Beat the game a few days ago. An extremely solid tactics game. Never had so much fun with a game of this genre. Now to run through the skirmish missions. ^_^
Neuromancer said:Want to get irritated? Read these YouTube comments:
@ThePimpGamer555 :/ I guess you don't understand the meaning of JK (just kidding) :/ have a good day Kiddoand next time try not to act like a Tough Guy :/ Once again.. I was Just Kidding and no I'm no child molester I'm just a NOOB Pwner
JK wink wink
7 I believe. Yeah it's a long game, longer still if you count the skirmish missions.Deadly Cyclone said:How long is the game? I am absolutely loving it, but I just started chapter 3 and I'm 14 hours in. How many chapters are there?
PKrockin said:Well, I really made a mistake in renting this. I thought I could blaze through it in 15 hours easily but I'm 11 hours in and at the end of chapter 2. I had no idea it was so long.
They weren't kidding when they said the story and characters were garbage. I liked it but I can't wait for a Fire Emblem 3DS that can deliver a good story and characters as well as solid gameplay.
If you turn off the wireless, it doesn't crash at all (in my experience). Anyway, harsh review!mjemirzian said:I've written a review of Shadow Wars. You can check it out here. Since I'm experienced with tactics games it's a different perspective than your usual review.
I noticed some of you talking about more western developed tactics games. There are actually plenty being released all the time, mostly for PC and iPhone/iPad. Check the list here.
mjemirzian said:I've written a review of Shadow Wars. You can check it out here. Since I'm experienced with tactics games it's a different perspective than your usual review.
I noticed some of you talking about more western developed tactics games. There are actually plenty being released all the time, mostly for PC and iPhone/iPad. Check the list here.
mjemirzian said:I've written a review of Shadow Wars. You can check it out here. Since I'm experienced with tactics games it's a different perspective than your usual review.
I noticed some of you talking about more western developed tactics games. There are actually plenty being released all the time, mostly for PC and iPhone/iPad. Check the list here.
I've had the game crash even after I turned the wireless off. And I've also discovered a repeatable hardlock crash during one mission, and some bugs that make a certain mission impossible to complete. I've read on boards that some crashes even result in save data being lost.Neuromancer said:If you turn off the wireless, it doesn't crash at all (in my experience). Anyway, harsh review!
VGChampion said:I don't usually read reviews but I decided to take a look since I haven't been a big fan. My main problem when playing this game (since I don't play many of these tactics games) is that I'd rather be playing Advance Wars. My first game in this style.
Ha, I did the same thing. If you attack that guy it breaks him and you can't finish the mission.Rekubot said:dammit. ok, thanks.
mickcenary said:Oh, man. I haven't bought/been interested in a handheld console for ages, but for some reason, I'm feeling the itch to splurge on one and this game isn't making it any easier. What say you? Shadow Wars + Zelda: OoT = reason enough?
Although I am a fan of Shadow Wars and Zelda: OoT 3D I still think mjermirzian is right. If you want a handheld console with an excellent library and some great strategy games than DS is the way to go. Of course, if you're interested in what the 3DS has to offer in the future you can always buy a 3DS and play DS games on it. Many will be quick to point out that DS games look worse on the 3DS but I've played quite a few on mine and the difference (from my DS Lite) isn't noticeable enough to bother me.mjemirzian said:If you want tactics games, you're better off getting a DS and PSP. They are both region free and have a huge library.
I've never heard of that happening before, although my hinge is a little wobbly. I would say I'm sorry you just got a 3DS before the price-drop but at least you're an ambassador now... right?mickcenary said:Thanks for the replies, guys. And apologies for my late reply. I picked it up the other day; it's pretty rad. On a sidenote: does anyone else's cartridge sound/feel like something within it is loose whence you give it a little shake? I've heard that this "phenomenon" is game specific, so to speak, i.e. everything within my OoT cartridge is sturdily fixed.
The_Darkest_Red said:I've never heard of that happening before, although my hinge is a little wobbly. I would say I'm sorry you just got a 3DS before the price-drop but at least you're an ambassador now... right?
I picked Shadow Wars back up the other day after not playing it for a few months and managed to beat the first mission of the final chapter. I played this game so much when I first got it but finishing it off has been a far greater obstacle, it seems.
