May very well happen by the looks of it.
Him going to see Dr. Strange in civilian garbs. Odin as a homeless guy etc... could all be depowered or some such tom foolery?
Taika Waititi does an AMA.
Proves he is best.
Considering the retro logo, can we expect an 80's vibe in Thor: Ragnarok?
You can. And more.
Howdy Taika, Kevin Feige said that Thor: Ragnarok would be the Winter Soldier of the MCU's Phase 3 movies. Care to elaborate on that?
Jeez. I better see Winter Soldier... no joke.
Hi Taika! I saw "What We Do in the Shadows" and loved it! I'm really excited for Thor: Ragnarok & I've got a couple little questions:
1) Will Thor: Ragnarok meld well with the previous two movies, or will it stand on its own?
2) Can we expect some of the same brand of humor in Thor? If so, were you ever given a hard time about certain scenes or lines?
3) Why does the title card for Thor look like it was pulled from a retro video game?
4) What's happening with We're Wolves?
5) Would you like some bisghetti?
I have no idea. It will be a nice addition to the Taika Waititi box-set though.
You can expect a Taika-esque tone. They've been very accepting of my style.
In case there's a retro style video game spin-off.
We have a title, what else do you want??
I'm not falling for that!
What have you planned for Thor: Ragnarok to make it stand out from the other Marvel films? Also, compared to your other films, how humorous will it be?
Awesome. Thanks. I think TR will be one of the most adventurous and most "out there" of all the marvel movies. It's a crazy movie.
Hello Taika. In Making Thor 3, did you make efforts to make it similar or dissimilar to the previous Thor films? As in, did you try to maintain the same elements, or did you try to make it more unique? Thanks
I made an effort to ignore the fact there are other Thor films.
Chris Hemsworth is really funny. How much of his comedy chops are utilised in THOR: RAGNAROK?
All of them.
How much influence/involvement did MARVEL have on the plot leading into infinity war?
Was it your decision to completely change the Thor logo and to leave out the "Ö" and if so- what inspired the style?
Marvel have a huge influence on the story. They know the universe way better than I do.
I still use Cohen. I just happened to be using Waititi on my first film and then it got nominated for an Oscar and I had to keep using it. Cohen is on all of my IDs etc.
The style is inspired by 70s / 80s sci-fi fantasy art. Because our film feels like that.
To what extent have you moulded the screenplay into your own thing while making the film, assuming you didn't have a hand in writing it. If you did, how extensive was your involvement in the writing?
Regarding artistic freedom, how much interference did you face while shooting the film? Some is to be expected regarding continuity and stuff, but was there any tension during the shoot?
I've had a big influence on story and character and tone. It's just like how I make my other films except way bigger. So far I've been given a lot of creative freedom. Thanks!
How difficult was it to fit your vision for Thor: Ragnarok into the existing continuity of the MCU?
I didn't bother trying.
A lot more stuff in the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/57oecm/im_taika_waititi_director_of_hunt_for_the/
Hello Taika. In Making Thor 3, did you make efforts to make it similar or dissimilar to the previous Thor films? As in, did you try to maintain the same elements, or did you try to make it more unique? Thanks
I made an effort to ignore the fact there are other Thor films.
Ignoring that there are other Thor films is what most people do anyway.
Interesting to see that last answer though, because it's strongly rumored that that's why Edgar Wright was kicked off Ant-Man.
Ignoring that there are other Thor films is what most people do anyway.
Interesting to see that last answer though, because it's strongly rumored that that's why Edgar Wright was kicked off Ant-Man.
he left. marvel changed the script to fit into the mcu(without telling him), wright wasnt happy with that and left the project.
Good man!
My take was that he was firef because wasnt able to get his shit done after the movie was delayed for one whole phase of movies. Hank and Janette were supposed to show up in The Avengers.
Ignoring that there are other Thor films is what most people do anyway.
Interesting to see that last answer though, because it's strongly rumored that that's why Edgar Wright was kicked off Ant-Man.
he left. marvel changed the script to fit into the mcu(without telling him), wright wasnt happy with that and left the project.
Isn't it spread news that Wright quit Ant-Man?
I've never heard any this before. All of the MCU hooks like Falcon were added after he left the project.
It was my understanding that Marvel sort of sanded off the edges of Wright's original script to make Scott less scummy and more palatable to general audiences. It sounded like he was originally meant to be more of an anti-hero and an unrepentant thief who eventually finds his redemption as he meets Hank Pym and becomes his successor.
My take was that he was firef because wasnt able to get his shit done after the movie was delayed for one whole phase of movies. Hank and Janette were supposed to show up in The Avengers.
nope, marvel waited for him. he stepped down a few weeks before shooting was about to begin. project was in limbo for a few weeks, new director came in and rewrote the whole script in a few weeks.
Oh shit!
How can you not love this man?
It is ON now.
Wtf couldn't type words in that last post.
Is that Ziran the Tester?????? holy SHIT
Wtf couldn't type words in that last post.
Is that Ziran the Tester?????? holy SHIT
paging Slaven to school us on this
I just posted the picture.
They are buddys from the floating head from Guardians with the town in it.i need a 10,000 word thesis on the character before I can get excited
As someone that only knows Marvel characters from movies and Capcom games...
why is everyone is so hyped with that character? Is he a villain?
As someone that only knows Marvel characters from movies and Capcom games...
why is everyone is so hyped with that character? Is he a villain?
Seeing Celestials in the MCU really makes the fact that we can't have Galactus in there hurt a lot more.The Celestials are just a really fucking cool part of Marvel Mythos, that I hope we get to learn more about in the MCU going forward. So far we've only seen their brief appearance in Guardians of the Galaxy.
I am liking the new look.
Yes.So it's a Celestial like the giant dude in Guardians?
Is that helmet just for reference or do Celestials come in human sizes?