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TLOU II wins its first Game of the Year Award of many to come! Buckle Up Buckaroo! Poll Inside!

Will the Last of US Part II be this year's concensus GOTY?

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I mean, if you wanna claim a discussion is attacking others and claiming whoever didn't like the game is sexist, homophobic whatever, the you do you. For me, being discussed a lot doesn't mean its either a good or productive discussion. Console wars being a hot topic for example doesn't make it a good or interesting one.

I've yet to see such terms like those thrown around on this thread. I've seen "woke" tho. But I'm aware due to the current cultural climate in Western countries and particularly the U.S (epicenter), that the discussions around the game have turned often into mud slinging on other threads. With that said, the exercise and clash of ideas, even when so heated, is productive - and it's sort of inevitable. On Gaf at least, the mud slinging goes in all directions and it would be disingenuous to believe otherwise, or suggest it's a one sided show.
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I've yet to see such terms like those thrown around on this thread. I've seen "woke" tho. But I'm aware due to the current cultural climate in Western countries and particularly the U.S (epicenter), that the discussions around the game have turned often into mud slinging on other threads. With that said, the exercise and clash of ideas, even when so heated, is productive - and it's sort of inevitable. On Gaf at least, the mud slinging goes in all directions and it would be disingenuous to believe otherwise, or suggest it's a one sided show.
Yeah, we all know its doing wonders to the US right now


Simps for Amouranth
I gotta say and I've fucking repeated it enough but it's game of the generation for me and easily sits alongside the first one as a truly incredible piece of art masquerading as a video game, I felt I was living the story and inhabiting the characters as I played it, the world and the detail put into it just drew me in and I explored every inch of it for hidden notes and scraps and man I just don't do that with the majority of games but fuck me, it's gonna be a long wait for part3 but Jesus Christ can you imagine what those cunts will be able to extract from the PS5


Love me some Abby and Lou 2. Wholly deserved. Should dominate the awards later this year.

I expect lots of tears and protesters on the street looting because it will be raining Lou as Goty. This rain will surely burn the infidels......cleansing them from the blasphemy of expecting Goty from lesser games.

Stay off the streets non-heathen... As there will be much wailing and knashing of teeth...


Lmfaaaao try harder with you than that? What are you, 12?! I'm not trying to change your opinion, and you'll definitely never change mine. To me, the game sucked, nothing like the first one. Does it personally hurt you or something that several people don't care for the game? If so, get help.

If it sells more, it means more people bought it. You know, more people who actually enjoy the game and will go out and vote positively for it, unlike TLOU2 on metacritic :messenger_winking:. Witcher 3 is regarded as one of the best games, ever. Why would cyberpunk not be up there, or even better? I don't get why y'all get so rabid when other people don't like the things you do or have different preferences. Cause that's really CRINGEY.
Witcher 3 has lots of fans. Rightfully so. But the gameplay is barely serviceable.
Right now it is up to CDPR to prove that they can do good gameplay.


First off it's still September, there should be no GOTY awards yet. 2nd, TLOU2 is a good game, but it's not in the top tier this year. Ghosts of Tsushima, Animal Crossings, even the FF7 remake were all better. Plus we still have Cyberpunk waiting.


I have my issues with the game ( mostly story, abbey is a terrible character), but I found the gameplay to be really solid


Honest question...why MTV Brazil?
Why would their imput care so much for you? Are you so desperate to try to prove this game is good to the point of scavenging trash medias or unknown medias just for the generic "I came here meltdowns" posts?

If I were you, I would just relax. If the game is "the game of year" like most of you so claim, then theres no need to be desperate. Just wait until gaming medias announce it.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Its undeniably the GOTY. Nothing is even in the same league.

I feel so strongly about this that I will no longer take any outlet seriously that doesnt give it GOTY. :messenger_grinning_smiling:
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People actually think awards = great piece of entertainment?

"Cuties" already won awards at Sundance film festival and it's probably going to win a lot more prizes when we get to awards season.
To TLOU2 fanboys that means it's a great movie, i'll still think it's one of the worst movies ever made.

By the way, i'm Brazilian and i didn't even know MTV still existed here, much less that it's giving game awards.



I gotta say and I've fucking repeated it enough but it's game of the generation for me and easily sits alongside the first one as a truly incredible piece of art masquerading as a video game, I felt I was living the story and inhabiting the characters as I played it, the world and the detail put into it just drew me in and I explored every inch of it for hidden notes and scraps and man I just don't do that with the majority of games but fuck me, it's gonna be a long wait for part3 but Jesus Christ can you imagine what those cunts will be able to extract from the PS5

Regardless of where one stands on the story, this 10/10 masterpiece GoTG kind of talk is kind of ridiculous. It's an on-rails cinematic game with some light puzzling and arena combat. The notion that that somehow represents to you the pinnacle of achievement within the gaming medium is kind of hilarious.
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It's definitely up there. I lean more toward Ghost of Tsushima personally.

Watch stupid Animal Crossing win most of the awards though.

But, to be honest, I'm almost certain my Game of the Year is a game that isn't out yet (and I don't mean Cyberpunk).

