Yep, combat still feels bad. Ended up playing for about half an hour, fought some wolves, quickly remembered why I struggled to finish through the game the first time. Gotham Knights has better combat than this.
Never played Gotham Knights so cant say.
This game overall is extremely over rated in my opinion. Aside from the combat sucking, the so called 'best open world ever' world is vast but pretty drab looking, boring to explore the loot filled houses filled with dumb NPC's that you steal all their shit with zero consequence and is just littered with the usual bland question mark open-world sidequest and mini-game shit we've seen thousands of times over this gen. It really is baby's first open world RPG and I can't see how this is any better than the usual stuff we get from Ubisoft etc.
The story is also pretty dull and shallow, especially when compared to other RPG's and cRPG's of the dwaf-elf-human-monster-fantasy ilk.
The stupid ass 'senses' system you constantly have to use makes my eyes roll every time - doesn't help that most quests generally revolve around you using it constantly to find various mcguffins.
I can imagine most big fans of this didn't play classic rPG games like Baldurs gate for example, so they think the quest with the fat guy and the ghost baby thing is some kind of revelation in writing.. It's hard not to dislike for that alone. Everything this game does has been done in the genre far better many years ago. They just made it look pretty and added a lot of boobs.
The first time I played this I gave up after the fat guy in the castle questline, but this time I gave up when I was on the road to his place cause I knew what was coming and this update doesnt change anything that made it not for me in the end.
I can see why someone who has never played many good RPG games from the 90's, 00's and even some more modern may think this is some kind of ground breaker. It's just not for me, seen it all before and got the bored tshirt.
It's not a bad game at all by any stretch of imagination, but for me, personally, it's a passable 6/10 at best. Pretty much run of the mill, probably only give it a second shot when it gets a free next gen update and still not that good kinda game