Are you even playing the game? Killing a mission boss in hard or challenging difficulty always drops a piece of HE performance mod.
Are you even playing the game? Killing a mission boss in hard or challenging difficulty always drops a piece of HE performance mod.
SMH At this point we could log into the game and have 2 equal vertical panels at the opening UI screen:
Cheating / Not cheating
Cheating would be more populated
I've spent a couple days away from the game.
I just saw the weapon talent stacking and I have no words for it. Could someone explain to me the credit glitch and materials exploit?
You can do it by PM, if you want.
OK looks like talents on weapons can be stacked if you switch them around really fast.
Here's someone doing it on CM incursions.
How did he do it with a sniper rifle? Thought the APC was immune to bullets?
I noticed the Division subreddit mods are actively deleting all threads on bugs and saying to "report them in the official ubisoft forums or in our bug megathread." Pretty lame attempt at altering the narrative that this is a functional game at the moment.
Probably better now to up skill power with 2 bags that have Inventive talent. Get skill upto 1 million then pop off some sticky bombs on that APC.
Gonna do the one for credits, sick of wasting so much on re-rolls.
My god this game is so fuckedOK looks like talents on weapons can be stacked if you switch them around really fast.
Here's someone doing it on CM incursions.
Man idk if I have ever been so high on a game right after launch to so low as I am currently in such a short amount of time. Shit is ridiculous. They really fucked this game up. Honestly I wouldn't mind if they turned the servers off for a month and just tried to fix everything.
My god this game is so fucked
The AUG is a beast isn't it? How can this 163 AUG be so much better than my crafted 182 MP5 or Vector. This thing rocks. Now I kinda can't wait to try out the 182 version of it.
The AUG is a beast isn't it? How can this 163 AUG be so much better than my crafted 182 MP5 or Vector. This thing rocks. Now I kinda can't wait to try out the 182 version of it.
I love the AUG. I got it from a drop while running the Russian Consulate one day.
What AUG is that, crafted/bought or drop?
I stopped playing entirely a few days ago. I can't deal with the bullshit anymore. Maybe I'll come back, maybe I won't. I bought the season pass so I'll definitely be interested in checking out the content I paid for but if they can't figure this shit out what's the point?Right? When the little things popped up, I felt like the game lost some polish. I was fine with it. I like games that a show their rough edges sometimes as long as the core still holds up.
But these are spreading the core of the game, now. That the alpha and beta were nothing more than demos is kind of known about current gaming in general. But the sheer quantity of shit that passed QA is getting a little embarrassing. The sheer number of exploits that continue to exist after being exposed since before release is more than a little embarrassing.
By the way, I think I found out about the materials glitch through context clues from reddit posts that weren't deleted outright. Basically, you have to have a season pass. Go to the rewards vendor to claim the HE materials. Once there, throttle your internet (through a number of available programs or methods you can find, LAN on consoles if needed) and start mashing the button to take the material. You'll receive it client-side; the rewards will stay server-side.
The destiny avatar change 🔔My god this game is so fucked
Base dmg on Sticky is still stuck at 250k, and cooldown is also capped at like 20secs.
I always change it to whatever I'm playing the most at the present haha.The destiny avatar change 🔔
Also just chime in on the whole "the game broken" thing. I am a solo player. I have yet to run into any fuckery on the DZ but this may just be me being lucky, or because I'm super cautious since I am a solo player. Everything else such as the incursion exploits don't affect me since tbh, nobody ain't got time to matchmake for that. I realize that the best gear comes from there, but I don't feel like I'm chasing that at all.
My two big problems are the mats exchange and the goddamn people that boot you at the end of a challenging mission. That shit is getting old now, and I sometimes lose an entire hour helping people just to be booted as the loot drops. I am always the host on challenging missions now because of these trust issues I have with the randos matchmade community in general.
I stopped playing entirely a few days ago. I can't deal with the bullshit anymore. Maybe I'll come back, maybe I won't. I bought the season pass so I'll definitely be interested in checking out the content I paid for but if they can't figure this shit out what's the point?
You know what's fun again? Destiny. The division feels like I'm being punished for even logging in. It's not fun for me at all. :/
What platform you play on?
I haven't had anyone boot me at end and why would they?
Also just chime in on the whole "the game broken" thing. I am a solo player. I have yet to run into any fuckery on the DZ but this may just be me being lucky, or because I'm super cautious since I am a solo player. Everything else such as the incursion exploits don't affect me since tbh, nobody ain't got time to matchmake for that. I realize that the best gear comes from there, but I don't feel like I'm chasing that at all.
My two big problems are the mats exchange and the goddamn people that boot you at the end of a challenging mission. That shit is getting old now, and I sometimes lose an entire hour helping people just to be booted as the loot drops. I am always the host on challenging missions now because of these trust issues I have with the randos matchmade community in general.
@names the mat exchange and crafting is part of my "game is broken" outlook. They quite effectively fucked their game economy. The bugs and glitches and hacks just add fuel to the fire.
I used the rehab glitch but only because you kind of had to since everyone else was. The game's core mechanics are just all over the place right now. It's not worth the headache, for me.
We've been known to joke around at the expense of solo players before, but honestly if you are on X1 and need a crew to run DZ or CM, feel free to add us. My GT: DomsPlaying
Edit: Nvm, I see you're PS4. Still, there's some decent folks here that might help. Community may be dwindling a bit since last patch due to reasons outlined by Wes and others, but there will still be a base of players running dailies and DZ and helping friends gear up. Even if you don't want to exploit.
@names the mat exchange and crafting is part of my "game is broken" outlook. They quite effectively fucked their game economy. The bugs and glitches and hacks just add fuel to the fire.
I used the rehab glitch but only because you kind of had to since everyone else was. The game's core mechanics are just all over the place right now. It's not worth the headache, for me.
So apparently there's also a infinite crafting exploit?! This game needs a ffxiv style reborn thing.
I stalk this thread semi often but wow I didn't realize so many exploits we're going on right now. This game is a beautifully addictive mess right... Been grinding torwards dz 75 to get that vector BP but honestly wonder if it's even worth it anymore. I purposely stay geared to 160 max to avoid the crazy geared players who just glitched over and over for gear. Top end lower tier is much closer to the majority of players than the max geared high end dz.
Damn this is a mess. Would love to see what its like at Massive offices right now.
Just looking through some gear, I wonder if Perceptive talent also stacks between two pieces of gear.
" Your Item find and Credit find bonuses are increased by 25% "
I suppose it would but maybe there would be cap like 100%
still surprised the Incursion cheese is a week old already
and still going strong
lol that's me right there. If you're on PS4 we probably done ganked each other a few times. *tips hat*Been grinding torwards dz 75 to get that vector BP but honestly wonder if it's even worth it anymore. I purposely stay geared to 160 max to avoid the crazy geared players who just glitched over and over for gear.
I thought that got fixed? The mobile cover thing?
I haven't had anyone boot me at end and why would they?
I thought that got fixed? The mobile cover thing?
also it looks like xp can be cheesed using the talent exploit, instant DZ99 anyone?
There's one where you do it inside the tunnel and climb up to the stairway of heaven and go out of bounds.Weird I saw a guy try that today and he couldn't do it.
Where you go back up the ladders at the start and place the cover through the fence?
Weird I saw a guy try that today and he couldn't do it.
Where you go back up the ladders at the start and place the cover through the fence?
No on the contrary. If you can take down named lvl30s (or have a few keys to spare) you'll get decked in 163 gear in no time.So I'm guessing with all this talent business my sorry 102 gear score ass should stay far away from the Dark Zone tonight lol