The Innocent X said:
Smokey said:Still renting this from Gamefly this week. I plan to mainly play it in co-op mode anyway. I'll probably play it for a week before sending it back so I can get the amazing looking game known as Mercenaries 2.
eznark said:I respect farming out the review (if that is what they did) or giving it to a new-ish guy. Everyone else at 1up seemed pretty close to Dennis.
Linkzg said:He isn't really a new guy, but a returning guy. He was on 1up fm a few weeks ago.
The review did address one of my concerns I had after playing the demo, and that is the unimportant of the loot you collect. Just having a lot of loot isn't that interesting when you don't have valuable time to spend with that interesting look. I think Borderlands might have this same problem judging from the E3 walkthrough.
Eric WK said:![]()
Jtyettis said:While I think some of the names are pretty overboard the loot you collect is going to be far from unimportant if I can get my toon looking something like this;
Linkzg said:He isn't really a new guy, but a returning guy. He was on 1up fm a few weeks ago.
The review did address one of my concerns I had after playing the demo, and that is the unimportant of the loot you collect. Just having a lot of loot isn't that interesting when you don't have valuable time to spend with that interesting look. I think Borderlands might have this same problem judging from the E3 walkthrough.
Linkzg said:He isn't really a new guy, but a returning guy. He was on 1up fm a few weeks ago.
The review did address one of my concerns I had after playing the demo, and that is the unimportant of the loot you collect. Just having a lot of loot isn't that interesting when you don't have valuable time to spend with that interesting look. I think Borderlands might have this same problem judging from the E3 walkthrough.
The Innocent X said:
funkmastergeneral said:I think his point is you're constantly having loot thrown at you, rather then having to grind the same enemies all day for something, will make it less worthwhile to get. Rare awesome weapons are great but not if every weapon you get is rare and awesome
Hannar said:It bothers me a bit that the Soul Calibur 4, NCAA 09, and Geometry Wars 2 reviews were all longer than the Too Human review at 1Up. Surely there is more to talk about than what we were just given.
the hdroom review said:Too Human begins witha multi-minute cut-scene introducing Baldur in a bar where he witnesses a mechanical "Grendel" devour several patrons before escaping.
the 1up review said:the fact that you're always finding better equipment makes even crafted blueprint items seem ordinary.
ringlord said:This is a concern. You should get some great drops occasionally, so you're not always finding something better. What I mean is... every now and then I should find a great helm or something that lasts 5-10 levels instead of coming across a better one around the next corner. We'll see how it plays out.
The five available character classes (Berserker, Defender, Champion, Commando, and Bioengineer) initially offer some strategic gameplay differences because of their proficiency in certain skills -- the Berserker is better with melee weapons, while the Bioengineer has regenerative health. But beyond the first level, these differences become less substantial.
Attempting fancy aerial attacks exposes just how inadequate and unresponsive this control method is -- you repeatedly swing at nothing but air in midjump.
not trying to defend the game, but i remember watching many youtube videos of Altair falling into "pseudoabyss". so that quoted statement is kinda stupid, sometimes it does happen.sp0rsk said:So how much pressure was there to release this game Denis?
wayward archer said:Too much loot, don't really get that one, but if it's a problem to him then that's cool.
Righty10 said:Anyone know if Gamestops are getting this tomorrow or Wednesday?
Jinfash said:![]()
awesome raise the morale!
Righty10 said:Anyone know if Gamestops are getting this tomorrow or Wednesday?
_tetsuo_ said:too much loot is a negative? What?
what the hell? "subtle troll"? just because i found the combination of the post + avatar funny? and that this is how everyone should act like instead of getting disheartened? what is wrong with you, seriously.Jtyettis said:If you are going to subtle troll in here you might as well go to the other thread where you are having your song and dance anyways. Troll free thread best stay that way.
Jinfash said:what the hell? "subtle troll"? just because i found the combination of the post + avatar funny? and that this is how everyone should act like instead of getting disheartened? what is wrong with you, seriously.
!awesome raise the morale
Jinfash said:tbh i think it is :lol
EDIT: the clinging to random reviews has already started :lol
glaurung said:you get a constant barrage of high-powered items that differ very little in terms of their attributes - and even if they do differ greatly, you won't really care, because you also get blueprints that allow you to build even stronger items, that all look pretty much the same combination of gold and silver.
Add all this up with the sub-par inventory management system and slow menus... You get the idea.
dude i wasn't even trolling in the review thread, why would i troll here?Jtyettis said:!
:lol :lol
What in the world? Get serious. So funny.
Jtyettis said:!
Bu, bu, bu, bu, but random reviews.
funkmastergeneral said:The campaign should be a blast the first time through, though. Especially on co-op
Jinfash said:dude i wasn't even trolling in the review thread, why would i troll here?
plus what made me post that is reading U K Narayan's post in the review thread, then reading this post. the guy is staying positive, i liked that.
dude -_-" read my other post in the next page, and stop.
Jinfash said:dude -_-" read my other post in the next page, and stop.
Jinfash said:not trying to defend the game, but i remember watching many youtube videos of Altair falling into "pseudoabyss". so that quoted statement is kinda stupid, sometimes it does happen.
i used that word because this is the post i quoted.BenjaminBirdie said:While I'm not as sensitive myself, surely you can see how "clinging" could be interpreted as a negative connotation.
Jinfash said:i used that word because this is the post i quoted.
Jtyettis, u should stop reading every post with "trollish" tone in your head.
sp0rsk said:Isn't Assassin's Creed a textbook case of a game being rushed to the market?
Anyway, back to happyland.
Jinfash said:i used that word because this is the post i quoted.
border said:From what I gather, you can't play through co-op the first time through. You cannot select a co-op level without first completing it in the 1-player campaign (page 18 of the instruction manual). Not an awful design, but I'm not sure why they really did it -- just so they could force you to watch the cutscenes?
Jtyettis said:Right, I'm reading into things now. I see. I'm leaving this conversation at that.
Larsen B said:You realise Jinfash made the banner for this very thread, right?
border said:From what I gather, you can't play through co-op the first time through. You cannot select a co-op level without first completing it in the 1-player campaign (page 18 of the instruction manual). Not an awful design, but I'm not sure why they really did it -- just so they could force you to watch the cutscenes?
border said:1Up pulled a Gaming-Age with Too Human -- give it to some unknown reviewer, and have them hand it an unflattering C- so nobody known has to deal with the backlash. Kind of gutless, but if they felt like they needed someone more detached from the situation then perhaps it is understandable. Maybe it's a bigger insult is that they didn't think it was worth a look from a full-time reviewer.
Denis Dyack said:Incorrect and incorrect.
garath said:Can anyone confirm this? If this is true, the game immediately goes into the no-buy zone. I buy and play games like this exclusively for the co-op. I have more than enough quality single player games to keep me busy. What really stands out for me are quality (re: fun) co-op games.
But if I can't play this co-op without going through it single player, then forget it. Not even going to bother.
Denis Dyack said:Incorrect and incorrect.