This game is better than I thought it would be.
I should be able to get the platinum without too much trouble.
definitely pleasantly surprised after all the poor reviews.
This game is better than I thought it would be.
I should be able to get the platinum without too much trouble.
Weird. Then again I have no issues with using focus. I know some of you play without.
urhg something I completely forgot is how bad the sound is.
constant glitches of soundtracks playing double with a second delay.
also it always sounds as if the people were right behind me, no matter where they are. Very surreal to hear a conversation from two people on the other side of a solid wall as if they where right behind you.
I see theres a 800mb patch, downloading now.
A whole lot of fixes for glitches, sound issues, etcAnything good in the patch notes?
nevermind it looks like its the client jobs that i want to play. the basso jobs were the short ones ive been playing
Anything good in the patch notes?
Hey folks.. Just like the PS3 Patch the PS4 patch has just gone live. This should update all disc and digital users.. Both US and EU..
The EU patch is larger then the US patch as it includes some language fixes which the US version does not support.
As the code base was the same across all versions, this means the same fixes are made across all.. Put into individual threads tho so each platform can report back
Fix list:
Fix several missing documents in the game
Fixed values for obstruction/occlusion
Fixed Credits music
Improved Map 021 music levels.
Overrode Occlusion values for opened portal to a proper value.
Fixed QuestGiver SmartObjects weren't playing their sounds on the right
Prevent use of the back button on Collection Rewards screen.
Make the Spectral Aspect trinket actually do something
Fixed ScaleForm video not supporting 7.1 configuration and fallbacking to mono.
Fixed Overall music volume. (-6dBFS)
Fixed Mesh Obstruction being set to 0% / 0% on everything.
Fixed music in map 065. (-18dBFS)
Accessing MenuScreenMC when its probably NULL because of a message that is not sent within a good timing
Prevent saving regular checkpoint while interacting with a streaming window as it would result in a OOW on reload.
Stat overwriting bug fix with global stats
Fixing the save/load problems caused with the timestamps of save files. ("Future save file" bugs)
Prevent PawnHero to be teleported too low when applying checkpoint record on the player controller after being saved crouched. *Crouch is well supported when applying checkpoint record to the PawnHero, but the player controller do a SetLocation on is pawn before we applying checkpoint to it
Fixed music not having its gameplay state set in the 060A challenge map.
Russian Wav plus Video
Could these be fixes to the positional/through-wall audio issues?Fixed values for obstruction/occlusion
Fixed Mesh Obstruction being set to 0% / 0% on everything.
HilariousMake the Spectral Aspect trinket actually do something.
wutAccessing MenuScreenMC when its probably NULL because of a message that is not sent within a good timing
Prevent saving regular checkpoint while interacting with a streaming window as it would result in a OOW on reload.
strange, ps4 copy is not updating for me. just picked up the game today since it was like 44 bucks. so it updated once (135 mb) and is now version 1.02. the patch notes do not reflect today's patch (which i understand was like 800 mb or so). what is the current version number after today's patch and is there anyway to force the game to update? i have turned off the ps4 and restarted, etc. guess i'll play something else and try again later.
edit: also, does this game make anybody else's ps4 disc drive make funny noises like it's trying to read but just keeps making strange noises? it's starting to worry me. it does it while just sitting on the xmb bar or whatever it's called on ps4. won't quit trying to read the disc or some shit. this thing may be going back before it kills my drive.
Yesssss. Will definitely readOh hey. We are deep diving this game. Every single level and mechanic.
Worth $17 from Gamefly?
I was looking at the same deal. It only has to be mildly enjoyable to be worth $17.Worth $17 from Gamefly?
Worth $17 from Gamefly?
Yeah, there is definitely some oppressive stealth goodness to be found here, even with the audio and repeated dialogue issues. I still go back to it from time to time (master difficulty, full ghost - no takedowns, no alerts) because the game scratches that exploration and patient scanning of the environment itch.Definitely worth 17$, if not more.
Despite the valid criticism, I have about 30 hours on the game and most of them were enjoyable so yeah.
Played a demo and was hard to get over the stuttering and jittery feel. And those load times. But the atmosphere looked fantastic.
I've been playing the PS3 a few days now, I've done every possible side quest and client jobs, and I have started Chapter 5 an hour ago, having played 16:42 hours thus far. Sweet lord all mighty this part is some scary ass shit, almost forgot I was playing Thief, lol. I love this part. Pretty curious as to where they're going from here.
But overall a pretty disappointing game and thus far definitely worth the scores it got (66-70). At this point I'd give it a 7 as well. The stealth works fine, atmosphere and art is stellar, but everything else is very subpar. Ridiculously linear for a Thief game (from what I've heard, never played the original trilogy) with some very shallow extra entrances and exits, and The City is a hell to explore.
Despite that, I really hope there'll be a sequel. I can see them turn around the bad stuff in this one. Especially the nonlinearity should be a top priority, as well as a much better executed hub.
where is that, if you don't mind me asking$17? Seems worth it at that price for xbox one, yeah?
where is that, if you don't mind me asking
my nephew has a XB1 and his bday is in a week