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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |OT| Plough 'Em All

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MickeyKnox said:
I'm not touching the art book until I play the game, potential for spoilers is too high.

File combination at 90%

Skimmed through while rolling mouse wheel, will look better later... it's some absolutely amazing viewing and worthing going back over with a fine tooth comb later.

Install has started just this second, will see how long it takes from SSD to SSD.

Already 10% done, so SSD obviously makes a big difference.

BBS going to get a red bull (as if I need any more amping but MEH) and dinner.

Van Buren

The journal being written in the voice of Dandelion is fantastic so far. Dandelion writing a journal entry about himself made me laugh since it was exactly as I expected it to be.

"Dandelion played a significant part in the most important events of the era" - a humble self-description indeed.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Hey guys

Does the Ultra setting have literally all other subsettings on their max?
Xamdou said:
I'll most likely run the game on High since my processor is a dual-core, how does one go about overclocking the video card? Via catalyst?

I use Sapphire Trixx. Really easy to use and automatically applies O/C settings at boot.

Re-read my other post if you want to overclock your CPU.

Also, make sure to run the game with your Texture Filtering set at Quality instead of High Quality in Catalyst or RadeonPro. It looks exactly the same but can add another 2-5 FPS to most games. I'm guessing it'll give really good gains on this game since it looks like it's really got intensive, high res texturing going on.


BoobPhysics101 said:
If you bought from D2D and want to download The Witcher 2 now, follow these steps:

1. Download Gamespy Comrade
2. Log in
3. Select Witcher 2 from the Games list and click install
4. Make sure Steam and/or no games are open or it'll pause the download

If it won't start downloading ("Download paused while in game"), quit out of GameSpy Comrade and re log in.

I'm downloading now @ 3 MB/s. Fuck yeah!

Thanks for the tip mate! Just upgraded my ISP plan so I can download without going over my limit lol. However, comrade keeps crashing my display driver, the latest ati hotfix.


Import Items:
Aerondight, D'Yaebl, and Gwalhir imported from my save along with Raven Armor. I never got the hunt sword so I don't know about that


TW2 on Steam DOESN'T have SecuROM

Chris said:
Also, I just got a heads up from CDProjekt that the game doesn't have SecuROM, they just didn't bother to pull out the dummy files...so that's good.


Zeliard said:
From the User.ini:


Gonna try changing the MouseSensitivityY there to a negative value and see what happens, whenever I get control in-game.

I am a hero to you all, fellow inverted warriors. This works.

I GOTS MY INVERT. Time to get lost in this.


3rd-party DRM: SecuROM™
5 machine activation limit

:( :( :(

If it doesn't have it, they should remove that stupid advertisement.


BigBlackGamer said:
what did you change?

The MouseSensitivityY command there, simply stick a negative and you're good. I knew you had to be able to do that, ultimately. It's just the case where they forgot to stick the option in the menu, which is just dumb of them.
LiquidMetal14 said:
Uber destroys performance at any res. Best have SLI or some future card to try and make it work. It looks fantastic minus the uber though.

The lowest I've seen my FPS is 28 on uber settings 1920x1200, my rig:
i7-950 @ 4.0ghz
GTX580 OC 900Mhz
6gb DDR3 @ 1500Mhz

Guess the "best played on nvidia" logo isn't just marketing BS this time.


Can confirm Asus G73SW gaming notebook runs this @ 1080p even on low settings at less than 20fps. Unplayable on this laptop. 720p however is OK.


HeadlessRoland said:
Thats remarkably stupid to leave the "dummie files" intact. Since now you get all the negatives associated with securom (unhappy customers) with out even using the product.
Chances are they'll get removed with an update. Looks like CDPR were rushing to get this out. Steam barely got it a few hours ago.


For those playing, do the shadow edges look fine in game? Every shot I've seen has shown a bad crisscross effect and it's still annoying me from the screen shots.
Just got my premium edition and i'm very happy about the content. weird because Im not usualy a fan of special editions. Among other things the game guide is so good.

world map has boobs in it :lol


Still an hour to go. Can't wait to see how my crossfire 6970 does in uber settings on 1920X1080. Does this game use PhysX? Got a 9800GT coming this Friday for that.


That's what I'm doing. And in the mean time I'm listening to the OSt which is fantastic. Very high quality music. The song I posted has turned into one of my favorites.
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