You won't regret it, that's a fantastic deal.whatsinaname said:Just a heads up. The game is $17 at Target for a week starting tomorrow. Will go out early tomorrow and get my copy.
3DS plays DS games, even the imported ones. Well at least the ones I imported but it should be universal I guess.mjemirzian said:If you want tactics games, you're better off getting a DS and PSP. They are both region free and have a huge library.
robin2 said:Rumors/hopes about it being ported to DS?
Being a Gollop (underrated game designer) game, I want to play it, but I won't buy the 3DS...
Well to be fair, mjemerzian made his suggestion before the 3DS price drop was announced. At $170 I definitely think you're better off buying a 3DS than a DS and using it to play any DS games that you missed and are interested in.Phife Dawg said:3DS plays DS games, even the imported ones. Well at least the ones I imported but it should be universal I guess.
Not true. Any "DSi Enhanced" DS game is region locked on DSi and 3DS systems, but not region locked on the original DS or DS Lite, since it was never built to check for region encoding. 3DS games can also be region locked, of course.Phife Dawg said:3DS plays DS games, even the imported ones. Well at least the ones I imported but it should be universal I guess.
Something tells me that with the small development and marketing budget this game probably got, I bet it did all right.Effect said:I hope the low sales don't put off Ubisoft from making another one like this but better. They did just simply put it out there, up port from the DS and it was a launch game. I can imagine what a true 3DS game like this would be like.
There are DSi enhanced tactics games? Actually there are DSi enhanced games?mjemirzian said:Not true. Any "DSi Enhanced" DS game is region locked on DSi and 3DS systems, but not region locked on the original DS or DS Lite, since it was never built to check for region encoding. 3DS games can also be region locked, of course.
Well the argument was to better buy a DS or PSP because they have a bigger library of tactics games. It's just that the 3DS has access to the DS' library (apparently minus the plethora of DSi enhanced tactics games from Japan ;-)) which is what I was saying. Whether or not the machine is worth 250 or 170 is a different story altogether. But yeah at 170 it's a no-brainer really.The_Darkest_Red said:Well to be fair, mjemerzian made his suggestion before the 3DS price drop was announced. At $170 I definitely think you're better off buying a 3DS than a DS and using it to play any DS games that you missed and are interested in.
Of course there is still the whole issue of how DS games look on the 3DS but like I said, how that affects you will really vary from person to person. A few days ago I looked at Advance Wars: Days of Ruin side by side on my DS and 3DS and the DS image definitely looked sharper, but the somewhat smoother look of the 3DS image wasn't enough to stop me from playing it on that system. It's just something to keep in mind for those who value that type of thing more than me.
Haven't played through it all the way but I'd also welcome the possibility of a more zoomed out view - should be no big deal with the added power of the 3DS. Oh and cleaner gfx would be nice as well. I'm OK with few units to chose from, kinda fits with the idea. More customization would be ace though.The_Darkest_Red said:I finally managed to finish this game up last night. The campaign took me just over 31 hours to finish on Elite, not too shabby for a launch game.
I was expecting a difficulty spike in the last chapter (or at least the last mission) but things never got too challenging. Still, the last few missions were well designed and satisfying to play through. I'm a huge fan of what they did with this game, I'd love to see a sequel someday with a better story, deeper leveling mechanics, more unit customization, and more units to choose from.
I can't remember, I'll have to look. Is that the one where you have a bunch of engineers and enemies come in from the top right corner?CrankyKong said:Has anyone beaten the lighthouse skirmish mission?
It seems so cheap, almost like it cant be done without luck
Neuromancer said:I can't remember, I'll have to look. Is that the one where you have a bunch of engineers and enemies come in from the top right corner?
Oh yeah, I would love a more zoomed out camera view as well. The tactical map on the bottom screen helped to keep this minor annoyance from being a serious one, though.Phife Dawg said:Haven't played through it all the way but I'd also welcome the possibility of a more zoomed out view - should be no big deal with the added power of the 3DS. Oh and cleaner gfx would be nice as well. I'm OK with few units to chose from, kinda fits with the idea. More customization would be ace though.
I think the key is probably to hide as many engineers in the lighthouse as possible. Yeah I don't think I ever did beat that one.CrankyKong said:Yeah, and it all comes down to your turrets surviving the waves.
I dont think its possible for the engineers to survive