Reckless was stealth patched fyi
rerolling for the best AUG possible just wipes out any mats you hoarded, meanwhile hoarding for mats post patch is nuts :[
This thread is starting to feel like every Destiny thread ever (on any forum), pre Taken King... and post Take King. Let the hate flow through you.
Its been crazy seeing the change in attitude here and on the subreddit based on this patch.
They basically attempted to do a gear reset a month after launch, which would have been fine if the new gear was actually interesting. It's just numbers on top of numbers, there is nothing unique about grinding for a 204 Aug now versus grinding for the 182 Aug before. Even the gear set perks are just damage multipliers.
Then they went and jacked up all the prices because of the exploits. Before the patch it took me a week of playing to get around 200 credits and I could buy one or two blueprints a week and craft each one several times. Now they expect me to play for two weeks to get one blue print that I can craft twice a week for a chance at a slight improvement? I would have loved to log in every day, do the hard missions solo, run DZ for 30 minutes and call it a night. But that's no longer a viable option to make any progress because when the higher GS comes out next month with the new Incursion my two new pieces of a gear it took me four weeks to get is now irrelevant.
They catered to the exploiters and guys that can play 3-4 hours a day. Never a good idea.
Whoa there calm down there I'm not singling you out or anything I'm just speaking in a general term and everyone is feel to react however they want but I just don't feel some of the more extreme reactions I seen ate completely warranted yet.snip
I seen this WAYYYYY too many times and specially in the MMO space (damm you Yoshi-P) but basically message and ideas told by the dev team should be hopeful implementations at it's best because development intentions and what actually get implemented are two totally different things.You do realize this is the exact opposite of what the devs communicated to us for this update?
or maybe majority of their customers are players that can play 3-4 hours a day?
Whoa there calm down there I'm not singling you out or anything I'm just speaking in a general term and everyone is feel to react however they want but I just don't feel some of the more extreme reactions I seen ate completely warranted yet.
I seen this WAYYYYY too many times and specially in the MMO space (damm you Yoshi-P) but basically message and ideas told by the dev team should be hopeful implementations at it's best because development intentions and what actually get implemented are two totally different things.
In the end though the blame does fall on Massive for not properly communicating what the game initially was and what to expect out of the future content but as for now thanks to the way the game is built right now I foresee more flagpole moving and I'm OK with that and I understand if that's not everyone's cup of tea.
They screwed up the initial game economy and they are trying to fix it.
Hope this forum and the subreddit doesn't turn into just a constant bashing of the game. I love coming on here and reading peoples stories from their DZ experiences and some of the stuff they have crafted etc. Plus the daft videos
The sad thing is what they did to the game yesterday has put up roadblocks and hurdles for all of us to be able to have those types of experiences and showing off cool shit we crafted or found.Hope this forum and the subreddit doesn't turn into just a constant bashing of the game. I love coming on here and reading peoples stories from their DZ experiences and some of the stuff they have crafted etc. Plus the daft videos
Rolled an M1A with coolheaded, deadly and ferocious. Should I keep it? I like the talents but I keep reading that balanced is a must for it. Is balanced really worth it?
I had no issues with the difficulty of the incursion on hard mode. We did it 3 times after the hotfix last night. Its chaos, but I like it.
I got pretty lucky with drops last night too.
You could at least try it out since you got it. Coolheaded is very nice.
On the 2nd and 3rd runs you just got the drops from the APC right?
182GS = 8 HE mats = 40 blue mats
4 HE's or 20 purples
182GS(weapon) = 10 HE mats = 150 blue mats
10 HE's or 75 purples
204GS(weapon) = 10 HE mats = 150 blue mats
10 HE's or 75 purples
182GS(gear) = 10 HE mats = 150 blue mats
10 HE's or 75 purples
214GS(gear) = 30 HE mats = 450 blue mats
30 HE's or 225 purples
(6 gear slots + 2 weapon slots) *ignoring sidearm and crafting once each
6, 182GS gear = 48 HE mats = 240 blue mats
24 HE's or 120 purples
2, 182GS weapons = 16 HE mats = 80 blue mats
8 HE's or 40 purples
6, 214GS gear = 180 HE mats = 2700 blue mats
180 HE's or 1350 purples
2, 204GS weapons = 20 HE mats = 300 blue mats
20 HE's or 150 purples
(DZ01 & DZ02 route as control. Ideal situations where all bosses and chests available each time. 7 named, 8 DZ chests)
30 purples = 60 blue mats = 12 HE mats
6 runs (42 named + 48 chests)
23 HE's = 23 HE mats
9 runs (63 named + 72 chests)
I completelt agree with this sentiment because that's what I was expecting and that's exactly what we gotThey do a stream every maintenance period on Tuesday mornings and had 2 streams specific to this update and the Incursion.
