Are you locking out any talents?
Try to stay on topic this is a serious thread. Respect it. And don't forget to subscribe add and follow before commenting and liking.
Does striker gear tank anyone else's dps? I can get over 200k without the gear, but only upto 144k with it
214 gear level btw.
I was handing out codes to my subscribers last night. You should've been watching bro
You probably lost out on all those nice talents and skills your HE armor had. My HE stuff has lots of crit dam+, crit chance+, elite dam+, armor dam+ while my the gear sets that drop at 214/240 have wonderful things like skill power +, pistol dam+, 2 attribute holsters. You lose all of the talent bonuses on armor and it feels like all the gear set armor have less slots for skills. I can't get a decent sentry armor to drop. The only thing of worth has been some tactician armor.
Wait what? I have my well over 100%, what is this bullshit?No update on scavenging. Assume it's still bugged to max at 99%.
That's absolutely it. I only have two pieces that have any damage perks and that's 2.5 pulse crit hit damage.
Wait what? I have my well over 100%, what is this bullshit?
Wait what? I have my well over 100%, what is this bullshit?
Mullah - we need to redeem ourselves after the beat down we got yesterday lol...but regardless of how bad that went, there's no way it could be as bad as sitting through batman....
The gear sets were poorly designed. They are only there to help you reach the imaginary GS numbers they set to lock you out of activities. The sets should have better bonuses and higher % numbers than the HEs, but I haven't seen it yet except for a 3 attribute 240 tactician holster that dropped for me. It had crit chance, crit damage and marksman damage. If it was a sentry or striker piece I would be so happy. Everything else has mostly been trash minus the gear that improved my bomb damage for cheesing. I haven't even tried crafting the 214 gear minus a few pieces because it seems so worthless.
I think my first 240 reward was a striker holster with only 2 attributes. Whoever was in charge of loot and thought 240 gear set holsters should only have 2 of the 3 attributes is just a dick. Yes, I cheesed the shit out of it while wearing a green bay packers cheesehead, but if you actually went through the process of beating CM and got that as your weekly reward I would be pissed. You can only get that reward once a week and it's absolutely worthless.
People on reddit believe(d) that when scavenging passes the 100/200/300 mark all it does is just reset back to zero as in 123% is 23%. People argue no one has any clue what scavenging actually works on. It's a crapshoot either way. Ve3tro has seen millions of M1As drop and all I see are shotguns everywhere. They need to explain how the stat actually works either way
I have fun doing the Incursion Cheese. Probably because my friends and I just talk about random shit the entire time.
Did all 3 parts of the survey someone posted, I just feel like this game/franchise has so much potential.
There's a lot I want improved, but one "minor" thing that really bugs me for some reason is character outfits, they're just so bad to me. The jackets are kinda cool but everything else (especially hats) is so underwhelming.
I know they can't really do this for the current game, but for Division 2 I hope they tie character aesthetics to gear, more akin to Diablo. The better the gear is, the more badass your guy looks. When you have all really good HE gear, it would be awesome to have futuristic soldier suits and shit, I'm such a sucker for that kind of thing.
Survey for the game.
Pay for more stash space lmao.
Well that was a long ass fucking survey, I hope they actually do something good with it.
No official statement but the theory is that over 100% it resets back to 0%
Eg. 125% is only 25%
Will wait on Massive clarification but holy shit, I was stacking up my scavenging since day one, respecing it, ffs. No wonder I have shitty drops.People on reddit believe(d) that when scavenging passes the 100/200/300 mark all it does is just reset back to zero as in 123% is 23%. People argue no one has any clue what scavenging actually works on. It's a crapshoot either way. Ve3tro has seen millions of M1As drop and all I see are shotguns everywhere. They need to explain how the stat actually works either way
I like that they're trying and I thought they were pretty thoughtful questions - not sure why it needs to be mocked here but whatever.
has this actually been proven? i thought it was just a reddit rumor
While I share your sentiment, I can also easily see why people react the way they do given the recent developments with the game.
Survey for the game.
Pay for more stash space lmao.
Lol that was brutal! Off today so hit me up when you're ready
@mullah - at office today, I'll be on this evening though
Doing the survey right now. Alot of these early questions should be able to be extracted from game data.
It wasn't a bad survey.
The section to give developers suggestions I basically advised to remove mobile cover immediately as it is ruining the game for those that play legit and that they need to remove or adjust all the unnecessary mod perks.
I haven't taken survey but perhaps they're checking player perception to extracted data?
Survey for the game.
Pay for more stash space lmao.
So I was extracting from DZ04, got the loot out of there, but one mob from the extract wave dropped some loot that I wanted to extract, so I figured I'd extract again seeing how I already killed the mobs that attack during extraction. So I call in the chopper again, semi afk, reading something online, suddenly my health drops.
Sneaky Rouge
So speaking of scavenging, do you have a default amount or something? Was going to try reducing mine below 100% and see if I notice a difference but I only see one piece of gear with the stat on it...
My knee pads have 93% and my overall is 108%, no other gear has scavenging on it.
Edit: yeah taking them off leaves me with what appears to be base 15% scavenging, unless I'm missing something it seems odd to have a stat like that start above 0%.
Some "meaningful" life lessons I have observed (some I participated in) in the DARK ZONE.
Annnnnd finally -
12. Get busy livin' or get busy dyin' (Bonus DZ XP for first person to name which movie this came from, try not to cheese answer)
8. Nice guys finish last
You get the extra 15% from a security upgrade IIRC.
goddamnit 8(
I hope to see both of you for some cheese this evening, I'll be on in about 2 hours.
Why are some teammates in the incursion so stupid, I said to the guys on wave 15, I'll go get the bomb and I'll run it up to the apc and then pop survivor and plant, you guys just survive in the pit.
So they start running behind me and proceed to all die and then I die and it's over!
Cmon, easy now -.Shawshank
All of a sudden he though, "I've made a huge mistake..." Abort and roll.
Hey man, the DZ ain't changin me!
I'd like to get on this if there's room - though I won't be on until a bit later, maybe 8ish Eastern
Does the Striker talent bonus affect everyone in the group like Sentry or just the agent using the gear?
So I was extracting from DZ04, got the loot out of there, but one mob from the extract wave dropped some loot that I wanted to extract, so I figured I'd extract again seeing how I already killed the mobs that attack during extraction. So I call in the chopper again, semi afk, reading something online, suddenly my health drops.
Sneaky Rouge
Just feel like venting: WarrenGate CM, first time I've ever seen the timer run down. One player was using a turret (extended range) and seeker bombs (multi-mod) and saying they work just fine if you stay super defensive...