Van Buren said:
I think I'll set it as my new ringtone.
Van Buren said:
Solo said:Ended up grapeshot-ing the queens to hell :lol
RedSwirl said:Still in Chapter 2 but shit is starting to get thick. I went the Roche path but do I actually get to go into Vergen or can I only do that on the Iorveth path?
Also, I found a myserious little camp right behind the Kaedweni camp on the other side of a cave, but couldn't enter it. Is there some other way or do I have to wait until later?
Complistic said:So is the steam patch still not out yet?
Hawk269 said:Nope. Which really sucks for those of us with the Steam copy. I dont understand why we have to wait though. I would not be as pissed if Steam or CDPR said the steam patch will be out on this day or that day. The fact taht the CDPR homepage says it is out and for Steam users to download the update, but there is no update is a bit frustrating.
The Witcher 1 kind of overstayed it's welcome to, but i think it was pretty good for doing that, and i wouldn't have minded at all if the witcher 2 did it as well! props for delivering a campaign that was free of any form of filler or padding though, we need more of that in w-rpgs.Solo said:The length of the game was perfect. If Chapter 3 was as long as Chapter 2 and there was a Chapter 4 + epilogue afterwardss, the game would really outstay its welcome.
Complistic said:I think steam patches need to get certified by steam before they release them so thats probably what's happening.
RedSwirl said:Is anyone else now getting a CTD sometimes when saving the game?
Jerk said:My textures! The patch ruined my textures!
What exactly was changed for blocking? I only played for a few seconds in my second playthrough today.toasty_T said:Woah, the new block is the business. I took down both Endrega Queens just blocking and using heavy strikes.
Each block uses half a vigor point and the recharge time is half that of a full point.thetrin said:What exactly was changed for blocking? I only played for a few seconds in my second playthrough today.
Got any screencaps?Jerk said:My textures! The patch ruined my textures!
Why even tie it to vigor at all then?toasty_T said:Each block uses half a vigor point and the recharge time is half that of a full point.
So in a one one one encounter the the time between each attack/block is sufficient enough to negate the hit on your vigor.
Jerk said:My textures! The patch ruined my textures!
To stop abuse I imagine. Unless the blocking mechanic added a timing element there needs to be some sort penalty for blocking otherwise you could hold block indefinitely and take no damage.thetrin said:Why even tie it to vigor at all then?
Yurt said:windows vista/7 32 ?
RedSwirl said:Vista 32bit
Well, I just meant it should have it's own bar. Sharing a bar with magic was kind of a pain until I got Quen II.toasty_T said:To stop abuse I imagine. Unless the blocking mechanic added a timing element there needs to be some sort penalty for blocking otherwise you could hold block indefinitely and take no damage.
subversus said:do the quest quick. he's nearthe camp sitting in front of the cave.
thetrin said:Well, I just meant it should have it's own bar. Sharing a bar with magic was kind of a pain until I got Quen II.
Coldsnap said:wtf i never found him. What cave?
Coldsnap said:wtf i never found him. What cave?
RedSwirl said:So I just got to the end of the Death Symbolized quest in Chapter 2 where I had to get the standard from that. WOW. That's the kind of shit that current gen consoles games would never allow. Ighost dudetried to play along off the top of my head but fucked up at the last question and ended up fighting him.
I just started playing tonight, and I have to say, this game looks absolutely amazing. And, I really like the combat system. I guess I'm one of those people who likes this Batman AA style combat, especially on PC.
mileS said:Has anyone tried killing a couple guards in Flotsam and picked to not pay the fine when they ask you? haha that was neat.
Yurt said:Are you still getting CTDs RedSwirl ?
mileS said:They really tweaked the combat, thats for sure. It seems to be not as punishing for people that like to spam the attack button now.
mileS said:They really tweaked the combat, thats for sure. It seems to be not as punishing for people that like to spam the attack button now.
RedSwirl said:Oh, and Vergen is a lot more interesting than the Kaedweni camp. I'll be sure to replay this game for the other path.
GillianSeed79 said:Woah, Master Race indeed. Drove about 40 miles today to find a retail copy. I was going to get it from GOG, but I had a $50 BB gift card laying around and the retail version is like a $120 collectors edition if this was on consoles. Best godamn retail version of a game since Lunar Silver Story Complete on PS1. Fast forward to installation. Watched the new Dr. Who while it was installing. Perfect timing. Soon as the episode is done, TW2 is ready launch. Fire the bad boy up to see the recommended settings for my Asus G7 with ATI 5870 is low. I promptly folded the laptop down in shame with a new mission to visit the other Witcher 2 thread to try to optimize this. I know there's something with G7's you should download to overclock it.
I officially bow down to PC GAF. Seeing that low setting was like getting punched in the penis or that random snowball as kids that was 3/5 ice. I have this vision in my head of people who can play this on Ultra settings like it's that 80's movie War Games. Like there's a giant Joshua PC with flashing bulbs and film reels spinning in giant mutiple chasis. I kid, I kid. But godamn I think I understand now when some of you guys look at console games and laugh.
CDPROJEKT RED Engine has officially made me its bitch.
You miss out on a great deal of the Assassins of Kings plot if you're in Vergen.
Bisnic said:Just beat the game, and wow... Chapter 3 was super short compared to the other 2. Did i miss a lot of sidequests or what?
Also kind of underwheling ending, i was expecting some kind of cliffhanger like Witcher 1.So i just killed Letho and leave the city with Roche & Triss...and nothing else?