Other critics have also mentioned the embargo dropping around Monday morning.
I can confirm that's legit personally.
Other critics have also mentioned the embargo dropping around Monday morning.
german pc magazine gamestar gave apparently 78%
the most important points:
good art design, atmosphere
lots of exploration
good AI
can be finished witthout a single fight
no thief feeling
lifeless world
no real "sandbox" levels
bad ending
german pc magazine gamestar gave apparently 78%
the most important points:
good art design, atmosphere
lots of exploration
good AI
can be finished witthout a single fight
no thief feeling
lifeless world
no real "sandbox" levels
bad ending
german pc magazine gamestar gave apparently 78%
the most important points:
good art design, atmosphere
lots of exploration
good AI
can be finished witthout a single fight
no thief feeling
lifeless world
no real "sandbox" levels
bad ending
Mine'll be live when the embargo drops here, which for me is 1am Tuesday morning AEDT. No idea if that matches up with the rest of the world. Unless I get caught up, it'll be a video review too.
That's 8AM in EST, I think, 5AM PST, so you're one hour ahead of the embargo here.
german pc magazine gamestar gave apparently 78%
the most important points:
good art design, atmosphere <- Looks like the best thing about it
lots of exploration <- Surprising
good AI <- Surprising
can be finished witthout a single fight <- Nice!
no thief feeling <-
lifeless world <- Looks it from the streams
no real "sandbox" levels <- Hugely disappointing
bad ending <- Kinda expected!
The streams was doing some experimenting. He would stand in front of a guard, push it, and the guard wouldn't react. Guard would walk by him, he knocks him out and then throws him down some stairs. When he does this, the body literally slides down sideways with no sound effects. It really looked like a game of Slip n Slide. He kept knocking guards out, tossing their bodies down the stairs, and they would just slide down.
Later on, in some secret underground bunker, the player had to solve a puzzle. He has to keep through heavy underground brick walls. He sees guards having sex. Cue horrible cheesy sex dialogue. Except that when you leave the wall, run down some stairs feet away, you can still hear the dialogue as if you were standing right in the room.
The AI was abhorrent. Dude was playing on normal and he would alert guards of his presence, run into next room, hide in closet. Guards would then enter, make a BEE line to the closet and just stare at it before moving on after a minute to check elsewhere.
It was so laughably bad, I don't think words do it justice.
so just a day before the release. a very worrisome sign (as in hiding reviews from people).
Hitman Absolution was my worst game of 2012 and Tomb Raider Reboot was my worst game of 2013. I really hope SE don't keep this for the third year in a row.
I kind of expected that Thief was next gen exclusive, since when was it for 360/PS3?
Mine'll be live when the embargo drops here, which for me is 1am Tuesday morning AEDT. No idea if that matches up with the rest of the world. Unless I get caught up, it'll be a video review too.
It's a reboot.
Ive never played Thief before, so I think even if its not a faithful reboot I will still enjoy it. Hope its liked by fans of the original though.
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista with platform update
CPU: High-performance dual core CPU or quad core CPU
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon 4800 series / Nvidia GTS 250
DirectX: DirectX 10
Recommended Specs
OS: Windows 7 or 8
CPU: AMD FX 8000 series or better / Intel Quad 17 Core CPU
RAM: 4+ GB
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD R9 series or better / Nvidia GTX 660 series or better
DirectX: DirectX 11
Other PC Features
Input & UI
Full mouse & keyboard integration for the user interface with customized context bar, all buttons are clickable and can be controlled with keyboard.
Custom designed weapons bar when playing with mouse & keyboard
Extensive Customization for Graphics & Display including the following options:
o Toggle fullscreen
o Vsync
o Resolution adjustment
o Refresh rate
o For 3D: Stereo separation
o For 3D: Stereo depth
o Fov sliders
o Texture quality & Texture filtering quality
o Shadow quality
o Screenspace reflection
o Depth of field quality
o Parallax occlusion mapping aka POM
o Contact Hardening Shadows
Change text language in-game via the Audio menu
4K resolution support
Benchmark mode
Mouse & Keyboard mapping
Xbox 360 controller support
Custom Save/Load system including auto save and manual saves, similar to what we did for Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Surround multi monitor support
3D vision support
3D vision + Surround multi monitor support
SLi support
Steam community & leaderboard integration
Steam achievements
Steam trading cards
Can anyone else that is playing this tell me how many chapters there are? Trying to gauge how far I am.
Really excited to play this on tuesday!!
This game is being made by the same team that made Deus Ex Human Revolution which was one of my favorite games from last gen.
If Thief ends up being a game like that but takes place in the victorian era then I am all over it.
According to the achievements, there's 8 chapters.
Spoiler tagged in case people don't want to know.
Don't know if old, but it's been posted on the Thief dev blog just now.
Here's the full system requirements and PC features for the game:
Saw this on GameFAQs/NGG:
Just like their (GS) leaked Donkey Kong score.
Don't know if old, but it's been posted on the Thief dev blog just now.
Here's the full system requirements and PC features for the game:
Saw this on GameFAQs/NGG:
Just like their (GS) leaked Donkey Kong score.
Were extremely proud of the work weve done with AMD to make the PC version of THIEF a stand-out, definitive experience although we have a little more work to do to accommodate all of these new PC-specific features - we are busy working on a patch to support AMDs Mantle and TrueAudio technologies that is scheduled for March.
Sweet, this is one game I can actually try out on my ancient ass DX10 laptop lol.
Granted at lowish settings, but at least they didn't lock out DX10 machines like CAPCOM/Double Helix did with Strider which is a DX11 hardware only game. Which is bullshit when they've also got PS360 versions of that game.
Day 1 just to see how it plays.
It's been a cross generation game from the start. Would probably not even be on next gen systems if wasn't stuck in development hell for so long.
However I remind reading an article on their forum when the game was revealed, like, 5 years ago ? (Thi4f) were a dev said it was going to be next-gen.
Yeah, that's why I was surprised that there was 360/PS3 versions of the game. I thought Thief would be the first next-gen exclusive multiplat.
This game is being made by the same team that made Deus Ex Human Revolution which was one of my favorite games from last gen.
If Thief ends up being a game like that but takes place in the victorian era then I am all over it.
This is basically why I'm on the verge of pre ordering right now. But I haven't pre-ordered/bought a game at launch price for years because I got burned once. Not sure if I should do it.
Why can't they just stick to the roots. I never played the Thief games but they sounded like excellent stealth games with big levels.
I wanted that from this game, but it seems like it doesn't live up to my expectations.
Are there any other stealth games planned for next gen consoles?
This game is being made by the same team that made Deus Ex Human Revolution which was one of my favorite games from last gen.
If Thief ends up being a game like that but takes place in the victorian era then I am all over it.
Metal Gear Solid 5. Dishonored 2 hasn't been announced, but there will be one, and more Splinter Cell, despite Blacklist under performing.Are there any other stealth games planned for next gen consoles?