thetrin said:4 loading screens total? That's mad impressive.
thetrin said:4 loading screens total? That's mad impressive.
VisanidethDM said:I'm sure seeing the game in motion will temper most of the issues, but while technically competent, the visual design is in my opinion all over the place. It remains a spectacularly good looking game, when analizing individual aspects.
AppleSmack said:Personally, I never minded load screens between areas. Hopefully, implementing only 4 load screens doesn't mean they had to sacrifice significant amount of performance.
AppleSmack said:Personally, I never minded load screens between areas. Hopefully, implementing only 4 load screens doesn't mean they had to sacrifice significant amount of performance.
How About No said:I seem to remember them improving the load times in the Enhanced Edition. Like, it would only take a few seconds to leave a house instead of 30 lol
We sacrificed the Aurora Engine, if that counts.Minsc said:Clearly, nothing has been sacrificed compared to TW1's performance anyway. You're going to be in the vast minority there too, most people hated TW1's loading screens every time you went in and out of a building or area. I didn't mind them myself, but there's absolutely no reason to believe anything was sacrificed in removing them.
That would've been good to know, a few months ago. If TW2 defaults to quick saving in a new slot every time again, I will rage so hard.Castor Krieg said:It was also influenced by how many saves you had. I went down from 50 to 3 after I learned it, and the loading times improved a lot.
Castor Krieg said:It was also influenced by how many saves you had. I went down from 50 to 3 after I learned it, and the loading times improved a lot.
I don't mind loading screens either, but it's still really really impressive. Strangely, though, when there are no loading screen, I don't even notice that it's seamless.AppleSmack said:Personally, I never minded load screens between areas. Hopefully, implementing only 4 load screens doesn't mean they had to sacrifice significant amount of performance.
akskiller said:
I don't mind either. Ive been playing TW1 on SSD and loading is like nothing huhuhuthetrin said:I don't mind loading screens either, but it's still really really impressive. Strangely, though, when there are no loading screen, I don't even notice that it's seamless.
The average novel is a lot more than 50K, though.e_i said:Wow, a little more than two novel's worth of dialog (going by 50,000 words = novel).
Exuro said:I would be super excited if it weren't for the lack of preload on non GoG sites. Probably going to get to play the game at 7 at night on Tuesday. Not much for a launch.![]()
Yeah, I mean, that's what I was expecting originally for steam, but then that PR guy on facebook led me to believe otherwise. And now I am bummed. Fuck that guy!Exuro said:I would be super excited if it weren't for the lack of preload on non GoG sites. Probably going to get to play the game at 7 at night on Tuesday. Not much for a launch.![]()
The timer indicates that it'll be noon. With my connection it could take 7 hours if the Steam servers aren't dying.Cheech said:When do games generally launch on Steam? I'd like to kick it off at 7a tomorrow morning, so it's done by the time I get home from work. If they unlock it at noon or whatever, I'm screwed.
Exactly how I feel.dwebo said:Yeah, I mean, that's what I was expecting originally for steam, but then that PR guy on facebook led me to believe otherwise. And now I am bummed. Fuck that guy!
Yes. I don't know why they aren't advertising it on the main page or TW2's store page though.Xamdou said:Do we still get tf2 items for preordering the game through steam?
luxarific said:Boggles the mind that more of the Witcher novels haven't been translated into English yet, besides the two.![]()
Add a few 0s to that.Sn4ke_911 said:Yeah. The Witcher 1 had over 700.
Xamdou said:Do we still get tf2 items for preordering the game through steam?
INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:The loading sounds super impressive and refrshing. Though I loved the concept art and music during Witcher 1 loading screens.
AllIsOneIsNone said:So there is one review up on metacritic, it a 95. Haven't heard of them, but that can't be a bad thing, eh?
I'm in complete agreement with you. I'm really glad they wanted to go that route. Considering how amazing the game looks knowing it is based a lot on streaming data is impressive as all hell. I definitely didn't like the loading times in the first game.Zeliard said:Yeah but Witcher 1 had notoriously lengthy loading times. It's the biggest reason they made that one of their primary design goals for the second.
AllIsOneIsNone said:So there is one review up on metacritic, it a 95. Haven't heard of them, but that can't be a bad thing, eh?
I agree but Eastern European "low budget " PC exclusive vs big budget Rockstar backed multiplat -- it was bound to happen. : (Gully State said:While I know that the two games are in different genres/platforms and thus not comparable, it's kind of sad seeing LA Noire media overload today. It's taking a lot of attention away from Witcher 2 which really should be getting more media exposure.
Gully State said:While I know that the two games are in different genres/platforms and thus not comparable, it's kind of sad seeing LA Noire media overload today. It's taking a lot of attention away from Witcher 2 which really should be getting more media exposure.
Alastor said:One of the biggest Polish gaming sites. They currently have The Witcher layout, tons of articles about the franchise and so on, but it's hard to say that it has anything to do with the score... because the game probably deserves it![]()
FJ0372 said:Hope its ok to post this here, guys what would you recommend The Witcher 2 or Two worlds 2? Also are they similar, game play wise (I thought they were)? I have played neither of their predecessors and am not really interested in playing them.
Corky said:I've never wanted a game to succeed financially as I want tw2. I haven't played it and yet I want it to win the hearts, and wallets, of the majority.
Salaadin said:One things for certain, tomorrow is a great day for gamers.
Ill be grabbing LA Noire when the first sale hits. I can hardly justify 60 bucks for a game anymore but thats one I REALLY want.
Zeliard said:Yeah but Witcher 1 had notoriously lengthy loading times. It's the biggest reason they made that one of their primary design goals for the second.
Noon. Everything else is improved that you mention. Watch some videos. Not sure what you mean by the Game Guide having DRM. Pretty sure you can move that stuff around as it's extra content.Technosteve said:I purchased the witcher 1 but i never got pass the first town where you kill the dogs, i didn't like the combat and the graphics were pretty horrible. I need to know two things, when does steam version unlock and did the combat get better from click click wait click, I heard it's like batman so it's tolerable. Side note did the UI get better, the way they handled making potions and items made me want to punch the computer.
Also does the game guide have DRM on it? I am planning to move my pc to the tv to play with the controller, controller support is good right...?
Technosteve said:and the graphics were pretty horrible.
Alastor said:CDP Red announced that the game had more than 110 000 pre-orders, 40% of which were digital. They expect to sell the first million faster than with the first Witcher. It'll probably break two million easily![]()
Gully State said:Bestbuy and Amazon have some really sweet preorder deals that effectively bring the price down to $35 and $45 respectively (GC of course). I'm in the same boat as you though in that I'll pick up LA Noire down the line for cheap but only b/c once Witcher 2 releases, I won't have time to play anything else.
VisanidethDM said:The most interesting part of this data is that it goes to show how digital sales on PC are still not as prevalent as many thing. Sure limited edition goodies have an impact on preorders, but still the retail market has a great importance for PC sales.