Hello, thank you for joining me. About 11 months ago, I created this thread:
Time to eat crow regarding "Guardians of the Galaxy"
In that thread, we had some good, old-fashioned fun bringing up old posts and generally celebrating the defeat of cynicism. And now here we are again. So grab a plate, prepare your hot sauce and here's a fork. Let's dig in.
‘Ant-Man’ Tops With $58 Million
Marvel’s “Ant-Man” landed with a solid $58 million at the weekend box office, while “Trainwreck’s” Amy Schumer put her own raunchy spin on romantic comedies to the tune of a $30.2 million debut.
It marks Marvel’s 12th consecutive first place opening, although “Ant-Man” isn’t at the level of other, bigger-name costumed heroes like Captain America, Thor and Iron Man, all of whom performed better out of the gate with their solo adventures. Going into the weekend, analysts expected “Ant-Man” to top $60 million, but its opening is similar to “The Incredible Hulk,” which earned an initial $55 million on its way to a $134 million U.S. haul.
“They are a victim of their own success,” said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at Rentrak. “Any time you have a brand like Marvel, the expectations get blown out of proportion.”
That may be, but the studio sounds disappointed it couldn’t elevate “Ant-Man” to “Guardians of the Galaxy”-like numbers. Disney distribution chief Dave Hollis admitted that he wished the movie had done better, but still praised Marvel as a model of consistency.
“No one else could take what is really an obscure character and launch it in such a big way,” said Hollis. “It’s a sign that they’re doing so much right and that it’s a brand that has overwhelming momentum.”
Ant-Man, starring Paul Rudd as the world's tiniest superhero, easily claimed the top spot in North America ahead of holdover Minions, which took in $50.2 million in its second weekend for a domestic total of $216.7 million. Ant-Man, earning a promising A CinemaScore, is by the far the most comedic and family-friendly superhero film to to hit the big screen, vying with Illumination Entertainment and Universal's Minions for family love (indeed, Minions fell a hefty 57 percent).
RottenTomatoes Score: Guaranteed Fresh 79%
And now some pulled quotes/predictions from GAF's box office analysts:

Edgar Wright's ANT-MAN -- November 15, 2015
Ant Man? Oh man, I don't feel good about this at all.
So Marvel finally hired a good director to make one of their movies and that movie is going to be about fucking ANT-MAN?! Fuck off Marvel.
Ant-Man? Sounds like a bomb in the making...
ant man sounds like the most rediculous name/superhero ever.
I cant believe Ant Man is being made. This is ridiculous.[/QUOTE]
[URL="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=673729&highlight=ant+man"]Ant Man moved up to Summer 2015
I can't believe this is actually being turned into a movie.
This movie is going to be a box office disaster.
I don't think having the powers of an ant and controlling ants is really gonna appeal to people. I mean come on now!
Ant-Man's front-runners are Joseph Gordon Levitt & Paul Rudd
Who the fuck is Ant Man?
I can't believe anyone even wants to see a movie about Ant Man
I predict this goes down as a box office disaster.
exactly what I am thinking will happen.
I've honestly never heard of him. Ever.
They're scraping the bottom of the barrel aint they?
Ant ... Man?
Yeah bomba in coming.
'Ant-Man' to be a heist movie and Doctor Strange confirmed (again)
Even more evidence that this will be a box office bomba.
This movie will be amazing but it's going to bomb so hard.
Marvel's ANT-MAN Lack-of-Hype Thread. Fuckin' Ant-Man.
This movie's gonna bomb ... hope it doesn't take Marvel down a peg when it does, they don't deserve to take a step back because of 1 horrible idea. :/
Kevin Feige finally addresses Ant-Man situation - Starts shooting in August(!)
I still can't even begin to drudge up the slightest clue as to why anyone wants an Antman film to start with ... even less so now.
Marvel unveils first concept art poster for ANT-MAN
I am not familiar with the property... I am kind of surprised that this isn't some sort of self parody.
