No reason not to get both honestly, if you have no other games to play for 1-2 months.
Thank you guys. I appreciate the replies/info. Cheers.Even if I stop tomorrow, I got my $12 worth out of it.
No reason not to get both honestly, if you have no other games to play for 1-2 months.
Thank you guys. I appreciate the replies/info. Cheers.Even if I stop tomorrow, I got my $12 worth out of it.
The character sheet doesn't display it, but running 4AB + offhand Famas + 5 damage talents is nutso damage. Doubt there's a single non-AB build that can keep up, apart from maybe that perma link abuse one but that only works outside of groups.
Even when playing with other builds I continuously think about what has become my favorite...LoneStar. My Pakhan is like a laser after getting used to it and it simply shreds. Damage/suppress and finish off with the Medved without ever reloading going between the two. Both are good on their own as well. I've decided to go with the Steady Hands talent to keep me from being overly aggressive.
So I guess going forward I'll be looking for a Showstopper drop while trying to perfect my LoneStar build which is complemented with a Barret's chest and a Specialized backpack.
Well solo queue for PVP works rather quick for me.
Group and PVE usually takes a bit longer but still <5minutes
Matchmaking > PVP I believe.How do you solo queue? I go into my base of operations and down into the undeground bit and all I see is matchmaking to find people or queue as a group.
Even when playing with other builds I continuously think about what has become my favorite...LoneStar. My Pakhan is like a laser after getting used to it and it simply shreds. Damage/suppress and finish off with the Medved without ever reloading going between the two. Both are good on their own as well. I've decided to go with the Steady Hands talent to keep me from being overly aggressive.
So I guess going forward I'll be looking for a Showstopper drop while trying to perfect my LoneStar build which is complemented with a Barret's chest and a Specialized backpack.
Is the four set talent still a full mag reload when holstering the weapon? Bet there's hardly any down time with that. That's one thing I'm struggling with on AR's, being used to such big LMG mags the 63 bullets in my M4 are soon out, especially with rapid fire on the mag.
Is the show stopper actually good? A friend had one drop for him earlier and the weapon didn't look that special, what about lone star makes it great?
So I finally managed to get an AB holster (been desperately looking for one to complete my 4AB + 2HE set). As soon as my team got out of the checkpoint after resupplying ammo, a team of lurkers screwed us and stole it
I know it's subject to RNG but I get lots of AB gear from HVTs, Challenge missions and Underground Ops.
I basically run 99,9% of my time in the DZ... maybe I should try those other things... haha
Did some SnD for Intel to run daily and some weekly HVT's yesterday, first time since 1.5 and was quite enjoyable, loot everywhere on most of them except for the 5 Intel dailies, was refreshing.
I've been getting back into the Division a bunch, spent some time making a D3-FNC set that I've been enjoying, working on getting better stats.
I'd love to play with some GAF people. I'm on PS4. PSN: Azys_
Nice. I'll jump into tomorrow then. Join me maybe?
HvtsJust hit 30, what's the best way to gear up, world bosses and daily missions?
Yep sounds good![]()
The Advanced Weaponry Vendor is selling an updated version of the Pakhan this week that does 1K more base DMG and 14% DMG to target out of cover.
The Advanced Weaponry Vendor is selling an updated version of the Pakhan this week that does 1K more base DMG and 14% DMG to target out of cover.
I got this last week for $10 I've been playing a bit.
How do I zoom in on rifle with modded scope using 360 pad on the PC? I want to actually look through the scope using the gamepad, instead of just slightly zooming in with R3.
Sounds like you haven't got a multiplying scope equipped, when you have it'll take up the whole screen pressing R3 with a cross hair.
Ok, I didn't realize that. The scope I have just brings a little red thing in the reticle. I was pulling my hair out trying to figure it out.
Am I an idiot or is there no melee/takedown in this game? I hate the guys rushing you and it seems there's little that can be done but exit cover or roll away. And are there no silent/surprise melee takedowns?
There is a melee but it does very little damage and is really only useful for disrupting an attacker.
Shotgun with stagger is your friend.
Yeah, I recommend starting with just 6 really high rolled items of various sets as the raw numbers of 256 items are so far beyond 229s that there's bound to be some major upgrades. Get the armor mitigation number way up, get good enemy armor damage, get high stamina/firearms in place for weapon talents, and then piece by piece upgrade into a Gear Set (or all HEs) you wish to unlock bonuses.I tried that build someone posted a video of a few pages ago, 4AB + 2HE with savage gloves, +LGM dmg... and I didn't enjoy it. *shrugs*
Then I switched to 4AB + 2 Nomads with great gloves roll (+ 1,205 assault rifle dmg and + 10% DtE) and boy... I'm melting everything with my G36
Running G36 + Famas with Uncomplicated, Responsive, Competent, Brutal and Destructive... I end up with + 37% dmg to elites and + 50% enemy armor damage.
Hey GAF. Is this game fun now? I haven't played since launch.
I wish there was a pve Darkzone. The trophies in there are going to be painful. Can't wait to be done with it,l so I never have to go near it again.
I think the vast majority of cosmetic items come from citizens in need (give water, food, etc.) and abandoned apartments.So I'm about 5 hours into a new character on PC, I had hit Level 30 on PS4 during launch week.
Where do I find new clothes? I remember finding way more clothes at this point when I was on PS4. Did they change the drop locations?
I think the vast majority of cosmetic items come from citizens in need (give water, food, etc.) and abandoned apartments.
So I'm about 5 hours into a new character on PC, I had hit Level 30 on PS4 during launch week.
Where do I find new clothes? I remember finding way more clothes at this point when I was on PS4. Did they change the drop locations?
Been away for 2 months (no PS4) with optimised GS of 210 and highest equipped GS of 228. Can't seem to matchmake at all on world tier 4 for the daily challenge mission. Is it a ghost town?