Power Rangers Hyperforce is set in the year 3016 at Time Force Academy. A team of Time Force Ranger cadets must band together to defeat an ancient evil who is set on unraveling the very fabric of the universe. Under the leadership of their mentor, Jen Scott, and with the shows Game Master, Malika Lim, the newly minted Rangers will cross both time and space to complete their mission while running into many familiar eras (and faces) along the way.
The stakes have never been higher as the players learn what it means to be a Ranger in a live, tabletop RPG environment where anything can happen.
Hyper RPG has developed a Twitch Extension that will allow viewers to select a Ranger that is permanently tied to the users unique ID. Viewers will be able to send their Ranger out on daily missions, boss battles, and raids, as well as trade cool loot with other players.
And a special cast has been put together for the HyperForce adventures! Announced game players include:
*Peter Sudarso (Ninja Steel Blue Ranger)
*Paul Bulk Schrier
*Andre The Black Nerd
*Social Media personalities Meghan Camarena and Christina Vee