Is there any quick leveling in the Division like there is in Destiny now? Any buy a straight to max level item?
Will be playing on XBO for the first time (cause survival) and if i do want to run with friends outside of that i wont be able to coming in fresh... but i have no desire to run all the story stuff again and spend the 20+ hours it takes to max up. Any suggestions? Or should i simply stick with Survival.
If your friends are willing, they can pull you through the story missions and afew side missions to get you upto 30 in around 4-5 hours. They join your instance so all missions, encounters and side missions are selectable, they fast travel to safe houses and then you fast travel to them to unlock the safe house starting north east lmb territory as that's where the most XP is given for side missions working your way round anti clockwise.
What the hell man, the ps4 1.5 patch is only coming out December 20th?? That sucks.
Ah so no 'straight to end-game level' option then... guess i'll just play survival lol.
Thanks for the good info though!
I played 2 rounds of Survival last night and it was really fun. I was soloing and died within 30 minutes each round. The constant threat of death is really intense too. Both times I died it was after barely surviving a firefight and then freezing to death before I could get to shelter.
I will surely spend many hours in this mode but I am disappointed that it is essentially a waste of time (in regards to character progression) unless you extract from what I can tell. I feel like you should get rewards for the main game buy reaching milestones or something. I can run a hard mission in Tier 5 and get tons of loot along the way and finish in 20 minutes but the time suck that is survival doesn't seem to give you shit unless you extract.
I reached 256 GS last night and now am just refining my gear so once i have maxed that all out I won't care so much about rewards. That said it seems like this mode to a game all about loot and not building in milestone type rewards for staying alive 15, 30, 45 minutes etc. seems like a lost opportunity.
I played a couple of times too.
First time I didn't last too long and only got 440 points
Second time I got over 1000 and that earned me a couple of 204 pieces of Gear.
Didn't have to extract anything.
Not much but one was better than what I had.
Unfortunately not lol
For anyone on Xbox/pc how is the stash lag? Was meant to be fixed in 1.5 but have read earlier even the quick nav doesn't work now to a specific group of pieces?
I noticed that I couldn't use the quick nav in my stash last night so that is still there. Really wonky behavior. I am not familiar with the lag you're talking about though.
No the 1.5 patch comes soon. Survival drops dec 20th.
Thats how I understand it, at least.
Some random streamers are saying Thursday for the PS4 patch... anyone else hear this?
As in tomorrow?
Some random streamers are saying Thursday for the PS4 patch... anyone else hear this?
Please tell me that this patch wasnt delayed because of the xbox deal. Please.
Just skipped through the last few hours of the official stream, they close it off with no ETA yet but are trying to get it out before the end of the week which I believe is sometime Thursday/Friday AM timeframe. Might know more today.
You getting the patch for free stop complaining.I doubt we're getting it this week, unfortunately.
Thank you massive for making us PS4 users miss on that MP5 BP! That's really awesome of you.
last I heard, Patches were supposed to be free.![]()
Would you please stop posting about SurvivalFirst game of survival, grouped up with randos, was intense throughout, like ten players died in the same contaminated area lol
We pretty much lasted until the end last 4 players only.
Lost two guys on the way to DZ
Then I had 15min other guy had 5min, didn't know we had to craft the freaking flare gun
Had the other dude make it
We did the extraction in DZ4
It takes 3 mins but he only had like 2 mins, so we knew he wasn't going to make it, had to fight off 2 hunters
He yelled take my loot broooooo, his body flopped over
And I was the last man standing. Extracted.8k score.
Crazy night
Apologies if this has been asked already, but how do you find Survival mode? It isn't on the map and I can't find any reference to it in the menus.
I want that chest! That said, the chances of it dropping are slim. The chances of it dropping with a decent armor or stamina/firearms stat? Even slimmer. Gah. I know I'm going to get one finally and it'll be Electronics/Protection from Elites. Sigh.You're all playing survival and here I am farming for that goddamn Lex chest.
last I heard, Patches were supposed to be free.![]()
Man, I've been playing a ton of Survivalno 2 runs are ever the same.on twitch
Tempted to pick up the $10 Amazon price for the Xbone version, but I'll be strong till the 20th of Dec..
The only reason I haven't gotten the XBone version yet is that I'd have to go all the way through the campaign again and up my char in the DZ... I have no patience to do that again. But damn this wait (for the 1.5 and Survival) is killing me.
Damn ok my bad. Such a lovely world shame it's not open.It's not an open world game. There are random packs of mobs here and there but it's mostly mission based.
It's an open world game even if you don't do any of the missions or go to the DZ. Just not practical in any sense since the game is based around the missions.Damn ok my bad. Such a lovely world shame it's not open.
Is survival worth coming back for a mostly solo / coop type of player?
Should I buy the golf edition on Steam for 45 euros? I really wanna play this game but I'm afraid that it's designed more around online play and I'm more of an offline guy.
Still no patch news lol
Incoming PS4 Pro supportThere's a new state of the game today, so hopefully we'll have some info on the PS4 patch.