I just discovered that they patched out punching while doing emotes. No more change direction jumping jack dancing![]()
Are there any good guides/wikis for new players? I have a lot of experience with MMOs and with Borderlands, but not online shooters, if I just jump in will things make sense to me? And are all the complaints I'm seeing here mostly just endgame stuff?
I just discovered that they patched out punching while doing emotes. No more change direction jumping jack dancing![]()
Are there any good guides/wikis for new players? I have a lot of experience with MMOs and with Borderlands, but not online shooters, if I just jump in will things make sense to me? And are all the complaints I'm seeing here mostly just endgame stuff?
I think jumping in everything should make sense - a few tips:
Dont buy or craft anything until you hit end game
Dismantle weapons rather than sell them - between level 1-30 you will be getting new weapons every few levels so it's only at level 30 you start to get attached to stuff
Honestly everything upto level 30 is fantastic - the complaints are all end game related!
I'd recommend jumping in and levelling to 30. If you've got mates that play and are a similar level try the story missions on hard that's the most fun I've had on this game.
Vast majority of online chat about the game relates to the endgame now and it will be easier to comprehend all of it once you're level 30 I reckon.
Take down some rogues...but his partner manages to double revive while I unload a clip into the downed agent with incendiary and my special.
I can't take it.
invulnerability frames
214 random set (weekly reward)
191 random set (boss drop)
182 random HE (boss drop, most likely a mod)
Cosmetic cap or scarf
HE mats
240 random set (weekly reward)
214 random set (boss drop)
182 random HE (boss drop, most likely a mod)
204 Named HE - Warlord Assualt rifle (not guaranteed drop)
Cosmetic jacket
HE mats
214 random set (weekly reward)
191 random set (boss drop)
182 random HE (boss drop, most likely a mod)
Cosmetic cap or scarf
HE mats
240 random set (weekly reward)
214 random set (boss drop)
182 random HE (boss drop, most likely a mod)
204 Named HE - Warlord Assualt rifle (not guaranteed drop)
Cosmetic jacket
HE mats
I have no idea what's for sale now, but an SMG would be a priority. After that, at this point, I honestly don't know because of the crafting nerf and the introduction of gear set BPs. You want to have enough survivability to be able to grind Lexington comfortably though.What's the best thing to spend PxC on? I'm only a new 30 with 150 gear score. The only vendor I've seen that I can spend them at is the one in base - is that it?
Ahhh yeah. I got confused with the Valkyria. Heard it's poop too.
I think for PVE, the 3 Striker + 3 Sentry build is going to be the thing to aim for. The challenge will be trying to get 6 pieces to drop at 240, I guess.
Cool, thanksAs a long time WoW veteran I fully understand having endgame complaints but if the leveling experience is fun I'll definitely give it a shot.
Constantly being kicked from groups (for what I will assume is a "low" gear score) while trying to matchmake a CM mission is hampering my enjoyment of the game.
New thing is to kick players in MM with low gear scores.
What's low?
Whatever the group leader deems, essentially. Anything lower than their own score, no doubt.What's low?
That's not a bug. That's a feature hahah.So they arent aware of what a shit fest crafting is now....![]()
What's the best thing to spend PxC on? I'm only a new 30 with 150 gear score. The only vendor I've seen that I can spend them at is the one in base - is that it?
Does anyone have issues with in game voice comms on ps4? Especially in the dark zone?
I use a Sony Gold Wireless, my bro Horsticuffs uses a standard controller plug in headset.
Seems like when we go to the Dark zone, it starts working but then quickly the voice comms stop working, he can't hear me, I can't hear him. Frustrating.
We keep meaning to for a psn party chat to take the in game voice comms out of the equation, to narrow it down whether it is one of our headsets or the in game voice comms that is the issue, just keep forgetting.
Curious if anyone else has ran into this.
I just discovered that they patched out punching while doing emotes. No more change direction jumping jack dancing![]()
It's been buggy since the beta. Most people use PSN party chat instead.
Yeah. The real problem though is that when you start trying for 240 gear, you're not able to be choosy anymore. You can grind the 214 rolls though, at least.Nice! I'm thinking along similar lines, and really would like to have 3-4 pieces from each set for flexibility.
I've currently got 4 Striker + 1 Sentry, looking for a Sentry holster so that I can run 4 + 2 respectively. Most are 214, some 191, but part of the fun is hoping for that next great loot drop at a higher Gear Score ;-)
Yeah, they did.Did they add extraction spawns for the DZ6 extraction site?
Just had a bunch of purple LMB spawn right before the chopper came down. This is in the 0-160 bracket btw.
They need to revert all the shit in this patch. All of these loot exploits are completely fucking everyone who isn't high enough level to do this stuff over. We're going to be at a permanent disadvantage because high end players were able to exploit shit and it'll be fixed by the time others can catch up.
This is not good.
you don't need to be high level to cheese the APC
Honestly the games loot system got off to such a rocky start... They need to put everyone on a level playing field and start over.
I don't mean by deleting loot.
They need to figure out how to make loot better, less frustrating, and this time make sure you can't just grind and craft everything.
While they figure this out (and for the love of god do some QA testing) they should just make super saught after weapons and gear MUCH easier to acquire. Basically make it super easy to give everyone the best gear at the moment, putting people on a level playing field.
Then next update or patch or whatever, up the highest level of gear, and implement a better loot system
Good to have in the dz for explosive rounds one shotsSo this dropped for me earlier, any good?![]()
Only 163 GS has;
141% HS dmg
Ferocious 13% damage increase against elites and named
Deadly 25% crit damage
Destructive 17% armour destruction