralt in the very beginning of the game when he's imprisoned? they kept talking about witchers and explaining what they are and what they do, it felt a bit forced to me.Minsc said:So it sounds like the latter, the game is unforgiving if you don't know what's going on. You could possibly be forced to make timed decisions on matters you're not familiar with under pressure and with people's lives at stake. Fun!
Minsc said:Even minor things, like taking out key monsters, could have repercussions as the monsters can be effectively keeping away other threats that will show up in their absence.
L0st Id3ntity said:Did you listen to what the guards say to geralt in the very beginning of the game when he's imprisoned? they kept talking about witchers and explaining what they are and what they do, it felt a bit forced to me.
This combined with the varying enemy types makes combat sound more like a puzzle. I likey!Kyaw said:I am looking forward to taking down monster nets to stop monsters respawning. Hopefully there are side quests that gives us good rewards for those kind of things.
Exuro said:CDPR considers expansion instead of short DLC.
Gop is still saying 40 hours for the average main quest run too. That's quite a bit over the estimates of 20-30 hours the reviews have said so far.
Exuro said:CDPR considers expansion instead of short DLC.
That's... kind of a weird way to review an RPG. Also, from that forum thread, about the Pelit review:MollyMillions said:Apparently most of the reports that the game takes only 20-30 hours were from European reviewers who avoided "anything that looked like a side quest", according to the Finnish reviewer from Pelit, who seems to have sped through it, and it still took him 20-30 hours just to do the main quest.
:The 16 endingsweren't that impressive though, and only had slight differences in details.
Well they probably wanted to get their review out there for hits, not actually play the game in it's entirety. Alsodwebo said:That's... kind of a weird way to review an RPG. Also, from that forum thread, about the Pelit review:
AliceInJam said:Hey guys! So I am using the witcher 2 as an excuse to finally get into pc gaming. I have been feverishly looking through custom builds and laptops trying to decide on what I want. I think I have finally come to a decision and just want to see what you guys think. Will this get the job done?
Thanks!! Can't wait till the 17th!
AppleSmack said:Hi guys. I got 2 questions. The first is how well can I run this game with my rig:
AMD X4 955 BE
GTX 460 1GB (Factory Overclocked)
Secondly, I would like to know is it possible to enjoy this game without playing the first Witcher? See, I do own Witcher Enhanced Edition, but the download is huge and it would cripple my usage to download both Witcher 2 and the first game. So I'm hoping I can just start with the second one and come back to the first later?
Ah, didn't know that, maybe that's what he meant.Exuro said:AlsoWe've know for a while that the 16 are actually just 4 main endings with 4 small variations. Are the 4 main endings not very different?
Ask it here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=200064&page=53SneakyStephan said:Another question about the first game that google comes up short for.
bengraven said:I had this game set for release on the 14th and the wait has been PAINFUL.
I thought maybe because they're Polish they disregard the whole "Tuesday release date" schedule.
I realized today it won't be until the 17th, Tuesday, after all.
I can't take this fucking wait.
Exuro said:I'm really loving some of the art from newer magazines.
Ask it here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=200064&page=53
Lets try to keep this thread to TW2.
Salaadin said:If you didnt preorder yet, go with GOG. We get it Monday night, 6:00pm EST.
You can get the pic of Triss and Geralt here http://witchervault.ign.com/screenshots/?ss=270&page=1Exuro said:I'm really loving some of the art from newer magazines.
I wouldn't mind having a poster of this.Jay Shadow said:You can get the pic of Triss and Geralt here http://witchervault.ign.com/screenshots/?ss=270&page=1
RedSwirl said:Shit I just realized I put The Witcher 2 on my C drive. Any quick way to bring it all over to another drive?
Salaadin said:I did the same thing. After the preload was finished, I went into the downloaders options and created a new directory on a different drive for it. Then, I copy/pasted the contents from the C drive folder (My Documents/GOG Downloads, I believe) and put them into the new one.
According to Minsc, theyre just setup files and we can copy/paste them around all we want as long as we have every single one in the exact same folder with the names unchanged when we go to install.
Minsc said:There's 5 files in the directory right? setup_the_witcher_2-1.bin through setup_the_witcher_2-5.bin, with 1-4 being 2GB and 5 being ~1.6GB? If so, one would imagine those are the exact same files you'd get from downloading via http, which would make sense, unless GOG is hosting multiple versions of the install files.
Salaadin said:There were more than 5. Im not at home right now so I cant check but I do know there were more than 5, Id say probably 20 or 30 iirc.
I think they were named similar to what you have above though.
bengraven said:Triss is so awesome. Why the HELL did I go with Shani?
Oh, because Shani's model is pretty cool and Triss's, in W1, is atrocious. :/
I moved my files fine to my external HDD to make room. It works fine, but I had to copy the downloader application over too (not a big deal) and change the directory where I put the files so it would stop downloading it again onto my C:\ Drive again when I ran the downloader to double-check the status of my files.Minsc said:Interesting, so a little research shows the downloader actually downloads each file in chunks of some sort, so you end up with many more (to speed up the download I guess), and then it combines them all later.
Here is was said there are no issues in moving paused downloads from one drive to another and then resuming, so there's no harm in what you did, especially if the downloader recognizes your progress as you said it did.
The unfortunate thing about using the downloader is after the last 100MB finishes on the 16th, you'll have to wait an extra 10 or so minutes for it to re-assemble all those chunks in to the files used for installing, a step which is skipped by simply using the web to download the files in single pieces as they aren't split in to chunks like with the downloader.