I can't read all the comments because I want to play this with as less spoilers as possible, but can someone give me a quick run down with the biggest pro's and con's? Like this
+ stealth
+ atmosphere
- story
Those are the things I hear the most, but I'm kinda curious to see what GAF thinks.
Opinions about new Thef are HUGHLY divided
+ stealth, but only on highest difficulty, maybe even with some modifficators
+ much harder than previous Thief's
+ "feeling" of Garrett
+ lots (and I mean REALLY lots) od side missions, secrets, unique item etc. etc.
+ side quest missions storylines
+ amazning "hub" city - huuuuuge
+ art-style
+ atmosphere of coruppted and dying city (but... Dishonored...)
+ OCD's players dream
- Bugs... sheez... after few hours I know how to dissapear a corpses or that focus is easilly expoited... I don't even want to speak about AI ridiculous behaviour (from time to time).
- "focus" focused :> And I don't mean that its bad, that focus is in game - game is designed to use focus...
- terrible prologue and 1st chapter - game starts to shine from 3rd chapter (stupid decision)
- stealing silly stuff... 2g here, 3 g there and oh yes... lets check all of those 5 drawers - so much fun (connected to "focus-focused" flaw)
- those repetitive comments... Im really starting to hate hungry peoples and coffe lovers
- "point of no return" level design

(big flaw for me)
- OMG OMG OMG fucked up sound positioning... Eidos... are you fucking kidding me? I really don't ask for a thing like
that, but come on... while not adding TrueAudio you also forgot to add stereo? :/
+/- sometimes it's more like a logic game... (I dont mean puzzles but a situations with guards/civilians that You HAVE to face)
+/- different level design... It's not like "5 ways to get to point" - more like "1/2 ways to get there... but You have a lot to steal and play with on the way"
+/- story is still typical for Thief (technology/body) but... no hammerites no pagans etc. :/
Thats after about 7h ingame (steam shows 13h but.. meeeeh).
Right now for me it's a 8/10 and one of the best stealth games... with strange flaws, and You have to configure it to be interesting :/