Sounds awful.
first marvel flop
I don't really see this doing well without the comedic stylings of the previous director.
Love to be proven wrong though.
So I have never heard of Ant-Man. Souls like a shitty superhero. Is this dude recent character or is he as old as say Spider-Man? First thing I thought when the 1st thread about it was "who?". Sorry comic book fans.
No Wright..not a good movie.
They're really making him ride ants? Good lord, people are gonna think he can control ants or some dumb sh- oh my god, they aren't actually putting that stupid power in the movie are there? I want this to fail for my boy Wright...
that's just completely awful on so many levels
Marvel's ANT-MAN Trailer #1
Disappointing. Tone is too serious.
If only Edgar Wright was here...
Looks incredibly generic and soulless.
Man, that looked wack as fuck
I wonder if this will end the Marvel winning streak.
My wife's actual reaction: "That looked retarded."
Agree. Looks pretty weak.
Eh. My expectatioms really can't get any lower.
Hoping they'd cancel Ant-Man because he's really not a compelling character.
I know literally nothing about Ant-Man and this trailer didn't really sell me on the concept.
Didn't really demonstrate why it's cool / useful for someone to shrink down to ant size and fly on a bug, just looked kinda stupid to be honest.
Will be interesting to see if it survives at the Box Office.
You've done it now bla, prepare to be quoted in the OH SO MENACING CROW EATING THREAD :O
I hope this is the first huge Marvel bomb. First for wasting dear Edgars time. And second, because I am sick of their bland movies, and I am disturbed by how they are harming cinema.
Stories are good because you have endings. You need a good ending to have satisfaction. But Marvel movies never end, they are just a never ending stream of fighting against glowing rocks.
I like resolution and Marvel cannot ever give this.
First marvel flop
It really does feel like it could be Marvel's Green Lantern.
Fucking terrible
Why is Marvel making a movie out of Ant-Man?
Fucking terrible.
Looks like shit.
I think this will ne the start of Marvell's fall. Ant-man is stupid. The name is stupid and his gimmick is stupid. Can anyone hete describe his significance toward the avengets?
Marvel's Ant-Man - Trailer 1
Didn't do much for me. Felt as if I've seen this trailer many times before. Middle aged white protagonist with witty one liners is given a shot to save every one he cares about. Villain is reminiscent of Obadiah Stane. Love interest reminds me of Peggy Carter.
Nothing too interesting for me. This trailer alone shows me they're even out of ideas.
If you told me this was a parody film, I'd believe you
The train thing is the only interesting and fun looking part of this trailer. Everything outside of the suit looks and sounds horrible.
Nope. Looks bad. Not as bad a the new Terminator, of course, but bad.
That train bit at the end was funny though.
This looks tragic. I just can't take it seriously.
Ant-Man extended TV spot
I see bomba.
How is this funny? Has the standards for humor gone down to such low levels.
I have seriously never even heard of a character called ant man. And this dont look great
Wow, that looks really bad.
I think it's because his performance is super stiff and unnatural. His delivery in these trailers are awful.
I will absolutely eat a giant dick flavored crow if this movie rocks, but right now I cringe at the potential for this movie to be garbage.
This looks bad. Really bad.
What's the apposite of a crow thread? A seagal thread? Well whatever it is I'm making it if it underperforms big time.
RottenWatch - Ant-Man: Oh we can handle it. We're professionals | RT 80%
I hope Trainwreck(94% RT) steps all over Ant-Man this weekend.

I should point out that I didn't even pull nearly ANY of the quotes regarding Edgar Wright about this that were incessant. i.e. "Anything good about this movie will be because of Edgard Wright and any bad parts will be Peyton Reed"-that's a whole other bitchfest.
If you'd like to see Gaffer's almost universal love and praise of the movie, check out my friend Quick's awesome OT thread here, which has one of the best first OP's ever.
and now, a sneak preview of this thread: