The game is outright unplayable for me now.
I can MM to the darkzone, and everything is fine.
I try to do the same for the dailies, and it's like i've turned into spectator mode!
I'm not seen by the NPCs, i can stand in their line of fire with no damage at all, i can empty the clip into a NPC from 1 meter and no damage or any reaction.
i can't deploy a skill, my grenades doesn't explode.
This happened for the second night today, since the 1.1 patch.
Does anyone have any idea what is happening ? is this a known issue ?
Pretty much echoing my thoughts as I woke up today and read DiscordThank god Dark Souls 3 is out since I'm so f***ing done with this game. Bad design decisions following one another, serious bugs/glitches and constant exploits that you have to be aware of because otherwise you'll just get rekt in the DZ (and DZ is the real endgame). The game just isn't fun anymore![]()
Didn't they fix the glitch were the APC stopped taking player damage? Or is this a different exploit?
I guess THIS is the final nail in the coffin.
People who used this exploit to gear to 214 - 240 are going to be running around in the DZ melting players who're trying to play normally.
If UBI doesn't do a roll back (which I'm sure they won't),
normal players will leave this game and all that will be left are exploiters.
I passed 200 hour mark long ago, their biggest flaw is not having balls.I should add that I do have more than 150 hours put into the game. So I'm not pissed because I wasted money or anything, I'm really pissed because this game could have been so much better. But they done f**ked it up...
Ahh yes, if only you could use an alt to host a session and have the timer go awaylol at this rate people are going to be over leveled for the next incursion
I think some people already have complete 240 sets
they should have put like a weekly lock or even daily
They fixed killing the APC with bullets, but sticky bomb still does damage.
lol at this rate people are going to be over leveled for the next incursion
I think some people already have complete 240 sets
they should have put like a weekly lock or even daily
There is a weekly lock on 240 gear, but as Tech points out even that can be glitched.
I passed 200 hour mark long ago, their biggest flaw is not having balls.
I said this during BK that if they don't crack down on this exploit everything going forward is FFA.
Now look.
Ahh yes, if only you could use an alt to host a session and have the timer go away
I'm in. firehawk1234.Anybody's doing incursion exploit and need 1? Im on ps4.
The leader needs to be someone who hasn't beaten the incursion yet, and everyone on the team gets the weekly many times as you can find a new player to be host.
Up for a hard incursion on PS4?
Legit or Glitch?
Legit preferred, but I can't host!
Gorelies on PSN.
Anyone else??
Well some dude called deadduck just got a FR oops.
looks like CM Incursion drops a 240, and a 214, I guess if you do it again within the week, the highest drop is 214
Gorelies on PSN.
Anyone else??
I added u. Gunawi.Gorelies on PSN.
Anyone else??
That is a major facepalm but hey you made it! Enjoy that Aug! Best all-around gun in the game, from what's currently available.Oh I am one stupid mofo
I spent the entire night grinding away at the dark zone to get to 75... and only near the end of it all do I remember to put on gear that gives me more XP for kills. *facepalm*
That extra 77% could have gotten me another couple of levels tonight. Ah well, at least it gives me a bit more hope to try and hit 75 before the supposed Friday reset.
That is a major facepalm but hey you made it! Enjoy that Aug! Best all-around gun in the game, from what's currently available.
Surprise... The Aug and M1A are both 75!Doesn't the Aug require level 90? No way I'll ever get to that by Friday evening
My goal is the M1A blueprint. I just hit 60 and only need another 15. Considering I went from 55 to 60 in one night, I think it's possible. Especially now that I have the added XP on my side, lol
BTW, does this exploit for the Incursion work if you go in solo? I'm curious so I'm trying it now
I guess THIS is the final nail in the coffin.
People who used this exploit to gear to 214 - 240 are going to be running around in the DZ melting players who're trying to play normally.
If UBI doesn't do a roll back (which I'm sure they won't),
normal players will leave this game and all that will be left are exploiters.
Wtf!!! I just blew 300k dz funds on two green set patterns and I could have just did this instead of farming for a month @_@
I just sat at the dz02 rooftop extraction zone behind cover and took out any agents that came up for an extraction. Did that for like 30 minutes last night. And got a lot of XP.
Surprise... The Aug and M1A are both 75!
And I misread your original comment...thought you meant you had to grinded all night and hit 75, not that you grinded all night to make as much progress as possible. :/
Difference being solo destiny was impressive, this is notJust wanted to note that it took exactly 1 hour to solo the hard mode incursion using the exploit.
Damn, this thing's more broken than any Destiny raid ever was!
Logged into destiny for the first time in months and was invited immediately to kill Oryx heroic and did so within the first twenty minutes of playing lol. Felt nice to play an end game activity that wasn't a bug-riddled disaster.Welp, after 2 hours our group reached the end of wave 15 and then wiped.
Fuck it, I'm out. See y'all when the DLC drops
Just wanted to note that it took exactly 1 hour to solo the hard mode incursion using the exploit.
Damn, this thing's more broken than any Destiny raid ever was!
But I definitely have been enjoying dipping into the <160 bracket to unleash absolute chaos lol. It's pretty much the only thing worth spending time doing now that I have the Aug from dz75.
They'll fix it for sure. Then another exploit will be found. And the cycle continues.Soon... soon...
Well, I am curious to see how quickly Massive is going to be able to patch this latest exploit. I suppose it could be as simple as ensuring nothing can damage the tanks armour except the C4.
Anyways, off to bed.