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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Doom Eternal and GoT are far better than this badly paced snorefest. I don't get the praise, graphics were good but aside from that it wasn't anything special.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
And many more millions disliked it, and the scores from GAMERS proved that. But it seems that you have your mind already made, which defeats the whole point of a discussion or even a poll....
Id take the credibility of a journalist whose job it is to review games than a bunch of neck beards that review bombed a game because their only father figure in their life was Joel apparently
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It's the video game equivalent of Oscar bait (Hellblade would be another one). Absolutely boring and so far up its own ass. It definitely feels its length.
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Id take the credibility of a journalist whose job it is to review games than a bunch of neck beards that review bombed a game because their only father figure in their life was Joel apparently
Hmmm the hipster, avocado eating, neck beard journalist, vs the neckbeard Sony fans that didn't like the game.. I'll take neither, and form my own opinion, which just so happens to be a very prominent one in regards to the game.

The game was average at best, and they added in so much filler stuff to cause controversy. First one was much better.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Hmmm the hipster, avocado eating, neck beard journalist, vs the neckbeard Sony fans that didn't like the game.. I'll take neither, and form my own opinion, which just so happens to be a very prominent one in regards to the game.

The game was average at best, and they added in so much filler stuff to cause controversy. First one was much better.
The people who review bombed it arent sony fans, nothing but trolls trying to spread their own bullshit lies that detracted from the game in the first place that were false
The people who review bombed it arent sony fans, nothing but trolls trying to spread their own bullshit lies that detracted from the game in the first place that were false
So you're telling me that every single Sony fan loved, and enjoyed the game? Can you say that with the straight face? You do realize, that people have their preferences, which might not always align with yours?


Definitely obnoxious and offputting to have a GOTY so early. Frankly speaking it should be done sometime next year in retrospect, because so many titles are still releasing even into December. In my opinion its wrong to omit them just to rush out some year end list. Not only were there some genuinely great games this year, but many more potentially to come. And I hadn't even considered next-gen titles such as Demon's Souls. I mean it just seams like such a disservice to all the hard work developers have put in just to leave them out.

My personal opinion, as a Sony fanboy, is that TLoU2 went on way to long, was fun at first but became far to redundant and ridiculous. It left me unsatisfied, bothered, and ultimately wishing I hadn't played it. I will play the MP though if its as good as the first.

My favorite titles so far this year would be Trials of Mana at #1, a fun endearing game made with an obviously small budget and team that I wish I could experience all over again. Nioh 2 was great and I need to start the dlc, Animal Crossing was charming, not my favorite type of game but I certainly enjoyed it more than TLoU. Ghost of Tsushima is a very good game too, Persona 5 Royal is seemingly being overlooked, FF7R despite leaving my girl and I worried about the direction was still good fun, 13 Sentinels just arrived and from what little I played is a very strong contender. Plus I still have Dirt 5, Yakuza Like a Dragon, Dragon Quest XI S, Trails of Cold Steel 4, Demon's Souls and Cyber Punk. AC Valhalla, Immortals Fenyx Rising, Genshin Impact (really looking forward to it got it installed), next Dark pictures anthology, Crash and plenty more titles come out this year. Hell I forgot my time with Sakura Wars which was awesome. For me GoTY should encompass the overall package of #1 fun, visuals, story and its telling(pace, writing, acting), audio (sound design and music). Maybe Atelier Ryza 2 will release this year in the west and it'll take my top spot, or Hyrule Warriors.

tl:dr its too damn early for this. Patience young grasshopper.


ChatGPT 0.001
A lot of Last of Us 2’s internet narrative was about gender it’s still Naughty Dog going in on gun gameplay, legitimate story telling, and being successful at that.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
So you're telling me that every single Sony fan loved, and enjoyed the game? Can you say that with the straight face? You do realize, that people have their preferences, which might not always align with yours?
You wana show me where I said every fucking fan enjoyed it? Or was i duscussing the idiots spreading fud also review bombing the game where I said id rather trust actual gaming journalists than the fud bomber spreaders
You wana show me where I said every fucking fan enjoyed it? Or was i duscussing the idiots spreading fud also review bombing the game where I said id rather trust actual gaming journalists than the fud bomber spreaders

The people who review bombed it arent sony fans, nothing but trolls trying to spread their own bullshit lies that detracted from the game in the first place that were false

So your implying that not a single Sony fan, review bombed it?


always chasing the next thrill
Deserved. TLOU2 is a fucking masterpiece a true next gen game in story telling.

actual gameplay tho? Nah

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
So your implying that not a single Sony fan, review bombed it?
Fuck no they arent because no game no matter if you dislike it because you pappi gets capped deserves a 0 or 1. Games that are given scores that low should be an unplayable technical mess, not have engaging gameplay, story, brutality etc.

people who gave it low low low scores are nothing but trolls under their bridge because they have nothing better to do than post whilst getting diabetes.

now if we talikg about scores that range from 8-6 then we cab have a conversation about it


Many Sony fans disliked it. It was a divisive game but that being said awards should not just be popularity contests. If that was the case Madden and COD would win every year.
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