If they can't properly communicate via communication plans they streamed then that is just sad.
I called it and I am going to find it, this is a blanket reset in disguise.
The second time, we had a new person who hadn't done it at all yet, and we made him party leader, and I got 2 drops.
The third time he got on an alt and was host, and I only got a drop off the APC.
RE: crafting changes
Code:[B]BEFORE:[/B] 182GS = 8 HE mats = 40 blue mats 4 HE's or 20 purples [B]NOW:[/B] 182GS(weapon) = 10 HE mats = 150 blue mats 10 HE's or 75 purples 204GS(weapon) = 10 HE mats = 150 blue mats 10 HE's or 75 purples 182GS(gear) = 10 HE mats = 150 blue mats 10 HE's or 75 purples 214GS(gear) = 30 HE mats = 450 blue mats 30 HE's or 225 purples ------------------------------------------------------------ [B]CRAFTING TOP GEAR [/B] (6 gear slots + 2 weapon slots) *ignoring sidearm and crafting once each [B]BEFORE:[/B] 6, 182GS gear = 48 HE mats = 240 blue mats 24 HE's or 120 purples 2, 182GS weapons = 16 HE mats = 80 blue mats 8 HE's or 40 purples CURRENT: 6, 214GS gear = 180 HE mats = 2700 blue mats 180 HE's or 1350 purples 2, 204GS weapons = 20 HE mats = 300 blue mats 20 HE's or 150 purples ------------------------------------------------------------ [B]FARMING:[/B] (DZ01 & DZ02 route as control. Ideal situations where all bosses and chests available each time. 7 named, 8 DZ chests) [B]BEFORE:[/B] 30 purples = 60 blue mats = 12 HE mats 6 runs (42 named + 48 chests) [B]AFTER:[/B] 23 HE's = 23 HE mats 9 runs (63 named + 72 chests)
TLDR: crafting current tier equipment has increased by 50% across the board post-1.1
Yeah, the problem is that the game still wants both Diablo style loot rolls and MMO style progression. You need to sacrifice one or the other. Gearscore itself is a horrible idea, because you're saying that a ilvl 31 highend that rolled low on all its stats is the same as a ilvl31 highend that rolled high on all its stats and has the talents you want. The power levels are way too drastic there. It's basically the new accuracy inflating your paper doll DPS. It means jack shit especially because your shooting is still entirely skill based. It seems like a really silly way to have to help people who aren't familiar with RPGs by giving them a stupid system to judge their gear instead of thinking about what they're replacing in their slots. Higher gear score really does not mean better performance if the gear you're slotting in is utter shit and you're only doing it cause the number at the top gets bigger.Why did they adopt the stat roll system of D3 if they don't plan on adopting D3's loot system as well?
If there were maybe only 10 weapon talents and each of them about as useful as deadly/brutal, then the low amounts of HE drops you get would make sense.
Even when the CM boss dropped 4 HEs, 99% of the time they were unusable either because they didn't roll the stats you wanted, or had very low rolls on said stats.
Nothing has changed.
The most reliable way to roll for a ilvl32 item is via crafting (DZ blueprints) which now require 4 HE Div Techs each, which you get 1 per day if you don't go box looting in the DZ...OR you pray it drops from the named boss at Supply Drops.
The only thing that has lived up to the "get the best loots from drops" part is Incursions, only because they restricted certain set gear pieces to only drop from there. Even then its still battling with RNG upon more layers of RNG (set type, stat types rolled, stat amount rolled).
Heh, I'm equipped with all HEs and swapping out my Damascus for a shitty grey revolver that dropped off a civvie lowered my gear score to 150 so I can go into the lower DZ...
