Jason's Ultimatum
The bar for crow eating threads seems to be getting lower and lower.
Tepid satisfaction gloating potential from this one at best.
speak of the devil. James Cameron knows a lot when it comes to lowering the bar.
The bar for crow eating threads seems to be getting lower and lower.
Tepid satisfaction gloating potential from this one at best.
I spent a year systematically cataloguing everyone who said they weren't looking forward to Marvel's latest cinematic masterpiece. Boy, they look petty and stupid now!
(Today, 04:33 PM)
Gotta admit though, trailers were baaad
Go on.speak of the devil. James Cameron knows a lot when it comes to lowering the bar.
Doctor Strange is going to burn the box office down. Black Panther will bomb. I'm calling it right now.
Well it's the 22nd highest marvel property opening weekend, these people must feel so owned.
Man, Black Panther releases in 3 years, do you really expect him to keep a textfile for that long.
Go on.
Doctor Strange is going to burn the box office down. Black Panther will bomb. I'm calling it right now.
I thought that the movie would be disappointing in terms of box-office by Marvel's recent standards, and that it would be an alright movie that would have been far better had Wright stayed to see out the film.
Lo and behold, I was right.
oh man...this thread
There's a few moments in this gif where the guy looks like Matt Damon.
I expect to open ok to meddling then dropping like a rock. Folks ain't trying to hear Spice girl and Rosie O'Donnell jokes in 2015
Doesn't help it has Mr.Box Office Killer himself Ryan Reynolds.
I think he just had to get some sort of return on the time he invested in putting this together. Eh, fuck it... (submits thread.)I'm not seeing how people who didn't think the movie looked appealing during it's production and in the lead up to it's release, now somehow have to "eat crow" because it came out and made Green Lantern money in it's opening weekend. That is some desperate correlation. I really hope OP is on Marvel's payroll otherwise this is even more pathetic.
Still looks kind of crappy. It'll be the first Marvel movie I didn't bother to see in the theater.
There's a few moments in this gif where the guy looks like Matt Damon.
Wow, you sure showed them. Those haters better think twice before doubting whatever children's movie Marvel decides to shit out next.
Still looks kind of crappy. It'll be the first Marvel movie I didn't bother to see in the theater.
Still looks kind of crappy. It'll be the first Marvel movie I didn't bother to see in the theater.
Lol kind of silly to shaming people like this, specifically since should probably wait till we see more of how well Ant-man does at the box office (should be fine through).
A lot of the marketing weren't really that compelling to be quite frank.
There's a few moments in this gif where the guy looks like Matt Damon.
Still not a fan of how the character integrates with the rest of the MCU at all or why he matters, especially when they don't even use him in the comics anymore.
woah woah woah since when?
woah woah woah since when?
textedit open for 11 months. Cut and paste, save anything worthwhile. Nice try at deflection though!
thats a good questionlast i checked he was floating in space
I meant in anything other than his own series. He hasn't been a major player in any of the major events accept the last Ultron event because obviously. But Hickman's Avengers run only saw Ant Man breifly and even then it was the Hank Pym version.
you spent too much time and effort on this.