It's not the same developers. Before Tony Hawk 1+2 there was Tony Hawk HD and Tony Hawk 5, neither were praised by the players. Let's hope they get the physics right once again and that it turns out great.
Realistically I guess we can hope that they simply build on top of what was already created for 1+2. The hardest part was recreating the physics and gameplay properly in unreal engine with 1+2, and that's done. Now they have to add some new features, tricks, levels, and career mode for thps4. Let's hope they can do that correctly and keeping what was good in 1+2...
Another thing I'm worried about is the online. It was absolutely trash in 1+2, but I actually expected it to be like this before it even released, because it just follows how online modes are made nowadays.
No lobby system, no custom room, no text chat, nothing. It felt incredibly dead, people couldn't chat, people couldn't even pick the map or game mode they wanted, it was just auto matchmaking and you had no choice. You couldn't even play alone while waiting for other players to join, it was stupid, you had to sit on the main menu and wait.
In comparison, this is Thug Pro, a mod for Tony Hawk's Underground 2, still fairly active on PC.
You select online mode, here you can view the list of currently hosted rooms, with what maps and modes people are playing, and who is in the room. You can also host your own room, with the map and game mode you want. It's as simple as that.
I don't get why online modes aren't made like this anymore, this was so much better than all the auto matchmaking we have nowadays.
In thps 1+2, if you want to play something specific, you just have to hope for this to come into the rotation...