Does anyone else also get a glitch that gets rid of your auto saves? I've had to reset my Xbox 3 times now and continue playing from my last physical save :/
That looks like the Calvary armor.does anyone know what armour this is?
does anyone know what armour this is?
Armour from the 2013 build that likely doesn't exist in that form anymore. It's probably the starter armor.
so i chose the "i saved triss" option when asked, does that mean she wouldnt appear in the game if i hadnt ?
I got the pass off the shady merchant to enter Novigrad but the game doesn't seem to register that I have bought it off him, so I can't progress through to Novigrad is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Oxfort has a good blacksmith. Make sure you find the blacksmith and not an armorer.Regarding Griffin gear:
The blacksmith I have been going to in Velen is too low of a level to craft the griffin silver sword for me. I haven't yet traveled to Novigrad. Is there someone there who can craft it? I've got all the mats and I am far enough along to where I have some quest leads in Novigrad.
Oh that looks good, but is it heavy armor? I dont use heavy armor.I am a fan of this armor, not much color variation in most of armors, nice to find something that looks a little different.
so i chose the "i saved triss" option when asked, does that mean she wouldnt appear in the game if i hadnt ?
Is there another way to Skileigie?(spelled wrong)
Well I got it half price but seems like a bug has happened.You could have just done a pretty easy quest for the pass..
Nah, you were spot on. It's def. the part you mentioned but I see the confusion. Thanks for the input good sir.[advice]
I actually have to gather 1000 coins to get to a certain place.
You can quickly take a HUD free screenshot if you go back from the main menu (escape) to the game.
has anyone see the blood spray after a chopped of limb or head like in the demo they played before it was released?
I havent seen that![]()
I guess I'll ask again, is their a downside for being overlevelled mean to the point where a quest is grey? I suddenly got overlevelled later in the game and decided that it must mean that it was time to continue doing the main quest instead of doing more side quests. But, I don't know if that is what the game wants. I'm afraid I'm playing the game wrong when I ignore all the side content to do a main mission because I'm like 4 or so levels above the suggested level.
What's the difference between steel sword and silver sword? Which is more important?
Seriously I just lost all my progress from a 2 hour play session cause the game keeps losing my save file whenever I die sometimes.
Anybody else get stuck on the Dirty Funds treasure hunt quest? Thing still doesn't work for me. Every few missions I do I go back to it and I just still can't progress passed the "read what you've found" even though I've read everything.
Steel is for humans, Silver for Monsters. The game should automatically pull out the appropriate sword in a combat situation.
Like that? That's my own screenshot by the way.
Steel is for humans, Silver for Monsters. The game should automatically pull out the appropriate sword in a combat situation.
and if you're not sure what counts as a monster, everything requiring use of a silver sword will have a silver health bar too.
Does that quest with the guy who challenges you to a duel over Maid Millberry go on as long as you want it to?I guess that quest is over for me.I wanted to keep him alive to see how long it could go and because I didn't think he deserved death for being foolish, but he challenged me in Novigrad with two friends and Geralt brutally decapitated him at the end of the battle.
So have people figured out yet how not to button mash during fighting? I have no clue how to predict Gerald's moveset. At least I think I don't have a clue. Sometimes he spins. Sometimes he thrusts. As a consequence, I button mash my way through fights.
In The Witcher, you'll get punished for button mashing. You have to use a mix of swordplay,magic,parrying,stepping aside and rolling over. If you dont do that you'll get hurt real bad. I assume you haven't played the first two games right?
I played the 2nd one. I use magic and as soon as my Quen is out I retreat to get a new one. But, and I guess so it goes after playing a lot of Bloodborne, there seems to be less control over how you swing, and how to time your attacks.
It just means the combat in the quest will be really easy. There's nothing really worth worrying over with this.
Do you have the skill equipped?
How this game has this much content, and this many quests, is just unbelievable. I'm floored. What the fuck CDPR.
Simple solution for QUICK SAVE on GAMEPAD:
- download antimicro (it maps gamepad keys to keyboard; opensource free)
- set xbox guide button to F5
have quicksave via gamepad
im using dualshock4 (ds4tool) works same way
if you have xbox popup after pressing guiden button - just uninstall xbox app