I think this thread belongs to gaming, because:
In an interview, Cook stated that he had "no issue" with Apple's being put under investigation, but fervently stated that he believed that once lawmakers heard Apple's story, they would see that the company did not have a monopoly. "I think that big companies deserve scrutiny. And I think that's not only fair but important for the system that we have in America. And so I have no issue at all in Apple being put underneath the microscope and people looking and probing. My hope is that as people heard our story and as they continue to hear our story that it will become as apparent to them as it is to us that we have no monopoly. There is no monopoly here," he said.
The whole argument of "monopoly" is a lovely straw man that Apple is using to let people feel like they fairly considered the issue, and then determine on their own that what Apple is doing is OK.
There is
a number of
Last year the Supreme Court ruled there is enough evidence to bring an anti-trust case against Apple.
7 years ago Apple was found guilty of violating anti-trust law (which is quite remarkable, given that they were acting in a market 90% of which is controlled by amazon)
Anti-trust laws includes a lot of things that have nothing to do with monopolies and apply to anyone with extreme market power. Things like dividing territories with your competitors and price-fixing. And you may like Apple, but it's also clear they are doing things like trying to block or cripple new technology from coming to market or force higher prices on consumers
Sp, perhaps there is a good case to be made against Apple, after all.

Apple removes Fortnite from app store after Epic launches new payment system (Update: removed from Google Play store too)
https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/news/the-fortnite-mega-drop-permanent-discounts-up-to-20-percent https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/08/epic-gives-fortnite-players-discounts-for-skirting-apple-google-fees/ Currently, when using Apple and Google payment options, Apple and Google...

Apple Terminates Epic Games' Developer Account
The Drama Continues Update: In a statement, Apple confirmed the account has been removed and said it's disappointing that the termination had to happen. We are disappointed that we have had to terminate the Epic Games account on the App Store. We have worked with the team at Epic Games for...

Epic Games says Apple threatened to cut it out of the App Store entirely
The escalation comes the week after Epic Games, makers of Fortnite, released a new direct payment mechanism designed to bypass the App Store's payment system, from which Apple takes 30%.
In an interview, Cook stated that he had "no issue" with Apple's being put under investigation, but fervently stated that he believed that once lawmakers heard Apple's story, they would see that the company did not have a monopoly. "I think that big companies deserve scrutiny. And I think that's not only fair but important for the system that we have in America. And so I have no issue at all in Apple being put underneath the microscope and people looking and probing. My hope is that as people heard our story and as they continue to hear our story that it will become as apparent to them as it is to us that we have no monopoly. There is no monopoly here," he said.
The whole argument of "monopoly" is a lovely straw man that Apple is using to let people feel like they fairly considered the issue, and then determine on their own that what Apple is doing is OK.
There is
a number of
Last year the Supreme Court ruled there is enough evidence to bring an anti-trust case against Apple.
7 years ago Apple was found guilty of violating anti-trust law (which is quite remarkable, given that they were acting in a market 90% of which is controlled by amazon)
Anti-trust laws includes a lot of things that have nothing to do with monopolies and apply to anyone with extreme market power. Things like dividing territories with your competitors and price-fixing. And you may like Apple, but it's also clear they are doing things like trying to block or cripple new technology from coming to market or force higher prices on consumers
Sp, perhaps there is a good case to be made against Apple, after all.