DZ route running question. Is there a reliable way to to reset what instance you're in? My general strategy is to hit the subway from the SW DZ entrance for the named boss there, but obviously he's not always there. Also, I seem to never find chests that I can open (guess they're looted?).
I def don't usually get 7 named bosses and 8 chest when I run through DZ01-02. :-/ I need help!
Heh, I'm equipped with all HEs and swapping out my Damascus for a shitty grey revolver that dropped off a civvie lowered my gear score to 150 so I can go into the lower DZ...
copy pasta since people might be too busy complaining to actually click the link.Ubi posted an update regarding the missing character issue.
Were some people able to log in after the 1.1 update and got locked out later? If so, prepare for a roll-back.
Some of you reported that their characters went missing after Update 1.1. Our team has identified and fixed the source of this issue to ensure that your characters could be correctly restored.
The issue was caused by a malfunctioning server that couldnt synchronize character data correctly and corrupted them instead. The game client was unable to read this corrupted data, and simply assumed that the character didnt exist. Once this has been identified, we were able to restore the server to its normal functions, thus ensuring that the issue will no longer occur for other players.
For those who experienced the issue: your character is not gone. We are currently working on a fix that should make it available shortly. Implementing this fix will require a server downtime, and we will let you know when we are ready to perform it.
Please note however that in order to make your character available, we will need to restore the latest uncorrupted save of your entire account, which happened during the server maintenance of April 12. In other words, your character will be back just as you left it on April 12 at 9am CEST | 3am EDT | 12am PDT. You will lose any progress made on this character or any other one from the same account between April 12 and the next maintenance.
We apologize for the inconvenience and want to thank you for your understanding and your help in identifying this issue.
The Division Team
I want to try Incursion but feel its not really worth doing. I'm 190 at the moment on gear score with all my high-ends and some purchased Striker gear.
Apparently you can just bank it in your stash. Problem solved.I'm pretty sure it looks at your inventory. Unless they didn't follow through on that. But nice try.
I want to try Incursion but feel its not really worth doing. I'm 190 at the moment on gear score with all my high-ends and some purchased Striker gear.
The sad thing is what they did to the game yesterday has put up roadblocks and hurdles for all of us to be able to have those types of experiences and showing off cool shit we crafted or found.
The game just isn't fun anymore outside of griefing people, but that's only fun for assholes like myself lol.
Nicer try. You can equip low gs stuff. Just put your high gs stuff in your stash. The game doesn't gear check beyond your backpack. 😁I'm pretty sure it looks at your inventory. Unless they didn't follow through on that. But nice try.
Nicer try. You can equip low gs stuff. Just put your high gs stuff in your stash. The game doesn't gear check beyond your backpack. 😁
Nicer try. You can equip low gs stuff. Just put your high gs stuff in your stash. The game doesn't gear check beyond your backpack. 😁
So basically what everyone expected it would happen (load a restore point) but at least the roll back isn't too bad but it still sucks for those affected by it.copy pasta since people might be too busy complaining to actually click the link.
I said the same thing but I'm not bothered by it since I'm perfectly fine sitting in the 160+ bracket.This is exactly what I said a week ago, how there was nothing to stop higher GS players from going into a lower bracket by equipping lower GS gear and swapping it out later.
Destiny can wait.I've decided I'm done with the game, but sometime this evening I'm going into the DZ and killing (or attempting to kill) every single person I see. I don't care if they are in a group of 8. I don't care if they have a 200 GS. I don't care if they don't have any gear. I'm shooting everyone.
Well played a couple of hours yesterday and a couple of hours today.
So far, I've really enjoyed it. Not done the Incursion yet as I'm waiting for some people on my friends list to be available.
I had a great laugh in The DZ solo the other day. Found a set of Gloves of the Nomad at a supply drop (it was pandemonium lol) only to get it taken by a rogue. Then I respawned, went back and killed a boss in the same area only to get another pair of the gloves. Went To DZ 4 killed all the dudes in the contaminated area, opened the chests and extracted from the roof of the nearby Evac zone.
Great fun.
I don't have an issue with some people not liking the changes or the patch or the game itself. Diff'rent Strokes and all.
I think some folk seem to go on a mission to convert people into their negativity, and that's what people are reacting to.