Sir Garbageman
Awesome OP. Pre-ordered months ago, can't believe we're only a week away. So pumped.
xXJonoXx said:I never played the first one, always heard good things about it. I ordered the physical copy of the first game from Amazon on Friday for $13 and it arrives today. Super excited to play it! The screens from the second game look amazing.
Van Buren said:*snip*
Get even more hyped, people.
toasty_T said:Don't mind if I do.
JoeBoy101 said:Was going to pick up the collector's edition, but I just can't justify that extra $80 considering the Premium edition comes with OST and map. Don't you all agree? Please tell me you agree.
ColonialRaptor - You did such a great job with my Portal 2 one, think you can Witcherize Mr. Van Cleef here?
leng jai said:Anyone getting the CE? Looks pretty poor for the price especially considering the normal edition comes with some nice stuff already. Really do want that artbook though.
loganclaws said:I'd just like to point out that there is a slight error in the OT's "Story so far" section. This is a spoiler if you haven't played TW1: Berengar doesn't necessarily die in the fight against Azar, I suspect the OT author didn't know that this was another "player choice"...
ColonialRaptor said:Does anyone know what the default GAF text font is?
VisanidethDM said:I took the liberty, since Lee Van Cleef had white hair at some point of his career:
VisanidethDM said:I took the liberty, since Lee Van Cleef had white hair at some point of his career:
VisanidethDM said:Forum or logo?
koshunter said:Isn't he supposed to die though? I recall reading that if he does survive he simply acts like nothing happened, aka pre-battle conversation.
ColonialRaptor said:Both?
VisanidethDM said:Lemme go through my font library. May take 5-5000 minutes.
Kyaw said:Bah still no preload!
The first review sounds good but 24 hours maybe a bit understated?
Some previews are doing at least 15 hours at the first act and prologue. No way its 24 hours for 'unhurried' playthrough.
ColonialRaptor said:Primarily I need the text font at the moment though...
Is it just Tahoma?
Sounds almost like Just Cause 2 where even a GTX260 and Core 2 Duo can run at somewhat mid-level settings.The_Player said:For those who curious about game performance:
I've got GTX260, 4GB DDDR2, AMDx4 and preview-version runs with 25-30 FPS at High. Pretty much believe that release version gonna be even more optimized.
VisanidethDM said:Wait wait. You mean stuff like thread titles etc or the font in the Neogaf logo? Cause the logo alone has 2 different fonts (for NeoGAF and BELIEVE), etc. The "user message" font seems light Tahoma, yes.
ColonialRaptor said:Yeah, I don't need the logo right now, maybe later on, but just the message text that you are reading right now.
It's not Tahoma, I've compared most of the standard fonts that come with windows and it doesn't seem to be any of those :/
It possibly may be Helvetica?
VisanidethDM said:Don't try to rationalize RPG lengths. There's people ending DA2 in 23 hours, I clocked around 60 on my first clear. People may be skipping dialogues, speaking to all NPCs, grind levels etc.
Minsc said:That's technically going to depend on what browser settings (and browser) each person is using though. It could vary from computer to computer.
poweld said:Pre-ordered this even though I just got to the golem fight in the first one and cannot get past it. Fucking lightning always hits me and I cannot figure out why. I keep him inside the triangle, I stand as far from the stone as I can...
Grr. Hope the sequel doesn't have issues like this.
Complistic said:lightning strikes whatever is within it's boundaries. you need the golem inside it and you need to be outside it. I think you can take the golem down with your sword if it really is glitched but i doubt it is.
matmanx1 said:The digital goodies with The Witcher 1 deal that is going on right now over at are very nice. Full artbook in .pdf format, the calendar, soundtrack, wallpapers, avatars and more. I already own the game on disc but $4.99 was worth it for all of those extras.
I'm guessing the pre-load for part 2 isn't up yet or have I just missed it?
Complistic said:lightning strikes whatever is within it's boundaries. you need the golem inside it and you need to be outside it. I think you can take the golem down with your sword if it really is glitched but i doubt it is.
koshunter said:Isn't he supposed to die though? I recall reading that if he does survive he simply acts like nothing happened, aka pre-battle conversation.
Kyaw said:Yeah, that's true.
I normally talk to as much people as i can and i explore a lot and never skip dialogues.
So should be longer for me anyway.
He can survive?! He took like 2 hits and died on me.
Vlodril said:Yea he can. Survived in my first playthrough , couldn't do it again on my second and i gave up but its definitely doable.
Vlodril said:Yea he can. Survived in my first playthrough , couldn't do it again on my second and i gave up but its definitely doable.
I may have to do this, but man it'll take a while. Maybe I'm underleveled, cause my sword does 1 per hit, and igni was hitting for around 30.Minsc said:Yup, igni + sword here too, took it down eventually, without taking much damage. You move a lot faster than it.